Tuesday, July 11, 2006



When I wake up in the morning, the very first thing I do is switch on the tv so I can hear what mayhem Bush has caused around the world while I was sleeping. Today before the picture came up I heard that grating voice that males my skin crawl. I never did look at the tube while he was on it but I heard him congratulating himself on... a robust and vigorous economy. Um... yeah... maybe where he and his campaign contributors live.

Yesterday an old pal from my old company called me-- an extremely valuable senior vice president whose unique insights and efforts contribute considerably to the bottom line-- to tell me he's considering leaving. Why? No raises was part of it but what really impacted him and his family are the severe cutbacks in the company's once generous health insurance plans. He's figuring he's an extra $50,000 out-of-pocket because of this. If you're a BushCheney pioneer, $50,000 is chump change. For most Americans it's far from that.

And yet there was the Imbecile-in-Chief on tv-- and he supposedly got an MBA from Yale (what's that worth?)-- braying like a jackass about how great the economy is doing. A $300 billions deficit doesn't sound like something to be braying about. Does anyone believe a word of what this jerk says? About anything? I mean when he was appointed president he found nearly a $300 billion surplus. How long did it take him to squander that-- and I mean squander, because there is nothing to show for it except immense wealth for his close circle of fellow looters friends! His reactionary policies took us from a $300 billion surplus to a $300 billion deficit. And the country in general is way worse off, with infrastructure completely ignored (ala New Orleans' pre-Katrina levee system).

Average household income has declined every single year since Bush stole the presidency and median weekly earnings have fallen nearly a full percentage point since 2001 compared with over 7% growth in the last 5 years of the Clinton Administration. At the same time that families have seen their real earnings decline, the productivity of the American worker is up 18.4 percent.  Therefore, Americans have worked harder-- and more productively-- over the past five years and received none of the benefits of their hard work-- all of that money has gone into profits and distributed to a tiny group of upper level corporate managers and multimillionaire stockholders.

At the same time, the Bush Regime's record of job creation is a joke-- but not for American workers, for who it is a tragedy. His 5 catastrophic years in the White House are the worst since Herbert Hoover's in terms of job creation. Annual job creation under Bush has been about one tenth of what it was when Clinton was president. Just to keep up with population growth the economy needs to create around 150,000 new jobs per month. Since the Supreme Court coup that put Bush in the White House in 2000, average months job creation has been just over 40,000 month-- a disaster for working people. What worse is that the manufacturing sector-- where workers find the best pay and benefits-- has lost nearly 3 million jobs since Bush occupied the White House. The Consumer Comfort Index, abysmally low all through Bush's horrendous presidency, just dipped again.

Reading Bush's statements in the undescerning mass media should convince anyone in touch with objective reality that Bush is either insane, a liar or, more likely, both. "Charging that 'record deficits are nothing to celebrate,' the Senate's top Democrat, Minority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.), said in a statement that the $296 billion deficit trumpeted by Bush is still larger than any in U.S. history before his administration. 'Only Washington Republicans would think a $300 billion deficit is good news,' Reid said. 'President Bush has turned record surpluses into record deficits largely through handouts to special interests and multimillionaires. Instead of standing up for all Americans, this Republican Congress is proud to do nothing but rubberstamp President Bush's policies.' The statement said Bush's assertion that the deficit is shrinking faster than forecast 'is only true because President Bush has played the old "expectations" game.' It said this is the third consecutive year that gloomy early projections have been followed months later by numbers that exceeded predictions."

Heck of a job, Bushie!


At 6:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, and the good news is that we will not be quite as broke as we thought we would be, but broke just the same.

Must be bad when the good news is that the bad news is not as bad as we thought.

Who is in charge there?


At 2:57 AM, Blogger Rozius said...

Loved your latest rant but I have one correction for you.

Yale knew how really dumb Bush was so he didn't do his graduate work there.

The University of Texas refused to allow him in their Law School.

Bush bought a paper MBA from Harvard.

At 8:29 AM, Blogger KenInNY said...

I've always thought it noteworthy that Chimpy has degrees from both Yale and Harvard. Noteworthy and hilarious. In my mind it sort of downgrades their paper to the status of that online University of Phoenix outfit.



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