
I just subjected myself to a few minutes of a radio conversation between hate talk radio loon Laura Ingraham and religionist charlatan and highway robber Jimmy Dobson, two self-satisfied hypocrites celebrating their foul and reactionary vision for America. And they couch it all in the moral superiority the religionists and the Nazis always use to establish themselves as somehow superior to everyone else. No one mentioned Tom DeLay, "Duke" Cunningham, Bob Ney, John Doolittle, Mark Foley or the other paragons of GOP virtue who have led their contemptible movement. Not a word about Alberto Gonzales, Patrick McHenry, Paul Wolfowitz, or Dobson's pal and fellow fake-"Reverend" Larry Haggard. And no one mentioned today's Republican Elected Official of the Day, Ted Klaudt, 49 year old former South Dakota state representative and, like Ingraham and Dobson, right-wing hate-monger.
Like so many tightly wound repressed and mentally ill Republicans, Klaudt was preaching the moral superiority of the far right while he was abusing molesting children-- his own foster daughters and 2 state legislative pages! He "faces a long list of charges: eight counts of rape, two counts of sexual exploitation of a minor, two counts of witness tampering, sexual contact with a person under 16, and stalking."
Court documents mention five possible victims. Three were foster children between the ages of 15 and 19 who lived with Klaudt's family. One is a cousin of one of those girls, and the fifth is a friend of Klaudt's daughter.
In the most disturbing accusation, the girls say Klaudt had them convinced they could earn up to $20,000 by donating their eggs to a fertility clinic. And even though he has no medical training, the girls say Klaudt did all the supposed "exams" and "procedures" himself.
Klaudt fancied himself a radical right Republican (and an evangelical) and in 2005 was a leader against the formation of the South Dakota Mainstream Coalition, meant to turn Republicans back towards mainstream conservatism.

He was arrested Friday and was in handcuffs and chains during his court appearance in Pierre. He refused to comment on the charges and was represented by another lunatic wingnut, South Dakota House Speaker Thomas Deadrick, R-Platte, a close friend. A written affidavit filed in court said Klaudt initially denied that he performed any "tests" on the girls, but he later changed his story after investigators confronted him with some e-mails he sent to them. Then he admitted that "maybe I did some things I shouldn't have." Maybe.
Klaudt was term-limited out of the legislature last year and ran for Senate and was defeated because of his radical right-wing record by Democrat Ryan Maher.
Labels: Republican hypocrisy, South Dakota, Ted Klaudt
par for the course, & o'reilly won't touch this. he'll just keep sending his henchmen after democratic lawmakers & keep giving a free pass to anyone w/ an r next to their name. this is a disgusting & awful tragedy. ne'er let him see the light of daie agin, mr klaudt.
Just these words to the people of South Dakota: Hang Klaudt. And I kid you not!
Ya can't make this stuff up!
this is what christianism will do to ya, folks.
take note, and keep your kids away from church ladies.
What the hell is he wearing, an eating muu-muu?
His good looks will get him off, you watch.
Bloated dirtbag...
Chubby chasers in orange jumpsuits, take heart! Fresh meat is on the way!
Make sure Klaudt knows you are using a 'special device' to fertilize the quail eggs nesting in his ample caboose . . .
C'mon, this guy has perv written all over him! Can you imagine anyone voting for this fella'?
I am a prison officer. This man will need to be placed in complete isolation or he will feel like he has been F#$%ed by the NYGiants. As a prison officer, I can tell you that he won't be placed in isolation until after he has a chance to experience general population.
And no he won't squeal. He'll be gagged.
What a punim!
I can sort of see this guy turning this temporary adversity into a presidential run. After all, you can do anything if you turn back to Jesus. ('You know, Bill, my heart is full of sorrow, but I've asked the lord to forgive me.'/'The American people have moved on from this, why can't the liberals?')
Intriguingly, due to the amount of food waste that has traversed his colon, he may be well placed to absorb a considerable ass occupation.
Isn't it "Ted" Haggard?
If this guy had been a Democrat, it would be 24/7 coverage on Faux.
This guy is innocent. You will see. He will get out of this and justice will be served, Republican or not.
$$$ For Pedophiles: Ted Klaudt and his accomplice-wife recieved government payments of nearly $160,000 in four years for molesting children. Two-thirds of that comes from the feds so it's your nickel, too. Nice little home-based business for pedophiles. Government not only provides payments but the victims as well.
Ted is a sick man! What I want to know is how he was shackled!! His ankles are huge!! They must have had to use some log chain and a coupple of paddlocks to tie him up!! Cuz if you were close enough to see this man's ankles, you would have almost puked as I almost did everytime!!
I get a charge out of all you "experts", oh's "sexperts". You all have answers, but nothing that's worth anything. Don't use religion as a reason to chastise this guy. If all you critics knew what Christianity really means, you'd you'd leave it out of your comments about such a slob as Ted Klaudt. A real Christian wouldn't do the things he did.
I agree...Christians aren't perfect, but they don't do the things Klaudt has done.
Good ole Teddy will get his examinations at the ole government "bed n' breakfast" by guys named Buddy and Buford.
Guys like Ted Klaudt don't last long in prison...that's a good thing. God has the last word!!!
I had to testify in this trial and i hope he gets every year of his sentence on Friday January 4. (100 years)
Ted Klaudt doesn't darken the door of a church he wouldn't fit in a per unless that is one they had to nail a board or two under. He comes to church for baptism, marriage and burial. \
He was the biggest Yutz in HS you ever dreamed of seeing. Connie is a joke in a half too. I'd teach my own kids or take them to a different school she sure as heck wouldn't make them as stupid as she is. At least her mouth is shut about EVERYONE else along with Mama----she dodged town quickly.
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