Monday, January 23, 2006



If you're a fan of Randy "Duke" Cunningham, please skip to another posting, (like the one on what a jerk Hillary Clinton is) because this one could really upset you. Although how someone could be reading DWT and be a fan of "Duke" Cunningham's after what I've been saying about him for 6 months, is another story. Anyway, this is one our pal at WORDS HAVE POWER turned us on to today. Turns out San Diego's NORTH COUNTY TIMES wants its readers to visualize what the Dukester's life will be like if Bush doesn't pardon him.

Although Cunningham will probably be sentenced to around 10 years in the minimum security prison at Lompoc-- sometimes referred to as "Camp Cupcake" and "Club Fed"-- its unlikely the obese sybarite is going to have an easy time. No more mansion in Rancho Santa Fe and no more private jets and Rolls-Royces and fattening meals in expensive restaurants; no more antiques and pricey Persian rugs either. Now, according to the NORTH COUNTY TIMES, he "faces the distinct possibility of a very different lifestyle: sleeping in a barracks with other inmates, tasting prison food and earning pennies an hour for what could well be a job painting walls, mopping floors or cleaning bathrooms."

What could complicate his life even further is that he will be considered a "snitch" by fellow inmates. A former Lompoc inmate told THE TIMES that he feels badly for Cunningham because of what's in store for him as a stool pigeon. "He will be shunned. You eat alone, play alone, do everything alone, because everybody hates you." Well, chances are he'll have lots and lots of his GOP buds living in the same barracks pretty soon... although some could be people he's helped put there!


At 8:53 AM, Blogger KenInNY said...

So the Duke might be painting walls, mopping floors or cleaning bathrooms? Especially after all those years of whoring in Congress, is it really so terrible for him to do something useful?



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