Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Quote of the day: Anyone can lie, cheat and steal up to the grave; it takes a pro like our "Kenny Boy" to keep the game going beyond


"On behalf of his estate, I'm really quite pleased with the ruling and glad this brings to a close the criminal proceeding against Mr. Lay."
--the attorney (why should we give the shyster free publicity by naming him?) for the estate of the late "Kenny Boy" Lay, responding to the long-expected voiding of the old crook's convictions because he died without having the opportunity to pursue his legal appeals

Gotcha. Right after the son of a bitch kicked the bucket, the legal eagles warned that this was going to happen, that as the law is currently interpreted it was all but inevitable.

So now, girls and boys, let's all just pretend it never happened. And forget that old Kenny Boy, by cranking up the money machine, may have done more than any individual other than Karl Rove to put the Tiniest George in the White House. Hell, he wasn't even prosecuted for those crimes against humanity.

Which means that those convictions can't ever be voided.


At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess it pays to marry a Republican. Well done Mrs. Lay.


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