
Friday, June 26, 2020

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by Noah

There he goes again! This time President Chimp On Crack went to Arizona, a state that currently suffers from one of the biggest escalations of COVID-19 cases in the world. Upon arrival, he held a typically surreal briefing and claimed that his multi-billion taxpayer dollar boondoggle, aka The Wall, had stopped the virus. He said this on Tuesday as Arizona was setting a new record of 3591 new cases in one day. The previous record had been set just the day before! Also on Tuesday, Arizona's number of hospitalizations in a day broke 2000 for the first time. The numbers for patient beds in use, ICU beds in use and ventilators in use also reached all-time numbers for the state. I guess it depends on what the meaning of stopped is.

After the semi-coherent briefing, President Chimp On Crack took a trip to his bigly, beautiful wall, a tremendous wall. In the minds of normal people, it was just a 300 foot stand alone section of it. That's right, it was just a section of nowhere near complete wall. The White House photos were shot at an angle that only showed "the bigly, beautiful wall" close up. There were no shots of a wall that extended from horizon to horizon or anything like that. How could there be? The wall where he stood stretched only 150 feet to his left and 150 feet to his right. It was a section of wall acting like a photo op prop just like his audiences of rally fools. If the cameras had been allowed to pull back, what you would have seen would probably look like something you could order from IKEA or Home Depot online (Some assembly required). He even stood there and autographed his little piece of extremely expensive and ineffective vanity wall. It was all a bullshit photo op from the most bullshit president of all time, and that, folks, is no easy title to earn. Trump is so far ahead in that particular competition that he's honing in on owning the top five spaces.

To top this Trumpian Psycho-Circus off, Trump and his White House Stable Genius Squad had scheduled a COVID-19 Mini-Fest in a nearby 3000 seat megachurch. Unlike Saturday, Trump chose a smaller venue so the place was packed, packed with cheering 3000 morons who especially loved Dear Leader's anti-Chinese racist comments. Most of the wackjobs also showed their self-destructive political support for Dear Leader by not wearing a mask. None of them did any social distancing. The scene was like an outtake from "Idiocracy." By the time these suicidal cultist campaign props come down with the disease and explode Arizona's disease numbers even more. President Chimp On Crack will be long gone, after having turned his latest "Breathe In The Virus" event into another campaign advertisement. His human props will have served their psychotic purpose. In a couple of months, someone should take a look at how many of the attendees are dead.

How much you wanna bet that someone has come along already and cut President Chimp On Crack's autograph out with an acetylene torch? It's almost hard to believe that our crazed, demented president really said that his folly stopped COVID-19, almost. The Big Lies just get bigger and bigger. Can you just see all those little virus "spores" or, more accurately, virus particles, floating up to that 300 foot stretch of wall or any other of the dozens of sections of uncompleted wall and stopping? Can you imagine that those "spores" just give up and turn around to head back south? They wouldn't float over to the edges and go around? They wouldn't just float over the top? Really? And how about the miles and miles and miles of The Wall that is just a tall chain link fence or vertical slats with six inches of space between them that the virus can just flow through like the breeze flows through the craniums of Trump supporters everywhere? What the fuck is wrong with the mind of President Chimp On Crack? No need to answer.

Tonight (Wednesday) as I write this, not just Arizona but the whole country is on its way to setting a new record for new cases in a day, but don't you worry, Little Donnie Trump's little wall stopped the virus at the border.

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