One of my oldest Internet pals, Rackjite, another pre-blog fascist-fighter, has a great blog these days, Kick! Making Politics Fun. A couple days ago he wrote a piece that is... provocative and whose very subject has been one of the most taboo of any among bloggers. It reminded me of a time I was driving around Morocco in my van. My girlfriend and I (both from NY Jewish families) had picked up 2 less-lapsed NY Jewish hitchhikers. They started telling ethnic jokes. The first one or two were funny. Then it started getting uncomfortable and ugly. I told a Jewish joke, a pretty gentle one. They were so mortfied that they asked me to stop the car so they could get out. Some things have happy endings. Bush's Middle East policy probably won't-- not for anyone, least of all, I'm afraid, Jews. Yuval Duskin, the head of Israel's version of the FBI (the Shin Bet) recognized this early. Joe Lieberman, on the other hand is utterly clueless. I invited Rackjite to tell the story here at DWT:
Irving Kristol, Norman Podhretz, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Scooter Libby

John Bolton, Eliot Abrams, Robert Kagan, Michael Ledeen, William Kristol, Frank Gaffney Jr.
The above "Dirty Dozen" are listed as the top 12 Neocons in America. They are enabled by the secondary tier of Neocons: Senator Joe Leiberman, Charles Kruthhammer, John Podhretz, Ted Koppel, Kenneth Pollack, Daniel Pipes, Max Boot, David
Horowitz, Ron Silver, Jackie Mason and of course their token Christian so they can deny there is anything Jewish about it, the Weekly Standard executive editor Fred Barnes. They also cite old hardcore non Jewish conservatives as Neocons to also help them deny the Jewish connection: Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and Newt Gingrich for example.
"Neocons" believe that the United States should not be ashamed to use its unrivaled power-– forcefully if necessary-- to promote its values around the world. Some even speak of the need to cultivate a US empire. Neoconservatives believe modern threats facing the US can no longer be reliably contained and therefore must be prevented, sometimes through preemptive military action. Defined by the Christian Science Moniter
The more truthful version of that is Neocons are conservative Jewish journalists and politicians linked to the Right-wing Israeli Likkud who support United States corporate, political, cultural and military imperialism with the use of preemptive World War if necessary-- without ruling out preemptive nuclear strikes-– to rid themselves of the Muslim Menace. This is understandable, but it is also the worst example of foreign policy in American history.
After reading the article linked above I went to the the PNAC, the Project For the American Century which is the premier think tank of the Neo Conservative movement. There too I found that of the 11 names listed as project managers, 10 were Jewish.
Neocons differ from old school conservatives in that they are so consumed with bombing the crap out of people all over
the world that they have little inclination to bother with the social issues of guns, abortion, homos, religion and race. I suppose they could be considered the Vikings version of Rockefeller Republicans.
This article came into being about a month ago when I took notice that Ted Koppel was out and about promoting the Iraq
War, George W. Bush, the recent surge and adding his spin that we need to go at this war harder and to fight and die through at least the next two generations. I was surprised as I had always thought of Koppel as a moderate Republican. So on a whim I typed into Google "ted koppel jewish", and so much about this horrible war came to me in a flash. It so spurred my interest that when a story hit last week that a Fellow at the ill described “liberal” Brooking Institute returned from Iraq singing sweet songs of George’s surge, I Googled "kenneth pollack jewish" and guess what? To top that off his bio read that he was married to Andrea Koppel, Ted Koppel's daughter and a journalist for CNN. So here I am pounding on this keyboard no matter how politically incorrect this may be perceived.
Conservative Jews naming themselves "Neocons" came into the political process in the late sixties breaking with the then
Vietnam peace movement and the Democratic Party. They slowly grew until they let out a war cry in 1991 when President
George Herbert Bush, Secretary of State James Baker, Joint Chief of Colin Powell and Commanding General Strormin' Norman Schwarzkopf all agreed that marching into Baghdad was a really stupid idea. The Neocons went ballistic and the serious plans for the invasion of Iraq began.
