
So what does Bush have to do with MRS. HENDERSON PRESENTS (the new Judi Dench film)? Well, nothing intentional, I'm sure. And when I ran it by Craig and Ray who I saw it with, they didn't see a real connection the way I did. But I did see it and, more important, feel it. Images can be so powerful. The film takes place just before and during the first couple years of WWII. It's superbly acted. (An aside: the previews looked good but the reviews panned it and I decided not to see it. But I sat next a really delightful woman on the plane ride up to the Bay Area last week and she and I saw eye-to-eye on everything-- starting with the Al Franken book I was reading-- and she had seen the film and was raving about it. So I went. And it was very good.) But the superb acting did nothing to conger up any thought about Bush or even of his grandfather illegally trading with the Nazis during the war. But suddenly, in the midst of all the naked boobs the movie is always displaying (not Dame Judi's), Hitler does the blitzkrieg thing on France and the screen is filled with the actual newsreel footage of Hitler in Paris and of German troops marching through the streets of occupied France.
My grandfather instilled a visceral hatred of the extreme right in me. They have always been my mortal enemy. No matter what era, no matter what locale, the political right always winds up murdering Jews, intellectuals, nonconformists, gays, free-thinkers, leftists... And when I saw Hitler, the ultimate icon for the Far Right, and his Nazi troopers on screen I had an instant reaction of revulsion and disgust... almost Pavlovian. And you probably already know where this is going, I'm sure.
For millions of average men and women around the world, the kind of revulsion and disgust and hatred (and fear) that I felt when I saw Hitler's visage during MRS HENDERSON PRESENTS, is what they feel, quite understandably, when they see Bush and, unfortunately and tragically, when they see American soldiers marching through an occupied country.
Now when I asked the Art Department to take one of the famous Hitler-in-Paris photos and put Bush's mug on it, there was a lot of grumbling. It went beyond the normal "Can't we just do another Mean Jean Schmidt picture?" You see, the Art Department is a bunch of elderly Jews living in South Florida, trying to avoid doing any art by sitting around yenta-ing it up all day and studying The Zohar and listening to tapes of Madonna singing "Dreidl Dreidl." They all escaped from a camp. They think they own all the Hitler outrage. ALL of it. What about all the union members? The Russians and Poles? The gays and disabled? The Christian objectors? Oy, and the gypsies and the Jehovah's Witnesses... "No, he killed 6 million Jews." That's a lot. He nearly wiped the Jewish population of Europe out-- his stated goal. But he killed between 20 and 40 million Russians and Ukrainians. And millions more in the foul, unprovoked war he plotted and pursued. Don't their descendants own a little fear-and-loathing too?
Well, a funny thing is happening while I'm writing. The Art Department pulled their heads out of The Zohar and they're all IM-ing me. I don't know if they've been hitting the Manischewitz but they've worked themselves up into a frenzied state reminiscent of when Katherine Harris tricked them all into voting for Buchanan instead of Al Gore and that lovely Joey Lieberman in 2000.
Verbatim: "The holocaust was focused on the Jews and the Nazis stole their wealth, their power, statistically the amount of Jews that were killed cannot be compared to any other group. These assholes who say that 'Oh, more gentiles were killed.' It is a false dichotomy, the Jews have made an unsurpassed impact on world history and science and art. There are only 13 million left, at the time around 1/3 were killed off (by the way that was predicted in Jewish prophesy). Anyway, you can't compare it statistically." And "Not to mention the holocaust was aimed at the Jews, not specifically at another group, its main purpose was to wipe away the Jews. I get angry when these idiots give me these arguments about 'Well 12 million gentiles died too, more than Jews.' Yea, but there are billions in the world. (OMG! Did she really just say that? She was never a Depeche Mode fan or she'd have remembered "People Are People" and not have been so crass.) Oy and there's more: "Jews were at the top of the scientific and economic system, they had art and wealth and it was stolen out of jealousy. Fuck the Nazis and fuck the pricks who say the Jews do not deserve Israel. And then just when I thought the clamor and righteous indignation had died down and they had gone back to looking at the roots of Kaballah or maybe dancing around to
As you see, it's a touchy matter. But they did the art for the piece. And they've all quieted down now with some warm milk and kugel. They sure got me off the topic I meant to be writing about: Bush and why equating him with Hitler can mean something other than extermination camps for Jewish people. Hitler-- like Bush-- also means fascism, unprovoked war against weaker states, state terrorism, illegal spying, lots of lying and propaganda. And so much more. What I saw in the film when the German troops were marching around Paris was how they wrecked the hopes and dreams of so many millions of innocent people, not just the ones they killed-- hideous beyond redemption-- but also the ones who were left. How is Bush different in Iraq? Someone tell me.
