
Maybe it's just a coincidence but Glenn Beck has a readymade theme song that everyone in America knows and everyone who has seen even 10 minutes of his act, knows was just made for him. He's a stain on what's left of the reputation of CNN.
Today the "Style" section of the Washington Post has a publicity feature on television's stupidest-- yes, it's close, but he is dumber than Hannity-- hate talk imbecile. (How do I know? When he went searching for a religion after years of drunken, drug-induced stupor he found just the right fit: Mormonism.) The hook: he's honest about the fact he's a self-loathing alcoholic and that he suffers from attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. "While most sermonizing conservatives wait for a public debacle to expose their failings-- think of William Bennett and his slot-machine addiction, or Rush Limbaugh and his pill problem-- Beck and his many inner demons are on a first-name basis, and he's constantly introducing them to viewers. His alcoholism is just part of it." Fact of the matter is, every time Beck opens his mouth his failings are exposed. His essential being is failure. CNN is simply trying to exploit the ridiculousness of the "C-list pundit" to make a few dollars.
The Post points to Beck's moronic-- and now notorious-- assertion that Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) needed to prove to him that he isn't "working with our enemies," as his worst moment. They must have a short memory-- or a lame research staff. He did manage to get some attention-- which, of course, is what he was looking for-- from Jon Stewart ("Finally, a guy who says what people who aren't thinking are thinking") and from a newsweekly in Buffalo called The Beast ("Even the leather-winged shouting heads at Fox News look like intellectual giants next to this bleating, benighted Cassandra. It's like someone found a manic, doom-prophesying hobo in a sandwich board, shaved him, shot him full of Zoloft and gave him a show.")
Beck revels in the attention, like a spoiled child throwing serial tantrums, an analogy that describes almost all far right hate talk hosts. And when no one is paying attention and exposing his lack of talent/lack of intellect/lack of a good writing staff... he does it himself, telling his audience-- people who don't own channel changers?-- that he's an uneducated "rodeo clown, a "despicable human being," a recovering drug addict... "By the time I was in my mid-20s, I was making $300,000. C'mon, scumbag alcoholic with money and modicum of fame?" And the Good Morning America, CNN and the Post are inflicting this on us because...
Maybe an attention-deficit host is exactly what an attention-deficit public wants. Listen to a few of Beck's shows and what strikes you most is the enormous ratio of words to substance-- how Beck can monologue for minutes at a time and leave behind almost nothing except the impression of great vehemence... [Take his] interview with conservative pundit Dinesh D'Souza, who has come to discuss his new book, The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11. "Dinesh, I have to tell you, I'm disappointed in this book," he says, by way of an opener. Then, casually, Beck makes a rather startling admission: He hasn't read D'Souza's book.
The Style section... well, at least it's not on the front page.
The General did a cool pic of Beck he just sent:

Labels: Glenn Beck, media
"The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11. "Dinesh, I have to tell you, I'm disappointed in this book," he says, by way of an opener. Then, casually, Beck makes a rather startling admission: He hasn't read D'Souza's book."
Nothing startling about that, what is startling, however, is the fact that they keep promoting right wing foaming at the mouth fanatics as "mainstream".
We are a sick, sick country but not in the way these right wing fanatics think.
The talking morons on Fox (Hannity, Gibson, that Doocy guy) make a lame attempt to cover up their lack of intelligence, almost engaging in a Ted Baxter-like pompousness and arrogance. The thing with Beck is that he seems quite proud of the fact that he is a simpleton, a very dimly-lit bulb. Yes, I know in red-state world this gives him enormous street cred, but I don't understand why TPTB at CNN think this will boost their ratings.xc
C'mon, "Anonymous", he's no more mean to or anti-ADHD than anti-alchoholic. Or anti-hobo. Get over yourself already.
Lighten up, anon. In no way did the author slag people with ADHD.
Is that Glenn Beck? It looks like Clancy Brown as evil Brother Justin in Carnívalie.
D'oh! That's Carnívale.
