Sometimes we just have to give you Krugman plain, whole and unadorned: "On what planet," he asks, "would Joe Lieberman be considered 'sensible'?"
New York Times
August 11, 2006
Op-Ed Columnist
Nonsense and Sensibility
After Ned Lamont's victory in Connecticut, I saw a number of commentaries describing Joe Lieberman not just as a "centrist"--a word that has come to mean "someone who makes excuses for the Bush administration"--but as "sensible." But on what planet would Mr. Lieberman be considered sensible?

And that's just one example of Mr. Lieberman's bad judgment. He has been wrong at every step of the march into the Iraq quagmire--all the while accusing anyone who disagreed with him of endangering national security. Again, on what planet would Mr. Lieberman be considered "sensible"? But I know the answer: on Planet Beltway.
Many of those lamenting Mr. Lieberman's defeat claim that they fear a takeover of our political parties by extremists. But if political polarization were really their main concern, they'd be as exercised about the primary challenge from the right facing Lincoln Chafee as they are about Mr. Lieberman's woes. In fact, however, the sound of national commentary on the Rhode Island race is that of crickets chirping.

Imagine yourself as a politician or pundit who was gung-ho about invading Iraq, and who ridiculed those who warned that the case for war was weak and that the invasion's aftermath could easily turn ugly. Worse yet, imagine yourself as someone who remained in denial long after it all went wrong, disparaging critics as defeatists. Now denial is no longer an option; the neocon fantasy has turned into a nightmare of fire and blood. What do you do?
You could admit your error and move on--and some have. But all too many Iraq hawks have chosen, instead, to cover their tracks by trashing the war's critics.
They say: Pay no attention to the fact that I was wrong and the critics have been completely vindicated by events--I'm "sensible," while those people are crazy extremists. And besides, criticizing any aspect of the war encourages the terrorists.

Now, it takes a really vivid imagination to see Mr. Lieberman's rejection as the work of extremists. I know that some commentators believe that anyone who thinks the Iraq war was a mistake is a flag-burning hippie who hates America. But if that's true, about 60 percent of Americans hate America. The reality is that Ned Lamont and those who voted for him are, as The New York Times editorial page put it, "irate moderates," whose views are in accord with those of most Americans and the vast majority of Democrats.
But in his non-concession speech, Mr. Lieberman described Mr. Lamont as representative of a political tendency in which "every disagreement is considered disloyal"--a statement of remarkable chutzpah from someone who famously warned Democrats that "we undermine the president's credibility at our nation's peril."
The question now is how deep into the gutter Mr. Lieberman's ego will drag him.
There's an overwhelming consensus among national security experts that the war in Iraq has undermined, not strengthened, the fight against terrorism. Yet yesterday Mr. Lieberman, sounding just like Dick Cheney--and acting as a propaganda tool for Republicans trying to Swift-boat the party of which he still claims to be a member--suggested that the changes in Iraq policy that Mr. Lamont wants would be "taken as a tremendous victory by the same people who wanted to blow up these planes in this plot hatched in England."
In other words, not only isn't Mr. Lieberman sensible, he may be beyond redemption.
Copyright 2006 The New York Times Company
Krugman lives on planet reality while most inside the beltway media types live in fantasy delusional land.
I, for one am happy someone who writes for a big paper still has his sanity. I know other do to but boy does he nail things.
A few days ago, while the voters in Connecticut were enjoying a day to be remembered, I reflected on what had gone wrong with Joe Lieberman. Immediately, I recalled the fight that he and Tipper Gore had brought to the floor concerning music content and the desire to push for labeling of questionable lyrics. In essence, attempting to invade free speech through music, a topic that has been widely covered here by Howie.
The PMRC as they were called also included Susan Baker, wife of the dreaded James Baker and Nancy, Strom Thurmand's wife. Lynn Cheney, Dick's mouthpiece for bj's and wife took part as well.
(I'd say worse things about this opportunist but she's fast becoming a nobody)
It was 1985 and I was on the fast track in the music industry in Chicago.
I loathed these people but was confused about Lieberman. Why had he so embraced this right wing attack on artists and their music.
Frank Zappa was the articulate voice and defender of the music industry. He was brilliant in his assessment that their demands were the equivalent of treating "dandruff with decapitation," as I recall him saying.
Zappa was never one to conform and thankfully, he took it personally and became the voice of the music industry.
As I look back, it's no suprise then that DICK Cheney would consider Lieberman a good personal friend.
Later, Lieberman began talking about his religion as the right wing took over congress in the early 90's. No longer was he talking about issues concerning the people, he was talking a lot about himself as he began to morph into the conservative that he became.
Thankfully, he had to face the music of the people who he had ignored for too long.
What became of Lieberman is what happens when one becomes complacent in politics. When one ignores the constituents for their own morality play, they risk losing it all and this is what has happened.
However, let's make no mistake here in thinking that the voters would have remembered what went on in 1985. It's up to bloggers to be diligent and truthful in their reporting and it's up to we "participants" to question without partisanship.
One day soon the pendulum will swing the other way. But we'll hear the right wing haters as they continue to attempt to divide the electorate on religious and (im)moral grounds.
It's what they do, it's who they are.
Our job now is to mock them and laugh in their faces as they claim superiority. Why indulge them and their ignorance anymore?
Look where it has taken us. A man like Jesus would surely have condemned them and we should as well.
What happened to Joe is only the beginning. Americans are awakening from the nightmare that began in the early 90's when the neocon republicans took the party away from the conservatives. Truth takes time but now, we're on the fast track.
Joe became a conservative among a flock of democrats as the political tide changed and he became irrelevent to them. Hillary Clinton should take heed.
We're a party of indifference. We fight for the constitution and all it stands for. Liberalism and progressivism are all encompassing. We'll fight for the rights of conservatives as they will not for the left. It's written in the constitution that we should support and protect the arts by protecting intelectual property through copyright laws.
Without stating further, our forefather's interest was in protecting the artists.
And to attempt to force a moral standard from the federal level would be anti constitutional as these are subjects of state interest only, according to
the 10th ammendment.
Again, Joe and the right vs. Terry Schivel and Joe and the right vs. the artists.
So that's what happened to Lieberman, in essence, the constitution got in the way of his conservatism. He went too far. It was in the making for a long time. Just as this neocon fascist administration has been in the making for too long a time. Laugh in their faces friends, the time for debate is over. They have nothing. New leaders are in high demand!
Mr. Krugman's article is great stuff, as usual, but missing the point. Too many Americans still think a credible plot to blow up the Sears Tower was thwarted by the men in Red.
The current UK plot has all the same markings. Mr Krugman's paper managed to parrot (Parot) the line "Maybe Al Quaeda" about 15 times in 14 inches. Will people remember "not Quaeda," no - they will only remember that the NYTimes said Al Quaeda.
Same as Dr, Rice's regular reminders that Saddam might have had WMD. The words are innocent, the result is fear. People remember the 50-centers.
Mr. Krugman, the victims of 911 beg you to attack the Reds where they are guilty - what happened on 911? Are these guys who committed suicide on 911 still alive? Why wasn't the secret service concerned for the president's safety at Booker?
The victims of 911 deserve closure. They deserve to see the perps hung, or worse. At least get them out of office!
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