
"Yo, Sneaky P, how many times did you vote against Cheney's Iraq dictates?"
Just an hour or two ago I was wondering when the rest of the "moderate" GOP incumbents and all the "independent voices" over in the Senate Republican caucus would join Lugar, Voinovich and Warner in starting to distance themselves from the Bush-Cheney Iraq occupation and escalation policies. One would think it would be especially difficult for ultimate rubber stamp Susan Collins because of her full body embrace of the Joe Lieberman Middle East agenda. But one only need remember that Holy Joe himself ran as a peace candidate after Ned Lamont beat him in the Democratic primary and it wasn't until 30
But it's not going to be easy for any of the faux-moderate GOP incumbents. Not one of the Republican faux-moderates who have to face the voters in 2008 has a leg to stand on in terms of easily accessible voting records when they have to make the case about how "independent" they've been. But they'll try. Even the most bloodthirsty, reactionary, war-mongering Democrat (Ben Nelson) has been 4 or 5 times more independent than any of the Republicans up for re-evaluation by the voters. There are no words that could better describe the voting records of Collins, Coleman, Hagel, Smith, Warner, or Sununu than "rubber stamp."
But of all the Republican rubber stamps up for re-election in 2008, only one-- New Mexico's Pete Domenici-- scores a zero on the Iraq voting record scale. A zero means he couldn't even pull away from Bush and Cheney on minor, non-substantive issues, like humanitarian aid or gentle suggestions to think carefully about policies. Nope, "Sneaky Pete" was absent for only one vote out of the 31 on Iraq and he was wrong every single time. He could have just given Cheney his proxy for the past 5 years and said, "Dick, I'm shopping for new pajamas; can you cast my vote for me?"
Today Heath Haussamen, one of New Mexico's top political pundits takes a look at Domenici's sudden and thoroughly unconvincing "change of heart." All of a sudden, with just over a year before his constituents have to decide if they want to rehire the senile and doddering old war-monger, Sneaky Pete says he supports a redeployment of American troops out of Iraq, something he has consistently opposed.

The GOP senator from New Mexico announced today that he has decided to cosponsor legislation that would call for the implementation of many of the Iraq Study Group recommendations. The move represents a major shift for Domenici, who up until now has supported President Bush in backing a controversial troop surge and opposing a timetable for withdrawal.
“I am calling for a new strategy that will move our troops out of combat operations,” Domenici said. “This should result in a significant reduction in combat missions for U.S. troops and place more of a burden where it belongs – on the Iraqis.”
The move is certain to upset Bush allies, but will also bolster Domenici’s re-election bid.
Domenici said he changed his mind over the course of the last two weeks as it became clear that the Iraqi government is not meeting benchmarks that were to accompany the American troop surge. In addition, he spoke recently with the parents of fallen soldiers who urged a policy shift.
Domenici said he continues to support American troops, and his shift doesn’t mean he believes they have failed. But, considering that American troops are suffering and dying, Domenici said he is “unwilling to continue our current strategy” when Iraqis fail “to even make modest progress.”
...Domenici said he is “not going to say” the war was a mistake, but said it “didn’t go the way it was planned.”
“It didn’t work in its current role,” he said, adding that it’s not too late to try to bring positive change out of the situation. He’s now trying to make that happen.
“I’m joining with a group of senators that have good ideas,” he said.
With Domenici at his lowest approval ratings in the history of the SUSA poll-- 51%, a figure that presaged defeat for every incumbent that low last year-- he expects New Mexico voters to forget all that has happened until now and buy into his new stance. The only real hope Domenici, who is also in trouble with some voters for conspiring with Rove to oust U.S. Attorney David Iglesias, has to retain his seat is if the Democrats don't field a strong candidate against him. And, so far, they haven't.
Speaker Pelosi asked a good question today after Sneaky Pete's statement: Will Senator Domenici and other Republicans vote for change of course in Iraq? Democratic leaders like Pelosi and Reid, seeking that change of course, haven't had much success in translating Republican rhetoric into much needed votes to stop Bush and Cheney.
Another senior Republican senator has broken with the failed Iraq policy of President Bush. Senator Domenici’s March 2008 timetable is consistent with the legislation Democrats have proposed as recently as June 29 to redeploy our troops and reflects the recommendations of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group. Yet President Bush and most of his party in the House and Senate remain firmly committed to a policy that has failed and a war without end.
Senator Warner’s benchmarks, Senator Lugar’s declaration, and the realization by Senators Domenici and Voinovich that a change is needed in Iraq demonstrate bipartisan support for an end to the war. Now the question is whether they will join in a bipartisan way in voting to change course in Iraq and to bring our troops home? For those in Congress who have yet to speak out, the question is: how long until you respect the wishes of the American people to end this war?
Labels: Iraq War, New Mexico, Pete Domenici
I wish David Iglesias would run against Pete as a Democrat. I'd love to see that debate.
Iglesias is an honorable man, it seems, while Domenici is a doddering old fool who needs to go.
Domenici may be reflecting the stance that the White House will eventually adopt as the ‘08 season approaches. A slow-mo withdrawal from advanced hazardous surge positions back to “enclaves” in a suburban zone near Baghdad and other urban centers. A little like Vietnam, but here the unrest is genuinely between ethnic & religious & AQ.
BTW, AQ is now admitting it is taking a licking, but the MSM has no truck with good news during this war & that AQ self-assessment is not being disseminated. Honest reporters like John Burns at the NYT are being ignored and young TV suck-ups know that bad news is what their editorial bosses want to hear—so it remains the explosion of the day. The Tet syndrome repeats itself. Some Repubs will bow to the prevailing winds & the stupidly conducted expedition to Iraq will slowly retreat.
Like the Euroweenie left, the Dems exult in non-performance & national self-abasement.
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