Wednesday, April 04, 2007



According to today's Hill, HBO promises to make a "fair" movie about the 2000 Florida recount. They make a big point about how the director (Sydney Pollack), writer and executive producer have contributed to Democrats (although mostly conservative, Establishment Democrats like Emanuel and, worse, Harold Ford). Having worked at TimeWarner for many years as the president of a division there, it is completely unimaginable to me that HBO can make a fair movie about the subject, not because someone has donated a few dollars to Democrats, but because the inherently conservative point of view of the organization will absolutely prevent them from even exploring the possibility that the Bush Crime Family flat out conspired to steal the election. They will not examine that aspect-- the only essential aspect.

The film will seek to chronicle the weeks after the 2000 election that pitted  Bush against Al Gore, "and goes behind the scenes of the recounts in Florida to explore the human drama of ordinary people [-- the GOP staffers who were flown into Florida to disrupt the recount with a riot?--] caught in an extraordinary event that would decide the leadership of the country." HBO Films president Colin Callender claims "It doesn't take sides. It's a fascinating look at democracy where the rubber meets the road-- a look at the election process like we have never seen it before." I wonder if they're planning on handing out promotional barf bags.

"Recount" will premiere next year.  Daniel Strong, the film's writer ("Gilmore Girls"), says he did detailed research and conducted numerous interviews with the people involved.  I'm sure Jeb Bush and James Baker explained the dynamics of stealing a presidential election to him. Republicans are already bitching not just about the contributions some of the key execs on the project have made to Democrats (and to McCain) but that no one interviewed the batty Florida Secretary of State/Bush campaign chairperson, Katherine Harris.

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At 11:47 AM, Blogger Snowman39 said...

They actually do a pretty good job showing how al Gore tried to steal the election from GWB and the american people to further his own ambitions. I thought the run line that was dead on mark was the comment in the meeting with James Baker

"It never ceases to amaze me to what means democrats will lie and cheat to steal an election"

The one weak aspect here is the soft-peddling of the military ballot issue. Where the DEMS, in their lust for power, actually sunk so low as to try to kick out military ballots while chanting "count every vote" out of the other side of their mouth. But they are democrats, wht be suprised....

If they wanted to really give a true and factual account, in the closing shots when they are showing all of the boxed up ballots, they would have included the fact that a year after the election, the major news services paid independent accounting firms to recount all the ballots using both standards debated. In both cases, BUSH won AGAIN. But of course, this is a fact the DEMS unfortunately do not like to admit happened...

I refer to it as "An Inconvenient Truth" ;-)

At 11:53 AM, Blogger Snowman39 said...

They actually do a pretty good job showing how al Gore tried to steal the election from GWB and the american people to further his own ambitions. I thought the run line that was dead on mark was the comment in the meeting with James Baker

"It never ceases to amaze me to what means democrats will lie and cheat to steal an election"

The one weak aspect here is the soft-peddling of the military ballot issue. Where the DEMS, in their lust for power, actually sunk so low as to try to kick out military ballots while chanting "count every vote" out of the other side of their mouth. But they are democrats, wht be suprised....

If they wanted to really give a true and factual account, in the closing shots when they are showing all of the boxed up ballots, they would have included the fact that a year after the election, the major news services paid independent accounting firms to recount all the ballots using both standards debated. In both cases, BUSH won AGAIN. But of course, this is a fact the DEMS unfortunately do not like to admit happened...

I refer to it as "An Inconvenient Truth" ;-)


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