Thursday, July 20, 2006

Quote of the day: Chimpy the Prez strikes another blow for ignorance and superstition


“These boys and girls are not spare parts. They remind us of what is lost when embryos are destroyed in the name of research."
—President George W. Bush

For reasons of his own, which presidential presscharmer Tony Snow thinks are none of our damn business, the president signed his veto of the stem-cell research bill in secret, but then staged this bizarre public orgy-pageant of dishonesty and irrelevance, having nothing to do with any issue or question in any way related to any aspect of the subject of stem-cell research. Spin, babies, spin!

But heck, if every word out of his mouth wasn't a lie in the service of ignorance and savagery, would he still be George W. Bush?

[Note for a sci-fi-ish short story or perhaps half-hour drama in the Twilight Zone mode: Humanoid lives life devoted to the triumph of ignorance, bigotry and dishonesty, all in the name of God, then dies and upon arrival at the processing center for Hell discovers that the voice he thought belonged to God was actually the Devil. Maybe he says, "Ain't that a kick in the head?" Or possibly, "Oh, so that's what irony is!"]


At 11:37 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

For an even better quote you need to check out what he said at the NAACP convention he spoke at today.."I come from a family committed to civil rights," Mr. Bush said. "My faith tells me that we are all children of God — equally loved, equally cherished, equally entitled to the rights He grants us all."


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