
Thursday, June 25, 2020

Who Is Less Healthy, Señor Trumpanzee Or Status Quo Joe?

Who cares about Trump's physical health, when it's his severe mental illness that is such an existential danger to the country? And Biden... I don't even see him as much more than a stuffed animal that's a front for the Democratic Establishment because there was no one who could beat Bernie and anything would be better than that. The only reason I'm concerned about who his running mate is, is-- as one member of Congress quipped earlier today-- she'll probably be president in a few months when he chokes on a pretzel and dies. All the names being bandied about are horrifying, except Elizabeth Warren, who they will probably never pick unless they were forced to be polling-- which isn't happening. They could throw a Barbie Doll on the ticket and Trump will still lose to the stuff animal.

There's no way Biden could win an election outside of Delaware-- but that is trumped by the fact that Trump is so loathed by the majority of Americans that no matter what the Democrats run, Trump will lose. Most people realize Biden is not physically up to the jump but-- as with everything that makes Biden so unpalatable-- they see Trump as in even worse physical shape. Two sick old men!

According to a new poll by Morning Consult, 33% of voters rate Trump’s health as poor, while 27% say Biden is in poor health. 40% think Señor Trumpanzee is in good or excellent health, compared with 39% who think the same of Biden.
Last week, the Trump campaign launched a website citing “Biden’s descent into incoherence” and arguing the former vice president is in cognitive decline. Trump’s rhetoric has constantly attacked attack Biden as "sleepy."

Yet days after the rollout of the website, Trump found himself on the defensive regarding his physical well-being. Footage from his June 13 graduation address at the U.S. Military Academy showed the president slowly descending a ramp and using two hands to drink a glass of water.

Although the videos circulated among liberal circles online for a number of days, the story was largely forgotten before Trump devoted significant time to addressing the incidents during his rally in Tulsa, Okla., last weekend.

...If elected, Biden would be the oldest person to assume the presidency on Inauguration Day, beating Trump, who is the current record-holder.

The former vice president, known for his history of gaffes, has had to combat questions about his age and health throughout his primary campaign.

Biden had two aneurysms discovered and treated in 1988. Medical records released in December 2019 revealed that Biden had an “irregularly irregular” heartbeat and was taking medication to control cholesterol, but his personal doctor concluded he was otherwise in good health.

Neither man has released his full health records.
This is what I feared all cycle-- that the presidential race will not be a contest of ideas but one comparing two incredibly flawed men in the most personal of ways. Who is closer to being committed to an insane asylum? Whose family is more corrupt and repulsive? Which one is more likely to do the most harm to American families? Which is more likely to die in office?


  1. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Again, we've painted ourselves into a corner where we must ask such questions.

    "There's no way Biden could win an election outside of Delaware-- but that is trumped by the fact that Trump is so loathed by the majority of Americans that no matter what the Democrats run, Trump will lose."

    Yep. That's exactly how sure the democraps were of themselves 4 years ago when they ratfucked Bernie and puked up the world's greatest bankers' whore.

    how did that turn out again???? just wondering how many of you who read this passage nodding in agreement actually remember your recent history.

    doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results, I see.

  2. Anonymous8:57 AM

    They are going to puke Her! up again. No way Hillary will let Kamala take what she has decided is hers - ESPECIALLY since Biden can't last long.

  3. Anonymous8:28 PM

    If the DNC allows a biden-$hillbillary ticket, I predict that the democraps won't even get to 50 million votes nationwide.

    that means that trump could and WOULD win with 25% of the eligible electorate.

    he still polls at around 40%.

    need I extrapolate?