Ultimately the crimes of hitler stem from his sociopathic, psychopathic id and ego.
Mix power and money, along with a hatred of those unlike you, and we can see how someone like hitler was able to trick his followers. And to do all of this WITHOUT the power of the media makes his crushing leadership even more amazing; no fox news to drive him into the psyche of his nations people, no internet to attract a world of followers from beyond the German borders. Hitler played on the misery that the people of Germany were living at the time. He had a twisted vision of the world, born most likely of a freudian defined relationship with his mother and father and his relations with authority figures throughout his life. (sound familiar?)
He was born of the times and a messenger of hate, perhaps the devil incarnate.
Comparing any American political figure with hitler seems to lesson the impact of the message. As a nation of hope for the entire world, we have a difficult time admitting that the people who we put into power could be evil as well. We'd have to admit that we were duped and for some odd reason, people don't like to admit to mistakes or to share the guilt.
Hitler ran amuck in Europe because he appealed to the people and they allowed it to happen. They were duped. They didn't know. There was no media there asking questions.
Today is quite a different landscape. There is a neocon media force that reaches people around the globe and from there, twisted logic about how people SHOULD live their lives in America is propagated. Why on earth anyone in this country should care about how others live their own lives escapes me. In this great land of freedom, it's a complete paradox of what our constitution stands for.
But the forces of evil are ever present, no matter what land, no matter what flag. We have hope that we learn from history. Unfortunately, what we're learning from history is that power and greed continues to corrupt and hatred pushes the powerful to use that power for wrongdoing.
As society moves and changes around us, one thing remains clear, human minds are phalible and given the opportunity, corrupt, greedy, sociopathic minds will continue to make their mark on the world.
Hitler took control of Europe because he was allowed to take control. He mesmerized the people. Understandably, the people lached onto a charsimatic figure, albeit and evil one.
The leader of our free world is neither charismatic nor is he mesmerizing. He is quite the opposite. A bumbling fool too ignorant to know and too corporate centered to care about the people. He's being pushed by the corporate media empire so that they can grow and become even bigger. With this power, the media elite can control the message. And in return, the karl roves of the world and the leaders of the free world are given a world platform to push their dominant and narrow views of society. Their ego's are stroked.
The two biggest empires on the planet earth today are the oil industry and the media industry. There is a move by our government now to control the oil and to satisfy the media by allowing them to own even more of the media landscape. Iraq is the oil and republicans are the force to satisfy the media elite.
It's a closed, narrow minded view of the world from conservatives that is at the root of ALL of this evildoing. Power OVER the people, not OF the people.
They want control of the money, the oil and the message.
And isn't this precisely the reason that the terrorists do what they do? Isn't this ultimately what the killing is all about? Are not the terrorists revolting from the power regimes in the middle east who steal all of the natural resources for themselves and their greedy powerful friends, the PEOPLE OF THE MIDDLE EAST be damned in the process?
American presence in Iraq tells the PEOPLE of the middle east that America wants the oil and we stand behind the fascist, murdering Saudi regime as they steal the natural resource, much as hitler did when he ran amuck in Europe and stole all the riches, from art to money and bank accounts, they stole it all.
As I sit here, I find it difficult not to mention the names. This writing would suffer without the ultimate truth. So when you ask, how is bush and Iraq any different than hitler and Europe, I have to admit, not much. While bush may not pull the trigger that kills, his ideology, which is the ideology of the republican party, does. Middle Easterners are dying at the hands of the fascists who we support.
I've often wondered if I'm not being too simplistic on the issue, too narrow on how it all unfolds but ultimately, I have to say no. Hitler killed because his id and ego wanted control. The Saudi regime kills because it wants control. And monkey boy advances into Iraq because he wants control. With trigger man at his side, the oil industry personified in our government, I'm amazed that we the people don't see the comparative.
