
Afghan warlord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar-- If you thought Dana Rohrabacher was the only Republican congressman supporting the Taliban... think again
We don't get a lot of Republicans at DWT. You know when they're here though because they squeal like stuck pigs when we point out that Republican politicians are so obsessed with power, greed, selfishness and the narrowest imaginable partisanship that they commonly cross over into treason. Oh, how the Bushies and Rovians hate hearing that and oh, how they whine and fume! And deny. But even the craziest of far right extremist maniacs isn't denying today.
But how could she? A former Republican congressman, Mark Siljander, was indicted this morning as part of a terrorist fundraising ring that allegedly sent more than $130,000 to a dangerous al Qaeda and Taliban supporter and war lord, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. The Chicago-born Siljander was a crooked real estate broker from Michigan who was elected to Congress in a special election when David Stockman resigned in 1981. He was re-elected twice and then defeated in a Republican primary by current Congressman Fred Upton. At that point Reagan appointed Siljander to the U.S. delegation to the UN General Assembly. He moved to Virginia and ran for Congress in 1992 and was defeated by Jim Moran.
Currently he runs a DC consulting firm, Global Strategies, Inc, and has a talk show. He wrote a book scheduled for release in June, A Deadly Misunderstanding: A Congressman's Quest to Bridge the Muslim-Christian Divide. He's an evangelical nutcase who seems to have fallen in love with radical Islam of late. It isn't that far of a jump, in essence, from Jerry Falwell to Mullah Omar.
The Republican politician was paid $50,000 to "lobby" for what Republicans usually call Islamofascists. The money had been stolen from the U.S. Agency for International Development. Siljander is hardly the first Republican politician to have stolen money from the U.S. government during Bush's regime-- and that isn't why he was indicted today. He will be facing 46 counts on charges ranging from money laundering and conspiracy to obstruction of justice and lying to federal investigators.
One more thing, if you check the references for Siljander's shady company (linked above), you find some very unsavory characters, starting with ex-President George H.W. Bush, Ed Meese, Bob McFarlane, and current presidential hopeful and all around corrupt slimebag Duncan Hunter (R-CA) to an assortment of some of the worst congressional miscreants to ever darken the halls of Congress: James Inhofe (R-OK) and Frank Wolf (R-VA)-- as well as Lawrence Babbio, the president of Verizon who the Bush Regime and their congressional allies are trying to grant retroactive immunity for illegally spying on American citizens. Nice bunch! (One has to wonder if any of the Republican money sent to help the terrorists was responsible for this.)
Imagine if this had been Nancy Pelosi or Barack Obama. Do you think you would have seen anything else on TV in the last 48 hours?
Call me crazy, but I wonder if this is at all related to the Sibel Edmonds story/case??
Nice rant, but Tony Hall is not in prison and has never, ever been charged with anything close to a crime.
oops! I was mixing him up with someone else; thanks for the correction
You seem to think that just because someone is indicted means that he is guilty. That remains to be seen. If you so want to prevent facism, I suggest you stick to "innocent, until proven guilty".
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