Friday, December 15, 2006

Is there some saying about a smile offering us a window into the soul? (If not, can we invent one?)


In the course of preparing yesterday's post about New York Rep.-elect Kirsten Gillibrand's "revolutionary" commitment to posting a complete record of her entire congressional activities, I fished through the DWT archives for the post in which Howie introduced many of us to the then-candidate.

Now, I already had an excellent photo I intended to use of the extremely photogenic representative-elect, so I wasn't looking for a photo. But as soon as I got another look at the shot that Howie used back then, there was no way I could keep from reprinting it.

Naturally, one of the first things I thought of was the creepy "Smiling Sean Hannity" photo I had posted the day before, by way of illustration of the "nice" persona our Sean tries to assume whenever he actually has a chance to pose for a photo, which is pretty weird for a guy who spends all of his professional time in front of cameras. Unfortunately for him, what those cameras capture is the zombified nutjob the world sees when he's actually playing himself in real life--or as close to real as life gets on Fox "News."

I just thought it might be interesting to put these two photos together. I don't say they prove anything. Make of them what you will.


At 12:05 PM, Blogger john said...

Did you see folks see this? Here's a real nut-case for you.

Sen. John Warner (R-Va.) dropped his bid yesterday for the ranking member spot on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, leaving the door open for Sen. James Inhofe (Okla.) to claim the position without opposition.” The position will give Inhofe a platform to continue claiming global warming is the “greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.” )


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