I did't detect any ADHD slagging, but I did detect from Anonymous a typically rightie attempt to change the subject. anyway, Beck is there because a few years back Walter Isaacson wanted to change CNN to tap into the FOX demographic. he said so very plainly in the aftermath of 911.
Dylsexics Untie!
Oh no... Beck is Mormon? Well, it sounds like he isn't listening much in Sunday School. At least we still have Harry Reid.
I went to high school with Glenn Beck, and he was just as much of an idiot then as he is now. Of course he hasn't read D'Souza's book. He hasn't read anything. He is an empty-minded demagogue whose fondest wish is to receive attention. If we could figure out how to cut off his supply, we, democracy, and civilization would be much better off.
••••• In no way -- no how does Glenn ('Don't Bogart That Crack-Pipe and Shooter') Beck, this dolt of a diarrheic skid mark on society look or resemble that fine American character actor, Mr. Clancy Brown.
I have in fact, once met, Mr. Brown and he was a cordial, smart human being. Very well-read ... very thoughtful. In short a nice guy.
However ... Glenn Beck and his ilk of NeoCon Hate Machine Units (Limbaugh. Hannity, Weiner -- I mean 'Savage' -- as 'The Weiner Nation' makes him sound like he is a whining weener -- Coulter, Ingrahm, etc. ) is akin to something awful in scent and worse to look at that one accidently steps on upon the sidewalk of life and then finds a sharp edge near a gutter to scrape it away.
In short -- boycott Beck and his ilk and let his advertisers know LOUDLY you will NOT use their stores or products as long as they sponsor Glenn Beck and / or ANY of the NeoCon Hate Machine.
So there.
Is that picture REALLY Glenn Beck? (I have no idea what he looks like.) Is he FAT, or is his face bloated from alcoholism?
his name sounds german. can he prove he is not a Nazi? By his logic.....
What are we going to do about this? It seems pretty clear that the loudest and most vicious of these talking heads are acting out their personal pathologies, and no small number of politicians are doing the same. America has a collective character disorder, but who has the power and standing to intervene?
You people are unbelievable. I have never read a more vitriolic hatefilled bunch of posts in my life. You rail against these "hate speech" conversative by calling them stupid, fat, alcoholic, moronic, white trash. Can't you see the hypocrisy in that. Inevitsably when a left leaning blogger comments about a conservative talk show host you first call them names, then write how stupid they are and then finish the post by calling them more names. Not once do any of you counter their ideas. That is because most you do not know what their ideas are because you have never seen an episode of their shows. Truly sad. You consider yourself open minded and elightned. Look at your posts from an outsiders point of view. Your posts are the exact opposite of what you espouse
In all fairness, you’d have to say the right does the exact same thing you speak of; only you hear it much more often because the right dominates talk radio. I suggest you look at the vitriolic hate filled statements Glenn Beck (and just about every other right-wing talk radio host have made), then you will see he has made the same characterization attacks (stupid, fat, moronic, white trash) you mention, only many more. Just yesterday he called Hilary Clinton schizophrenic - real classy. As with most recovering alcoholics, drug addicts, and born again people, they become highly judgmental in their assessment of others and invariably start preaching. What most GB loyalists don’t see is that he has become what he hates. He despises radical extremists and that is what he is – a radical extremists who stands on his pedestal with his smug attitude, and passes judgments left and right on every topic under the sun. While a lot of what he does is for entertainment purposes, and his show necessitates that, you can’t escape the fact he is an extremists. You speak of hypocrisy; if you had an open mind you would see how hypocritical Glenn really is.
I love it... "Beck is a hypocritical, lying, hate-mongering, alcoholic, empty-headed, insulting demagogue who should die!"
Uh guys, free speech? Anyone? There are plenty of people I disagree with, but I draw the line at shutting them up permanently.
Seriously, it's incredibly hypocritical to call Beck hate-filled when you make comments like these. Responding with, "Well, HE'S a hypocrite!" is not a valid response.