If the PEOPLE were in control of our destinations, we'd have a much more humane society and quite possibly, those oil tycoons would be sharing the wealth of the globe with the PEOPLE of the globe.
To me, this is the issue.
We've let the powerful elite take control. We need to take it back and since it's doubtful that a government killing spree like hitlers will surface to prove to the people what is happening, something else will unfold and the terrorists will start blowing up our churches and our downtown bars and our children's schools.
And I'll be picking up arms against those who voted these fools into office and civil war will emerge once again. What follows after is anyone's guess.
America may not be left standing and the people will once again wonder what the hell happened and how on earth were they duped again. My message is clear I hope. End fascism now or our future is in jeopardy. bush and cheney must be stopped.
Take America & all the other free nations off the map and what you have is a world run by terrorists ... that would be draining the world of intellect and wealth and knowledge. This is the ultimage goal of the terrorists ... take the whole world back to the Dark Ages. What Clinton & Bush have tried to accomplish is hold back the terrorists as much as possible. NO AMERICAN PRESIDENT WILL EVER become a tyrant like Hitler in any way, shape or form. Hitler was the Devil. Bush will be a FORMER president in 2008. It's time to focus your efforts on someone else other than Bush.
to annonymous:
bullshit, this country can't take another 3 years of bush. anyone who thinks no damage done under this naive and unimaginative fool are themselves a danger to our future. No American President will ever become a tyrant like hitler because there are too many of us who won't let it happen. Trust me, monkey boy will do more damage to America in the next 3 years if people like you let him go on. He has nothing to lose personally and in his twisted pea brain, he'd do anything to advance his fascist, ignorant agenda, which is ultimately, power to the corporate fat pigs who suck the life out of the people, much as they do in Saudi Arabia!
Give the ports of America to the arabs? And you think this man isn't a little off? Give me a fucking break!
Personally, I'm a non-partisan free-thinker.
The way I'm looking at it right now, I think the oppressive Far-Right seems to be trying its best to thrust this country back to the dark days of the Inquisition, wanting to make the free-thinking folks like me, to conform to their political and religious beliefs...In other words, make or mold individualists into something that they do not wish to be.
Well, personally, I'm the kind of guy who goes against the grain, such as playing rock-n-roll and reggae music in a country/western town, wear long hair, eat vegetarian foods, and fly flags with a rattlesnake emblem and the famous "Don't Tread On Me" inscription, as well as wishing the subject of abortion would disappear from the face of the Earth, since it has nothing to do with jobs, the economy, protecting the enviroment, and it's an old subject that should have been left back in the primiative 20th Century.
And now we have "Pushy-Bushy" and, and "Tricky-Dicky"(Chaney) trying to ram their arrogant Right-Wing agenda down our throats.....Ugh!
And these big bozos voting themselves pay raises, bribing each other under the table, and try to put some big spins on their crooked game-playing charade.
I think it's time for some new leadership, from top to bottom.....
How about Mr. T for President?
I could almost hear him address the joint sessions of Congress:
"Okay, fool!.... I'm your president and there's gonna be no more pork-barrel spending! No more voting yourselves pay raises! No more limosine rides and no more three-martini lunches! Got that, fool?!"
But in any case, we need a president who is not conservative, not liberal, and who would focus on the real stuff that's going on, such as creating jobs here in the states, protecting the enviroment, address the issue of health care and and open up to naturopathic medicines(as an alternative to the harsh perscriptions) and do away with the big greedy drug companies, and immediately assist folks who have been devistated by natural and man-made disasters, as well as encouraging Americans to use alternative means of transportation, such as biking, carpooling/vanpooling, and walking, instead of driving solo on their daily commutes, and encourage other means of travel for their vacations, such as Amtrak, bus, etc.
This country is to far to the Right. It's time we look for a leader who would shift the nation back to the neutral "middle-of-the-road", and bring back some balance.
And enough of this Red-State/Blue-State horse-hockey!
Let's make every state a neutral "Green-State", and put an end to this stupid culture war!
I say down with bush for the sake of all free people, and the sooner the better, he has never represented the working people who are America!!!!
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