[4/7/2011] Bob and Ray Tonight: Slow Talkers of America (plus: The men of Squad Car 119 are almost on the case) (continued)

I see that there was a 1999 CD edition of the Original Broadway Cast Album of Bob and Ray: The Two and Only, but either it's so prized or it sold so few copies that it appears to be all but unobtainable. Amazon.com lists no copies, just preposterously priced ones of a cassette edition. Fortunately, there does seem to be a fair amount of Bob and Ray on CD. I haven't gone through the listings, but anyone who has explored what's out there is welcome to chime in.
While I was rummaging around online for Bob and Ray stuff (I wasn't surprised to discover that there's a ton), I came across the observation that even while the boys were alive and performing actively, they were far from universal favorites. I noted another commenter despairing of explaining why he found their material so rolling-on-the-floor funny. These both seem to me important truths about what they did.
As I suggested earlier this week, one thing you don't find a lot of is casual Bob and Ray fans. Those of us who are hooked are generally addicted, and will probably never be able to explain it to those who don't get it. No, I'm not about to try to explain it either, but as I said at the outset of tonight's installment, I think the following interview is the quintessence of Bob and Ray.
Slow Talker (Bob)
From the Original Broadway Cast Album of Bob and Ray: The Two and Only (Columbia Records, 1970)
SUNDAY: The Two and Only: Overture; Wally Ballou (Bob) and Hector Lassie (Ray); Introductory remarks; Wally covers a fast-breaking cranberry story in Times Square -- meet Floyd Smith the cranberry man (Ray)
Video clip: Bob and Ray appear with a young David Letterman, part 1
MONDAY: World's largest living lizard . . . some kind of lizard? (Komodo dragon expert, plus Gabe Preston calls in from Washington with breaking news)
Video clip: Part 2 of the Letterman appearance
TUESDAY: "Most Beautiful Face" (plus Gabe Preston tries again)
Video clip: First half of a 1952 outing of the 15-minute NBC TV Bob and Ray Show
WEDNESDAY: Barry Campbell talks about his Broadway opening (and closing) night
Video clip: Part 2 of that TV Bob and Ray Show: an episode of Mary Backstayge, Noble Wife, with Audrey Meadows as Mary and actress Jessica Culpepper
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