Friday, June 02, 2006



Peter King is another right-wing Republican rubber stamp trying to pass himself off as a moderate. His voting record, however, has nothing to do with moderation whatsoever, especially on issues like fair taxation, human rights and civil liberties, issues that show he's exactly like his pal Tom DeLay. As I explained a month or so ago, I grew up in this moderate suburban district and it's just sitting there waiting for a solid moderate Democrat to drive the last Republican crook off their former Long Island stronghold (now solidly Democratic except for King). Most Nassau County Democrats' first choice was always county legislator Dave Mejias.

Mejias, whose county district neatly overlaps much of King's, was always interested by stepped aside, when (ethically-challenged) Dave Denenberg made the case that he had a better shot at raising the millions of dollars it will take in this uber-expsensive media market to get out the 2 messages-- how bad King's record (as opposed to his p.r.) has been and what a great congressman Mejiras will make-- that will be needed to knock out the entrenched King.

But with a great national Democratic year shaping up, complements of George Bush's unblemished record of incompetence and gross presidential mismanagement, and with Hillary Clinton and Eliot Spitzer expected to absolutely swamp the Republican burnt offerings being placed before the voters, this is the year to take out King. It can't be done without a candidate, a first rate candidate-- and Mejias fits that bill.

New York State has 8 Republican incumbents (+ a GOP seat held by the retiring Sherwood Boehlert. Of those 9 seats, half a dozen, including King's and Boehlert's (where Mike Arcuri looks like a winner) are up for grabs. The other endangered Republican rubber-stampers are Sue Kelly, John Sweeney, Jim Walsh and John Kuhl.


At 11:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This resident of NY-03 is thrilled that Pete King finally has a viable opponent in Democrat Dave Mejias. King must consider him a threat too, b/c though he has the entire month of October off to campaign, he has agreed to only 1 public debate.

At the 10/17 debate, both candidates were asked, "Since there are many serious issues facing voters, will you agree to another debate, so we can hear more than a sound-bite answer?" Mejias responded with a resounding yes, adding that he has agreed to partake in a number of debates, but King continues to decline. King stated he would debate "if necessary." If it is not necessary now when his 400,000 constituents face decisions on Iraq, Iran, North Korea, global warming, a Congress rampant with corruption, immigration and so on, when will it be necessary? Why doesn't King have the time to let voters make informed decisions? Maybe he is scared that he finally has a real opponent in Dave Mejias?

I'm voting for Mejias, and come 11/7, let's dethrown the king!

At 5:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

go to and help out!

At 6:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Democratic National Committee needs to put real support and $$ behind Dave Mejias. He is inches away from wrapping this election up. Please call the Democratic National Committee, Howard Dean, the Clintons etc...and ask them to support Dave.


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