
Courtesy of PhotoTunes
Most Republican senators don't think unemployment is a national problem. No really; they don't. Remember how excited we were last week when the House passed the unemployment benefits extension bill with a nice bipartisan veto-proof majority?
Bush said he would veto it and McConnell and McCain moved into action, through their deputy dog, Arizona's other far right senator, Jon Kyl, who led a filibuster maneuver since-- unlike the cowardly McCain and McConnell-- he won't have to face the voters in November.
The House-passed joblessness bill would extend unemployment insurance in all states by 13 weeks beyond the 26 weeks already authorized under law. States with high unemployment-- a total rate of at least 6 percent, or an insured unemployment rate of 4 percent or higher-- would get an additional 13 weeks.
Republicans in both chambers, as well as the White House, want any extension to focus only on states with high unemployment rates, arguing that the national rate of 5.5 percent is low by historical standards.
The only thing that is low by historical standards are the ethics of this Regime which lies about everything, including statistics. The Bushites have found ways to exclude millions of unemployed people from being counted as unemployed and their numbers are meaningless. Real unemployment is estimated at between 11 and 14%.
Every single Democratic Senator, even reactionaries like Ben Nelson, (NE) Mary Landrieu (LA) and Tim Johnson (SD) voted for the extended unemployment benefits. Aside from Olympia Snowe (ME) and Bob Corker (TN), the only Republicans crossing the aisle and voting with the Democrats were fake moderates deathly afraid of being defeated in November-- rubber stamps-at-5-year-stints Susan Collins, Norm Coleman and Gordon Smith. True to their rubber stamp nature were Republican extremists like Elizabeth Dole (NC), Roger Wicker (MS), Lamar Alexander (TN), Ted Stevens (AK), John Cornyn (TX), Lindsey Graham (SC), John Sununu (NH), Pat Roberts (KS) and, of course, the execrable James Inhofe (OK), sworn enemy of working families.

If you'd like to be part of the movement to trade in the worst of the Bush-era retreads-- and no one is worse than Inhofe-- for serious progressives who want to clean up the mess, there's no better investment than contributing to Andrew Rice's campaign. Andrew is the linchpin to a filibuster-proof Senate majority.
Labels: Andrew Rice, Inhofe, Oklahoma, rubber stamp Republicans, unemployment
What basically would prevent the afflicted Working Classes from, perhaps, embracing mutual self-help initiatives, in line with what (in theory) conservative articles of faith advocate?
Mitch McConman makes me ashamed of my Kentucky heritage.
It's all about the money, honey. The Repugnants get into office with absolutely ZERO intent of governing. The Democrats, by and large, are criminals too. The difference between them (Just one of, I don't know, a gazillion) is that the Democrats are much more COMPETENT criminals. Personally I expect my politicians to be criminals. But I also expect a degree of competence.
OT- Bart over at Bartcop told me to tell you "hey". Guess he saw the photo of us over at BruinDesign.com
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