Sunday, May 14, 2006



-By Marlene Rose

As I watched the hundreds of thousands (some say millions) of Hispanics march in the streets of our cities, I couldn’t help but wonder what it will take to awaken the middle class to begin their own march of millions. We know what this Bush administration is after and it is the destruction of the middle class. Bush is destroying our country piece by piece, most recently with the connivance of all but three of the Republicans whose places were cheerfully filled by three Democrats (the 2 Nelsons and Pryor). The nuclear bomb aimed at the middle class to which I am referring is the $70 billion tax cut (not to mention the permanent repeal of the estate tax which is waiting in the wings.) Bush has proven himself an expert in the field of putting politics over the national interest and has used corruption and cronyism to further the financial gains of himself and his friends. I wonder if anyone noticed that the dollar sank 2% against the euro the same day the Republicans gleefully showered more and more tax breaks on their contributors. It’s also interesting that the stock market declined more than 100 points the day of and the day after the Congressional insanity.

Bills come due! If you spend more than you receive whether it is salaries or taxes, eventually you have to pay up. We are heading toward the plight of Germany prior to World War II when a German needed a bushel full of money to buy a loaf of bread. Our dollar has sunk “only” 35% since Bush took office, but the rising national debt and trade deficit are constantly eroding the buying power of the dollar. It is only because multinational corporations are using cheap labor abroad and here (through illegal immigrants) that costs have been kept down. But even Wal-Mart wants to increase the minimum wage because their customers are having a harder and harder time finding affordable products. As for Americans, the unemployment rate, which ignores discouraged workers who have given up looking for jobs, is another case of figures don’t lie but liars figure. Just ask the millions of Americans who are at or near the poverty line how easy it is to survive.

George Bush has finally realized Steve Forbes dream, a flat tax. But it is an inverted flat tax with the poor paying higher federal taxes than the rich. Bush’s flat tax has led to enormous deficits, increased the nation’s debt and trade deficit, forced the debt ceiling to be raised four times during his presidency (we can now borrow up to $8.9 trillion), stolen the trillions of dollars in the Social Security Trust Fund, and allowed corporations and the superrich to avoid taxes and hide their assets so that any taxes due are deferred into the future. Willie Sutton said he robbed banks because that’s where the money is. Bush says transfer wealth to the already rich because that’s where the power (and contributions) are.

The inversion of the tax rate comes because when Bush speaks of federal taxes, he conveniently ignores payroll taxes. A worker making $1 of taxable income may pay a higher rate than the wealthy. The superrich often live off their dividends and capitals gains that are taxed at only 15% (until 2010 at least, thanks to the tax cut extension.). The $1 of taxable wages is taxed at 10% PLUS 6.2% for Social Security and 1.45% for Medicare resulting in a total federal tax rate of 17.65%. On course, if you earn more, you’ll pay a higher rate than 10% while the wealthy are still clipping coupons at 15%.

Unless Americans awaken to the crisis that Bush has created and vote out the Republicans who have enabled him, we are literally doomed. I don’t mean to be overly dramatic, but Bush and his cronies have been working toward an ownership society in which only the wage earners pay taxes and investors collect their money tax-free. Unfortunately, wage earners don’t earn enough to support this government and the superrich make their money on dividends and capital gains, not work. So our society is heading toward a third world, banana republic economy. The gilded age where there were only two classes, the very rich and the very poor, is not far away.

Only a massive turn out to ensure the defeat of the Republicans can save us. With so much concern about voting machine fraud, it will take a massive Democratic vote to prevent another stolen election. Max Cleland was ahead in Georgia by 5% and then lost by 5% (a turn around of 10% in the first state to use Diebold voting machines). We cannot afford a low turnout. The sleeping middle class giant must awaken or there will be no middle class, only the struggling poor and our corporate masters. That’s not something I want to leave to my children and grandchildren.


At 11:49 AM, Blogger Scott said...

Marlene, I have been wondering the same thing for a while. When is the anger going to surface and explode. The GOP is going to steal this election if they can because if they lose control of one or both houses there are going to so many investigations going it will take a scorecard to keep up.

At 8:32 PM, Blogger Timcanhear said...

Let's not fool ourselves here into thinking that any of today's democrats are going to rattle the cage of our American desperation.
If the republicans lose control of the house and senate, it WON'T be the result of anything the democatic party has done. The dems will win the power game by default, saying NOTHING while the crooks on the right cook their own gooses. The dems don't deserve to lead and the republicrooks have proven that they CAN'T lead.
We're looking for real leaders here kids. Party loyalty is bullshit at a time when unity is essential for our great nation to succeed.
I'm beginning to dislike the dem party almost as much as I do the repukes.
I want to hear leaders fly in the face of every DIVIDER on radio and television and call them out as unimaginitive, crooked, greedy whores who do nothing for the national psyche but drive it further into division and desperation.
The talking heads on tv suck on the corporate teet and pretend to be concerned Americans as they fatten their bank accounts and curse the other side. Fuck them all my friends. Fuck them until they go away. When you see them in public, call them liars. Get in their face and dare them to call YOU unpatriotic. Knock em down before you're hauled away to jail and then, when you call your attorney to set bail, remember to tell him that you've done something wrong but like the president of the United States of America, you don't expect to pay the price for your criminal behaviour. Then tell him to call the media. Maybe, just maybe the sleeping middle class in America will awaken when they realize that lawlessness has run amuck on the airwaves and in our oval office. The lies have got to end. The protests today will be every decent human being on earth coming face to face with a liar, calling them on it and doing something about it. A nation will not succeed with liars in control. Beat these dogs to the ground and pay the price. When you get out of jail, smile and note that you've helped to awaken a sleeping giant, AGAIN!


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