Debbie Wasserman Schultz-- Corrupt, Bitter, Increasingly Alone And Filled With Venom

Kendrick remembers he's a Democrat and leaves DWS on her own with the Republican extremists
This morning DavidNYC at Swing State Project revisited Debbie Wasserman Schultz' determined campaign to undermine and sabotage the efforts of Miami-Dade Democrats to replace reactionary Republican extremist-- and Wasserman Schultz crony-- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, with one of the most outstanding Democratic challengers running in this election cycle, Annette Taddeo, someone the corrupt Wasserman Schultz fears could stand in her way when she seeks higher office.
When Wasserman Schultz, co-chair of the DCCC's less and less credible "Red to Blue" program, first announced her intention to work against the election of the 3 Democrats running against her right-wing buddies-- Ros-Lehtinen plus the Diaz-Balart Brothers-- in South Florida, she suckered and bribed a more respectable south Florida Democrat, Kendrick Meek, into her scheme. Since then, pressure from the Democratic Party and from the grassroots has forced Wasserman Schultz to distance herself from the unspeakable Diaz-Balarts-- she has now allowed their opponents, Joe Garcia and Raul Martinez, into the Red to Blue program and has even given token donations to their campaigns from her PAC-- and she has been abandoned in her indefensible position by Meek who has endorsed all three candidates and donated to each as well.
In leaving Wasserman Schultz to steam in her own bile, Meek throws in with former Florida Governor and Senator Bob Graham, who sent an e-mail to every Democrat in FL-18 telling them that he's "confident that Annette Taddeo represents exactly the kind of change that our country needs" and calling her "a tough, independent-minded Democrat who will fight for the American dream. She’ll also stand up for American values, like health care for children of working families." He pointed out that Wasserman Schultz' Republican candidate, Ros-Lehtinen "voted five times against expanding KidCare in Florida. That’s five votes that Ros-Lehtinen cast with President Bush-- and against expanding health care for children, even though Florida is last in the country for children with health care coverage, and there are 250,000 uninsured children in South Florida alone." One can only hope Wasserman Schultz got one of Gov. Graham's e-mails as well. If she hasn't, you can let her know what he and other Florida Democrats think by calling her office at 202-741-7154 or 202-225-7931 and telling her to come back to the Democratic Party-- or at least resign from the DCCC Red to Blue program.

Labels: Annette Taddeo, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Florida, Kendrick Meek, Red to Blue, Ros-Lehtinen
I didn't like her when she was slamming around for Clinton ...this just finished it for me.
She is and always have been a little traitor. I can't stand her and hopefully we can purge the party of her and the likes of her
Sad, I used to enjoy watching her and the 30-somethings night in the House before the 2006 election. She's really flushing her political future with this crap, though.
And don't forget her steadfast refusal to hold Bush/Cheney responsible for the crimes they have committed against our Constitution. As a member of the House Judiciary Committee, she could do the honorable thing as has Cong. Robert Wexler and others. She can speak out for holding impeachment hearings. But, no, all she thinks about is her future in Congress as teacher's pet of the equally treasonous Nancy Pelosi.
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