In 1994, the so called father of neoconservatives, Irving Kristol-- with the help of Rupert Murdock-- founded the neocon magazine the Weekly Standard. With a giant gold spatula it was handed over to Irving's snot nosed little boy, William Kristol to help create as much hate, war, death and blood as possible throughout the Middle East indefinitely. For years they laid in wait for a President stupid enough for them to hoodwink into war, and in 2001 they ascended to take control of the foreign policy of the United States. On the bright side, five of the Dirty Dozen; Wolfowitz, Bolton, Perle, Feith and Libby have had their asses handed to them.
Labels: Iraq War, Iraq War support, Neocons
Excellent synopsis, thanks. Another story that has been stonewalled by the "press" is Gen. Wesley Clark's interview with Amy Goodman (available on YouTube). The former NATO Commander said he was shown a memo while visiting the Pentagon a week after 9/11 that listed 6 or 7 Muslim countries the Pentagon planned to invade.
I don't know which story is bigger--this testimony or the fact that our "press" never mentioned it.
My Jewish parents both were able to get out of Nazi Germany in the late 30s. They were luckier than some of our other relatives -- among millions of other people's relatives.
As a kid, I always assumed that, as a result of being the victims of demonization and genocide, Jews naturally took the side of other oppressed people. It was true of the liberal Jews in my family and my New York surroundings. The inevitable exceptions, the Jews who were predjudiced against black people, hispanic people, ANY people, were treated with disdain by most Jews I knew.
Well, I was living in a bubble.
Now, our insanely fucked-up and sociopathic government has all of these insanely fucked-up and sociopathic Jews in all these key positions in and out of the government. The same group are at the core of PNAC, which wished out loud for a Reichstag-fire type of shocking event that would "justify" the disasters we're in now. They got their Reichstag fire on 9/11 (and on darker days, I think they made it happen) -- and now we're all getting the imperialism and fascism that they wanted to follow it.
I should know better, but I'm still shocked that any of my people can be so insensitive to our own history, and so uncompassionate about the destruction they're helping to bring to the world, and to our freedom at home.
My un-"religious" grandfather summed up all religion this way: "Be a good person." It drives me nuts that these super-Jewish super-patriots (in their own minds) have strayed so far away from that simple idea. Shame on them -- and shame on all of us, Jews and others, for being the "good Germans" that we've become.
June 3, 1997. Statement of "Principals", gag me, From the New American Century.
See any war criminals you recognize?
Hey thanks for that Mr Tyranny. I was feeling like the lone ranger there for a few days. :)
BTW I put up a diary at KOS to see how that all worked. It had a poll option. I asked who is the most disgusting human? I listed about six and got a few hundred responses.
William Kristol WON!
He beat out Ted Nugent and Michael Savage! :)
Sadly, the hard-wired connection between the Likkud Party and the neocons here in the U.S. has received little attention in the media. Both have been very successful in promoting an expanding war in the Middle East, ironically much to the ultimate detriment of Israel itself.
"Cuts in foreign affairs and defense spending, inattention to the tools of statecraft, and inconstant leadership are making it increasingly difficult to sustain American influence around the world." Dear God....inconstant that neocon for 'elections'?
A very good piece.
There is another aspect, I think, in the equation. A lot of people talk about how neocons follow Leo Strauss because they studied with him at the University of Chicago. But it was a story embedded in an review of Leo Strauss and the Politics of Empire that it struck me that part of the neocon behavior is not ideological, it is purely self-serving. Necons realize that there is a huge amount of money to be made in advocating for "strong defense." Strauss' compatriot Wohlstetter had made a bloody fortune doing it. It was this craft that the neocon studied and perfected at U. Chicaco. It makes sense. There has to be a lot of money in shilling for a $600 billion per year industry. Why else do ads for fighter jets festoon the web pages of the Weekly Standard?
Thank you for this excellent post.
And if you tack on the Christian mega-churches and those in the stone cold Dark Ages waiting for the second coming now making Israel their new Best Friend, well, it just gets bone-chilling.
Merci, Tyranny!
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