
Crooked Republican congressloon John Doolittle, one of Abramoff's closest buds in the House, challenged the Feds to investigate him. He also screamed like a stuck pig at the idea that congressmen, who are, after all paid $158,100 annually (+ GREAT benefits unavailable to mere citizens) might have to pay for their own meals from now on. "Maybe you can eat at Baja Fresh," he snidely blurted out. Maybe you have some constituents, Lord Doolittle, who wish they could afford to eat lunches at Baja Fresh. Congressmen like Doolittle are so utterly out of touch with working Americans' struggles that they actually believe they are entitled to all the
So when real reforms, even tiny ones, are proposed, the self-entitled and loathsome leaches who live off the public trough, scream like they're being robbed. And it isn't only Doolittle, of course (though he is a perfect example in the absolutely purest form). The Democrats' pathetic proposals for lobbying overhaul and reform were so puny and deficient in seriousness that I was sickened to think that progressives have to depend on this terminally-corrupt cesspool of careerists to protect from the deprecations of the even worse, far worse, Republican blood-suckers. And those blood suckers, whose own proposals made the Democrats look like real reformers, acted as though... well, as though they were all nothing but a bunch of low down John Doolittles.
"The Republicans have turned Congress into an auction house, for sale to the highest bidder," according to Democratic Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. "You have to pay to play. That's just not right." Sadly true, but Pelosi and pals don't seem eager to do anything very substantial to change that-- except substitute Democratic dominance and corruption for Republican dominance and corruption. According to a NY TIMES report, "House Democratic leaders were ready to jettison [lobbyist-paid] travel completely but ran into resistance from Senate Democrats who wanted to retain the ability to go on trips sponsored by educational foundations." (Note: 'educational foundations' in this context are almost always bribery mechanisms and anyone using them-- regardless of political party, should be subject to severe punishment.)
Many (most?) lawmakers are angry and pissed off that their sweet little deals have come to public
attention and are being jeopardized by the overreaching greed and newly systematic corruption of the DeLays, Santorums, Abramoffs, Neys and Doolittles of the cozy little congressional club. Many are grousing, like Trent Lott, about the unbearable hardship and sheer injustice of a rule saying a congressman can't accept more than $20 worth of grub from a lobbyist. "Now we're going to say you can't have a meal for more than 20 bucks," screamed Lott. "Where are you going, to McDonald's?"
What about Baja Fresh? I mean, no one should have to go to a McDonald's unless they're proven guilty of a crime-- and many Republicans haven't even been tried yet-- but Baja Fresh... that stuff ain't half bad.
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