Friday, April 11, 2008



California has a new congresswoman and she's off to a great start. Jackie Speier won a landslide special election victory Tuesday and is already in DC working. Right after being sworn in she took the floor for her maiden speech. Predictably, she spoke about Bush's war against Iraq-- flipping out many of her Republican colleagues who decided it would be a good time to remind everyone that they don't believe in evolution, mostly because they're side of the species never went through it. Several Republicans booed and hissed and generally acted like chimpanzees. Reportedly, the loudest boo-er was Darrell Issa, last in the news for denigrating the victims of 9/11. Apparently leading the booing was a way to get back into the good graces of his pitiful and shrinking caucus. If you'd like to watch the whole thing on video, it's here and it's interesting-- from swearing in to Pelosi asking the chimps to try behaving like gentlemen.

It is clear that, as today's San Francisco Chronicle points out, "she would not be afraid to make waves in Washington." Jackie, interviewed on the phone, told them that "The truth is, I think it was a minority of Republicans that were booing-- and they represent a minority of Americans who still support the war."



At 8:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No matter how unpopular or harmful this war becomes, the GOP will never vote to end it. They will stand stubbornly with McBush all the way until they lose their seats, and then they still won't get the message.

California has some of the worst Republicans in the entire caucus, what with John Doolittle, Duncan Hunter, Darrell Issa, and Gary Miller. God, what a list of apes I just read off! And there's still some I've left out, like Dana Rohrabacher and John Campbell.

At 8:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have high hopes for Jackie Speier.

She might turn out to be the Congress member that that worthless twat Pelosi could have been.

Time will tell.

At 9:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Picky to copy edit, but "they're side of the species" should be "Their side"

I think correcting people shows you care :)


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