Show a little tolerance for those with opposing viewpoints.
It's impossible to make a promo image of him where he doesn't look either ridiculous or like your creepy uncle at Thanksgiving.
At 8:40 PM, Anonymous said...
"You people are unbelievable. I have never read a more vitriolic hate-filled bunch of posts in my life. You rail against these "hate speech" Conservative by calling them stupid, fat, alcoholic, moronic, white trash. Can't you see the hypocrisy in that. Inevitably when a left leaning blogger comments about a conservative talk show host you first call them names, then write how stupid they are and then finish the post by calling them more names. Not once do any of you counter their ideas. That is because most you do not know what their ideas are because you have never seen an episode of their shows. Truly sad. You consider yourself open minded and enlightened. Look at your posts from an outsiders point of view. Your posts are the exact opposite of what you espouse."
Well [ANON-8:40PM] you must be a typical CR (Conservative Republican). By that I mean that you do not see the big picture or able to psychologically dissect a complex issue such as these various posts about the highly intellectually dysfunctional Glen Beck - et al.
A recent psychological study at Harvard has verified that this is usually true of CR's but not true of LDs (Liberal Democrats). They seem to be able to look into a new complex issue with much in-depth discernment.
The anecdotal assessment of Glen, by these arguably adroit posters, seems to be RIGHT ON THE MONEY - IMHO! Your superficial invective response about their alleged "hate-speech" and "vitriolic hate-filled bunch of posts" is a bit disingenuous. It was also full of CR psyops buzz-words too.
I say this because these people (obvious LD's) have seen ALL (or most) of Glen's programs. They have watched/listened to the CR pundits like Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Rielly, etc. They are all like an awful train-wreck! You just can't turn away as your bound to see another foot fly off into someone's mouth at the accident scene!
They are not just hurling meaningless invectives at these psyops pundits. They are giving well thought out opinions on their character based on what they've said in the "Liberal Media" (Liberal Media - yeah Right!).
Come on Al Franken said Rush was a "big fat idiot"! How was he wrong about that? Yes the morally bankrupt cretin went out and lost weight just to spite Mr. Franken.
Uhhhh... how about just change your mendacious behavior, sever your paid Necon ties, and become a REAL journalist like Dan Rather or Bill Moyers? Naaah... that would be too much work to actually report the TRUTH and not political science psyops (psychological operations) propaganda for the Bush Administration... (Hmmm... didn't somebody in Germany try this in the 1930's???)
No I'm NOT a L nor a D! Surprise surprise Gomer!
At 1:15 PM, Brandon said...
"I love it... "Beck is a hypocritical, lying, hate-mongering, alcoholic, empty-headed, insulting demagogue who should die!"
Uh guys, free speech? Anyone? There are plenty of people I disagree with, but I draw the line at shutting them up permanently.
Seriously, it's incredibly hypocritical to call Beck hate-filled when you make comments like these. Responding with, "Well, HE'S a hypocrite!" is not a valid response.
Show a little tolerance for those with opposing viewpoints."
Errmmm... Brandon were you not paying attention (tall order for CR's I guess) when a poster up there said that Glen felt that Congressman Ellison needed to PROVE that he was not working with the enemy?
Uhhhh... what was that based on Brandon? Because Rep. Ellison's telephone/Internet "chatter" was picked up by the NSA? No? Hmmm... oh ONLY because he is a Muslim and took his oath of office on POTUS Jefferson's Koran?
Uhhhh... since when are MUSLIMS the enemy? Al'Qaida is not even Muslim. They are criminal extremists who espouse apostate Muslim views. Our enemies are not organized religion. Its suppose to be global terrorism.
But for some reason we seem focused on Muslims? Why? Don't Catholics terrorize boys? Don't Protestants blow up Federal Buildings, Abortion Clinics, and Olympics?
No Glen is a quintessential "hater" and Ted Turner needs remove him from CNN and replace his spot with a responsible journalist like Robin Meade, Wolf Blitzer, or somebody who's NOT being paid by the Bush Admin. to spread the Neocon Admin's Zany Idealistic propaganda!
