Friday, July 21, 2006

Just why do slimeballs like Sen. Mike DeWine hate America so much? Why are they trying so hard to destroy it? And are Ohio voters really that stupid?


Obviously Mike DeWine knows that if he had to run for reelection on his merits, he'd have his ass kicked if he were running against an empty box of raisins. And since he's a member in good standing of the right-wing slime machine, he sneers at his constituents, who he thinks are just morons whose only function is to keep him aboard that good Senate gravy train, to which end any kind of sleazy manipulation is considered for their own good.

So nobody should be surprised that, following the wisdom of Karl "9/11, 24/7" Rove, his campaign is perpetrating the grotesque fabrication that his Democratic challenger, Rep. Sherrod Brown, is by some bizarre, psychotic stretch of the senator's diseased imagination responsible for 9/11, or soft on terrorism, or who-knows-what, using video footage of the South Tower of the World Trade Center burning.

Unfortunately, the only thing these people know how to do is lie. So why should we be surprised to learn that even their lies are phony? As Al Kamen reports in his Washington Post "In the Loop" column:

Brown and state Democrats blasted the video, which showed the south tower billowing smoke, saying it exploited Sept. 11 and smeared Brown.

Now, it turns out, the video was doctored. Eagle-eyed reporter Bret Schulte of
U.S. News & World Report said yesterday that it "looked awful, it didn't look right," and he contacted an expert who confirmed his suspicions. "The north tower was hit first," the expert told him, so "the south tower could not be burning without the north tower burning." Also, the smoke on Sept. 11, the expert said, "was never in a halo like that."

A DeWine spokesman acknowledged the image was a "graphic representation" by the firm that produced the ad, which used a still photo of the towers with computer-generated smoke added. The campaign insisted that the facts are fine and well documented, and it promised to get a new image of the towers up right away.

And, of course, DeWine did not know the image was a phony, the spokesman said, and ordered it corrected.

Of course it's the American Right that really hates America and everything it stands for, and it's the Right that's engaged in an all-out, take-no-prisoners holy war to destroy everything that's honest and decent in our society.

So the question for Ohio voters now is: Just how stupid are you?


At 2:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It makes me sad to see that we no longer live in the world of my youth. I grew up in Texas in the 60's and 70's. It was a different world in so many ways. It was rude to pass a stranger and not say hello. Children were taught to take responsibility for their actions. Citizens paid attention to what the government was doing.

Was the world perfect? Of course not.There's far too many of the evils of that time to list but I'm sure anyone reading this who's old enough to remember doesn't need a me to. I think we are living in the product of that time, though. Some of the fault lies with us as a people for sure. However, we were certainly manipulated over time through the use of massive wealth from a handful of extremely rich and connected people to believe certain things and make specific associations. All part of a long term agenda to move the country in a direction those individuals believed were in their own self interest.

And we let them.

I know this doesn't have anything to do with this story but it's symptomatic of what I was just writing about. Fortunately I think the American people are starting to wake up . Thanks in no small part to the liberal blogs who kept hounding the media and made it start doing it's job.

At 2:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And are Ohio voters really that stupid?"


At 7:13 AM, Blogger Timcanhear said...

Just after 9/11, the creative community in Hollywood was gathered together with politicians to talk about how they could be positive energy to unite the people. It was also a call of concern to remind them of their responsibility and to not be wreckless with the issues before us, post 9/11. In essence, how do we unite as a people and how can Hollywood help in the fight.

The DeWine commercials which are complete lies should be turned against the right wing hate machine. Pansy democratic party strategists should be creating images of their own presenting dem candidates as the party that can unite the world community, offer hope for all of mankind and attack the republican media campaigns as the dividing force that Bin Laden and his terrorist followers wanted. They need to put a face behind those lying attack commercials and show the voters that the agenda of the right is to divide the country, (the religious right vs. the collective cultural community of America) a dream come true for terrorists.
It's sad to see our party play a poor game of politics when what they need to do is shine a light on the right and their hateful messages, then, present their own. The choice for us as a nation is the choice between a party of hate, division and immorality and a party of world unity. Of course, to be true to that message, we need some leaders who will come forward with it, live it, fight for it and make it happen.
Any candidate who allows hateful messages to pass as truth and go unchallenged are themselves, conduits for the hateful message to spread. If we haven't learned a lesson from John Kerry's (ignore it and it will go away) campaign for President last time around, we can kiss world unity goodbye and we can sit back and watch Newt Gingrich's WW3 on the tube, a world war that didn't HAVE to happen.

At 7:20 AM, Blogger Timcanhear said...

Are Ohio voters really that stupid? Yes. I was there outside Paul Brown Stadium in Cincinnati the night before the last presidential election when bush came to meet his flock of voters. I saw the church buses from around the region packing the religious right into the seats. The streets were lined with them.
Make no mistake friends. It's the religious right, anti choice right, anti science and anti embryonic research in America vs. all else. One veto from this pResident in six years should be all you need to know. Voter ARE that stupid.

At 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Political Pirate

Takin’ Back The Booty That Belongs To The Buckeyes

Shut him up, and shut him down!


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