Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Has Romney Lost His Marbles Entirely? Or Is He Just Trying To Prove He'll Say Anything If McCain Makes Him The Running Mate?


Willard: "She works hard for the money"

So Willard's in Denver trying to stir up trouble and get the corporate media to focus on him instead of the Convention. Yesterday he came up with a real doozy: he not only made the preposterous claim that McCain earned the dozen or so homes he owns, but that Obama didn't "earn" the house he and his family live in. Of course in the rarefied world of a vulture capitalist, English is never the kind of English ordinary folks speak, so who knows what Romney is talking about?
Speaking to reporters at a lunch sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor, Romney said that while McCain deserved his houses because of the "hard work" of himself and his family, "Barack Obama got a special deal from a convicted felon."

"I think it was a strange thing for Barack Obama to seize upon," Romney said. "If homes is going to be the topic of discussion that Barack Obama is going to end up on the short end of that one."

But Romney's attack stretches the truth. He was referring to Tony Rezko, a political fixer in Chicago and former Obama fund-raiser who was convicted by a federal jury earlier this year on corruption charges. It's true that Obama bought a piece of land from Rezko's wife to expand the yard of his $1.65 million Chicago home while Rezko was under federal investigation; Obama has since said the deal was a "bone-headed move," given the cloud that was already surrounding his former patron.

There is no evidence, however, that the Obamas got any "special deal" engineered by Rezko. Obama was able to buy the place thanks to two best-selling books and the six-figure salaries he and his wife were both earning.

The only felon involved in buying anyone anything here was McCain's mobster father-in-law, whose Mafia-connected businesses made him the millions of illicit dollars McCain married into. Those dollars bought him his first election; he's sleazy contacts (like Charlie Keating who admits he bribed McCain) and, of course, all the houses.

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At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"the preposterous claim that McCain earned the dozen or so homes he owns"

Hey, it probably takes a lot of effort to be married to that woman. I don't think I'd be able to hack it.

At 11:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Until last year, I worked for a company owned by Bain capital. The CEO is a Bain "boy" a Bain partner. They are running the company in the ground, and I swear it's intentional.
When I think of the line greed is good I see Romenys face....


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