Thursday, June 19, 2008



Presidential candidate Gene Amondson (in the back)

...And even crazier than that McCain-like guy from Bananas. Our pals from Politics1 found him. For some reason he wasn't a candidate for the Republican nomination this year; he's running as the nominee of the Prohibition Party and he could take away another significant chuck of votes from McCain especially in... hmmm... Provo. Like many priests, Gene Amondson, has a serious problem with homosexuality. If you run into him on the campaign trail and he offers to give your young son some butter, I'd recommend calling the police at once.
Just when you think the Prohibition Party is only good for comic relief ... they go and prove you right. Prohibition Presidential nominee and pastor

Gene Amondson was a guest this week on The Weekly Filibuster political radio program in Maine and he offered rather, umm, unusual views on several topics. Here are his comments on what causes homosexuality and the sexual molestation of children: "I had a professor in college that said that the rising of homosexuality really came when our diets were changed, when they took out vitamin E, which was found in whole grains and real butter. You can change the diets of rats and remove vitamin E from them and rats can become homosexual. So, our diets need -- if you got kids, feed them whole grains, feed 'em real butter, none of this margarine -- [and] when I used to go home as a kid in college, I'd say to my folks, 'Pass the...pass the homo-margarin.' Well my dad didn't think that was funny -- but our diets need to be right and if we ... keep having drunk moms and dads...drunk dads molesting their children, that's where this homosexuality comes around a lot." Want to know what ruined morality, families and women? "Now see the Devil woke up and said 'How can I ruin America,' he says 'this is what I'll do, I'll go to the Catholic churches and the Protestant churches and I'll get all these women that used to do things like fight alcohol and I'll get them into Bible studies and they'll learn scripture, and scripture and they'll forget about fighting alcohol that hurts our children,'" explained Amondson. Yup ... everything went to hell in America when we started using margarine and women started reading the Bible for themselves instead on trusting their husbands to tell them what they needed to know.

Amondson prefers McCain over Obama because he feels McCain will make the kind of Supreme Court appointments he would and his first choice for a running mate was Newt Gingrich but he settled on Leroy Pletten. Amondson is younger than John McCain and he has a campaign ad:



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