Sunday, January 28, 2007



Joe Lieberman is determined to be the face of U.S. escalation in Iraq (and Iran). I hope the voters of Connecticut are proud. And there are no provisions for recall. Remember back during the election how he begged voters not to be single issue voters? Now he's one. Back home at Fox, Lieberman told the propaganda reader there "I'm open to supporting a Democrat, Republican, or even an Independent if there's a strong one... You make a decision based on a whole range of issues. But obviously, the positions that some candidates have taken in Iraq troubles me. Obviously, I will be looking at what positions they take in the larger war against Islamist terrorism." Obviously.

And although Sam Brownback marched with the fanatic anti-choice religionists at their rally in DC a couple weeks ago, the far right is abandoning-- and that certainly includes Lieberman-- because he refuses to back the Bush/McCain escalation in Iraq. When Lieberman parroted out his Karl Rove talking point about how democratic opposition to expanding the war "will discourage our troops... and encourage the enemy," Brownback (who is supporting the least binding, most symbolic anti-escalation bill-- Warner's-- which is even sillier than Biden's) slapped Lieberman right down: "I don't see this enemy as needing any more emboldening or getting it from any resolution. They're emboldened now."

Even as pathetic a Beltway Bubble shill as Biden has finally had his fill of Lieberman's and Mitch "My Bitch" McConnell's roles as chief propagandists for the Bush Regime. "It's not the American people or the U.S. Congress who are emboldening the enemy. It's the failed policy of this president-- going to war without a strategy, going to war prematurely."


At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How on Earth would LIEberman know what demoralizes a soldier? Like his chickenhawk wet dream, he did everything he knew how to do to make sure he'd never see a war zone. Next, Chimpy and Holy Joe will be telling us what it's like to be pregnant.

At 12:34 PM, Blogger DownWithTyranny said...

It's ironic how LIEberman is using the same sentences he once derided when he was in college opposing the War against Vietnam to defend the war against Iraq.

At 1:35 PM, Blogger Jimmy the Saint said...

Who cattle-prodded Biden out of his stupor?

At 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howie you WERE righter about Liebermann. I thought you were taring him with the same brush you used on Murtha at the time.

SHOCKING. I have always said you get the president you deserve and I had never understood the non-dark side of why we didn't deserve Al Gore? But I think Liebermann was not to be Vice President in retrospect. Merde'!

Jollyroger. No shit. How can these sissyhawks look themselves in the mirror? Here's hoping there IS a HELL and it is for Sissyhawks and people that didn't pick up their dogshit.


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