Tuesday, July 11, 2006



You probably remember-- or maybe you don't-- that I practically lost my mind when Inside-the-Beltway power-mongers Chuck Schumer and Rahm Emanuel viciously stabbed grassroots hero Paul Hackett in the back to clear the decks for their annointed candidate Sherrod Brown. The problem for me is that I liked both candidates, a lot-- so much so that I couldn't even make up my mind about which one to support-- so that I was really looking forward to the primary. I was going back and forth between Brown's dependable and unwaivering progressive attitude and Hackett's aggressive smash 'em up attitude towards the enemies of humanity. But Insider anti-democracy monstrosities Schumer and Emanuel put an end to that. Suddenly GOP incumbent Mike DeWine went from the realm of the walking dead to likely-to-win-re-election.

Well, things have been looking brighter for Brown in the last month as grassroots Democrats have gotten over their fury at Schumer and Emanuel enough to realize that we still have a U.S. Senate seat to win in Ohio. And yesterday the most furious of all-- Paul Hackett-- took the same approach! Hackett did more than just endorse Brown. Last night he joined Brown at a unity rally in Cincinnati and told the Associated Press that "he suddenly realized last Thursday that he was unnecessarily hurting them both by
sulking over the way his primary challenge ended. 'I was cutting my grass and said to myself ... it's totally unproductive for me to be largely responsible for this antagonistic relationship between me and Sherrod...' Hackett said he realized he agrees with Brown '95 percent of the time' and praised him for consistently voting against the Iraq war."

Ohio 2nd Blog, from whom I borrowed the photo above, has all the details.


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