Tuesday, January 17, 2006



The Bush Regime seems to have decided to answer the most serious charges ever made against it on the Larry King show. Here's a transcript of King's interview with Bush's Attorney General. Although a majority of Americans now feel Congress should look into impeaching Bush for his illegal activities involving wiretapping, Gonzales-- who was born in a small banana republic in Central America-- seems completely cluelss about why this is a serious concern for Americans born and bred in the bosom of liberty. "Well, I don't know why -- I don't know why there would be a need for a special counsel at this time, Larry, because what I can tell you is that from the very beginning, from its inception this program has been carefully reviewed by the lawyers at the Department of Justice and other lawyers within the administration and we firmly believe that the president does have the legal authority to authorize electronic surveillance in order to gather up foreign intelligence particularly, Larry, when we're talking about foreign intelligence of the enemy in a time of war." The NEW YORK TIMES reported yesterday that Bush's spying domestic activities were immense, pointless, counterproductive (in that they wasted time, energy and resources that could have been spent meaningfully) and a complete failure. All the illegal wiretaps and electronic spying, "current and former officials say, led to dead ends or innocent Americans."


The Bush Regime keeps Al Gore's brilliant and riveting speech in the news by trying to defend themselves with pathetic lies and slanders against Gore and the Clinton Administration. The Associated Press today examined the Bush lies about Clinton and FISA one by one and found-- surprise, surprise-- that every single point made by the Bush Regime was an out-and-out distortion.

Meanwhile, Gore makes the perfectly logical point that the political viciousness of the Regime's response to his speech is all the proof anyone should need that we indeed do need a Special Counsel for this matter.

"There are two problems with the Attorney General's effort to focus attention on the past instead of the present Administration's behavior. First, as others have thoroughly documented, his charges are factually wrong. Both before and after the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was amended in 1995, the Clinton/Gore Administration complied fully and completely with the terms of the law. Second, the Attorney General's attempt to cite a previous administration's activity as precedent for theirs -- even though factually wrong -- ironically demonstrates another reason why we must be so vigilant about their brazen disregard for the law. If unchecked, their behavior would serve as a precedent to encourage future presidents to claim these same powers, which many legal experts in both parties believe are clearly illegal."


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