Here's a new up to date image of Glen in front of a microphone.
He just got word from his Necon handlers that he will have to use a new angle: the truth!
Notice his reaction! LOL!
Someone mentioned 'creepy uncle'... watch this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY9IC7njYYc
I enjoyed your observations on Glenn Beck. I don't see how any of the comments can compare your criticism with whatever it is he is espousing. He has the lowest intellect of all the talk show hosts bar none. He really has no unified themes, other than,,,"Don't you people get it?" No Glenn we don't understand alot about a very complex and perplexing world, but apparently you do. Well I got news for you, you are a total moron. Go Post, down with Beck.
Glen Beck is gay...
There, I managed to insult everyone by making that comment...
The problem with Glenn Beck is the same thing as Lou Dobbs. They believe that America today is 50s America. Glenn Beck talks aloud about terrorist here and terrorists there. On July 16 he went off about Israel exchanging prisoners for two dead soldiers. He goes on that two dead for two dead is the way he would do it and that somebody should be kicking ass. Well he's the type of person that would start a new Vietnam. What he doesn't understand is that to Hebrew society the bodies of these people are needed so they can be prepared to rest in peace. But people like Beck who see Americans are usable until they're dead. Look at Vietnam lots of MIAs and no one seems to care. This is Glenn Beck's America where its all talk and no action to show for it.
And judgement against them is what these people seek. Look at an Anne Coutler, Tim O'Reilly, these people love the attention they get, I just change the channel because if no one listens to them then they're out work and they can finally shut up.
Boy! Talk about hate. Have you guys been reading your own blogs here? It's been said that when liberals begin losing an argument they resort to name-calling. You guys are quick to defend personal freedoms yet you behave like fascits, attempting to silence anyone who doesn't agree with you.
Beck is the most moronic freak on TV.
Anonimity is great because I know I'll get ripped for this. I hear more hate from most of you on this site than from Beck. You call him an idiot and make references to his faith as a perfect fit for this 'idiot'. Im not a mormon so I wasn't offended, but I hope at some point you realize that faith doesn't make us stupid but courageous. Not hate-filled but confident. Not weak but compassionate. Beck feels that God has blessed him, I know He has blessed me. I hope all of you feel his blessings and love. Then perhaps you will be inspired to love rather than hate, and to try to better than you were yesterday rather than trying to inventory the flaws of others different from you today.
Organized religion is a tool to control the masses by promising a reward to those who suffer and toil their whole lives while the "priesthood" (modern day equivalents are bankers and politicians) sit back and reap the fruits of the common man's labor. It also serves to keep the population of the world from ever uniting, and gives those in power another means to motivate hate and war.
Human beings need to stop relying on old books rewritten over a thousand years by the church/establishment for spiritual guidance. Look at how politicians/the financial elite screw the working people out of income, freedom and personal choice in their everyday lives, today. Do you really think this is a new development? Wake up. We've been conditioned by the system from day one to be good sheep. Sheep don"t live free.
So stop all this BS about faith and God. How stupid are you people? It might have been excusable a long time ago when people didn't know any better, but now it's just incredibly stupid to believe this load of crap.
"Reason and free inquiry are the only effectual agents against error." Thomas Jefferson
“Glenn Beck is short on reason; he kindles fear and terror – but in his mind I doubt he sees any error.” Anonymous
See if you agree with the opinions on http://www.NeoFasces.com. We started the site in anticipation of placing a check on the new world order/disorder. Still much room for that, but first we wanted to place a check on those who report on the new world order/disorder. Glenn Beck, one of many news propagandist, just happened to catch my attention when he started harping on the fasces on the Mercury dime as a connection to America's fascist roots. I had always known he was wacked-out, and didn't pay that much attention to him. Then I started thinking, I hope people don't actually take this guy seriously.
