Thursday, April 10, 2008

From the Department of Are You Sure You Didn't Have It Right the First Time?: So you mean Senator McCranky isn't "punitive"?

isn't "punitive"?'>isn't "punitive"?'>isn't "punitive"?'>isn't "punitive"?'>>isn't "punitive"?'>

At the end of the letters section of the new New York Review of Books (May 1) we find the following correction:

In the first paragraph of Elizabeth Drew's "Molehill Politics: [NYR, April 17], John McCain should have been described as "the Republicans' putative [not 'punitive'], and unexpected, nominee." Our apologies to Senator McCain.

Hmm, somehow I had no trouble reading McCranky as "punitive." And I don't imagine anyone would who's seen, or heard the legendary stories of, Mount McCranky blowing his lid. Just ask his fellow Arizona GOP-er Rep. Rick "Corruption Is My Middle Name" Renzi, who called the McCrankster old when he wouldn't stop calling Renzi "boy," or for that matter Mrs. McCranky, publicly described as a "trollop" and "cunt" when she teased him about his thinning hair.

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