I don't see how joining "Mormonism", which is not even the name of the religion, ignorant, makes Glenn Beck lose legitimacy. Talk about poisoning the well unwarranted. I love hearing hate talk about "mormons" who where the first ones to send aid after Katrina, before our own government. I urge the author of this to learn a little about "mormonism". That said, I agree that Glenn Beck is the biggest idiot on the airwaves.
I like Beck. Get off his case.
Beck is considered genius...on Bizarro World.
When I graduated from the 1st grade way back in '57, I was already smarter than Racist Glennie Beck would EVER be. How and Why do we citizens of the World promote such morons as he and the other MoFo's from the extreme right like Hitler, Hisler, Dobbs, CoulterGeist, LimpBalls, AllDaFoxIdiots, etc.?
Do we as Earthlings have a wish for disaster, or are a good percentage of us fail to see reason?
Glennie is a Racist, a Birthie, a Moron, a Failure, among other low-life losing atrocities.
And he exists, why?
Glen Beck is telling America the truth and the Looney Left and the state controlled MSM don't like it.
Step away from the coolaid. Get a grip. Go here
and educate yourself as to just what we've got sitting in the White House.
Glen Beck is telling America the truth and the Looney Left and the state controlled MSM don't like it.
Step away from the coolaid. Get a grip. Go here
and educate yourself as to just what we've got sitting in the White House.
Glen Beck is telling America the truth and the Looney Left and the state controlled MSM don't like it.
Step away from the coolaid. Get a grip. Go here
and educate yourself as to just what we've got sitting in the White House.
we need more education in the usa.if people believe this guy.
as for heath care if a public option is socialism then we will have to get rid of every
public school
public Library
public housing
so if someone says its a government take over ask them are you worried about public housing taking over your neighborhood
Cyberella, you're a F***king idiot and that website you posted pushes the limits of free speech in this country.
They aren't criticising Mormons, they're laughing that Beck could at all be considered religious. He is obviously not a caring and thoughtful person. The virtues of religion are not represented by this man, Beck. He is in no way a role model and is proof that his audience lacks education and the ability to reflect. I'm all for hearing out the conservative view. Why don't they talk more about states rights, a completely legitimate conversation? Instead, let Beck rant about ties Obama supposedly has to terrorists and Nazis.
Conservatives should be denouncing Beck and taking control of the debate. But they are obviously too pathetic to take that course at this time. So Beck wails on . . .
Liberals don't want to "shut Beck down". They want people to realize how fuckin stupid he is. It is extremely frustrating to see people believe this moron, who encourages the mentality "if I read something on a website, then it's true". No, we all must think and consider every source, even Beck. We must even critique ourselves. That becomes impossible when religion gives us the supposed feeling of invincibility. Religion is dangerous to public discourse. It is divisive and irrational.
Thank you for your time.
When will America demand that Glenn Beck deny his affection for Adam Lambert?
Do you know how often they have both been in New York simultaneously?
Glenn won't tell. And Adam can't stand the stain on his reputation.
On a lighter note, what does everyone think of the new 2010 Glenn Beck theme song for his radio program, 'We Will Be The Key?'. It sounds a lot like Muse meets Radiohead. While I'm not a fan of all of GB's views, I think it has meaning for both sides...
There's a lot of vitriol coming from both political sides I think our future will lie ultimately in how well and on what issues we can come together on.
Americans need to wake up the fact that Beck is simply another opinion pushing charlatan who is a product of mormon cult theology and he mixes this with his personal make up as a dry alcoholic. And for the record, he is a Mormon and not a Christian. They are not the same. Considering the fact that Becks personal views are extreme Marxist Libertarian, his form of patriotism is false and he is a person who has no real substance or depth. It will not surprise many of us when Beck’s next big thing is to come out of the closet and announce his homosexuality to the nation. Simply put…he is just another predatory neocon who is pushing the buttons of very ignorant & impressionable people who love being told what to think and believe.
I have never listened to a bigger bonehead than this guy. I can't believe he gets paid for rambling on about what he thinks which is mostly stupidity in his own silly thoughts.
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