
Sunday, June 21, 2020

If Trump's Death Kult Wants To Die, Why Don't They All Drink Bleach And Leave The Rest Of Us Out Of It?

Lately, Florida passes a new record in COVID cases every day. Gov. DeSantis didn't manufacture the coronavirus, but his foolish, backward, ideological policies guaranteed that Florida would be one of the worst hotspots on the planet. On Friday the state reported 3,822 new cases-- the second most after Texas-- and yesterday Florida reported 4,049 new cases. Friday there were 4,179 cases per million people. Saturday there were 4,367. Florida's total caseload is 93,797 and at the rate they're going, early next week, the state will be the 7th to cross the 100,000 mark.

So... no wonder a team of Washington Post writers began their Saturday mask report, in Jacksonville, Florida, the biggest city in the state (both by area and population) and the county seat of polarized Duval County. In 2016, Trump narrowly won Duval County, 210,061 (49.0%) to 203,627 (47.5%). Two years later, Duval went for Bill Nelson (D) over Rick Scott (R) in the Senate election and for Andrew Gillum (D) over Ron DeSantis in the gubernatorial election. Presumably Max Parsell is a Trumpist. He doesn't wear a mask and he's damned proud of it! The Post team reported that it's a matter of principle for him and he doesn't plan to start wearing masks. "'Making individual decisions is the American way,' Parsell, a 29-year-old lineman for a power company, said as he picked up his lunch at a barbecue joint at a rural crossroads south of Jacksonville. 'I’ll social distance from you if you want, but I don’t want the government telling me I have to wear a mask.' Parsell need not worry: Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) has not made mask-wearing mandatory here in Florida. That’s in sharp contrast with what’s happening more than 2,000 miles away in California, where Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) on Thursday reacted to rising ­caseloads by making ­mask-wearing mandatory." (Kind of mandatory-- there is no enforcement, so it's just a way for Newsom to make himself look good to Democrats without offending Republican-leaning independents and moderate Republicans.)
In this sprawling, heterogeneous country, the pandemic has become yet another thing on which Americans are divided.

Mask-wearing for some people is an identifier of broader beliefs and political leanings. Like so many issues rooted in science and medicine, the pandemic is now fully entangled with ideological tribalism. This has played out before: helmets for motorcyclists, seat belts in cars, smoking bans in restaurants. All of those measures provoked battles over personal liberty.

Now it’s masks and the coronavirus, with face coverings emerging as an emblem for what cleaves the nation. A flurry of recent studies supports wearing cloth face coverings as a means to limit transmission of the novel coronavirus, which causes the illness covid-19. To many people, masks represent adherence to civic duty and a willingness to make individual sacrifices for the greater good of public health. To others, masks symbolize government overreach and a violation of personal liberty.

President Trump does not wear a mask, even when in the company of staffers and other officials who do. His press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, said Friday that she will not wear a mask at the Trump rally Saturday in Tulsa. [6 of his campaign workers laboring away in Tulsa on Saturday tested positive.]

“It’s a personal decision. I’m tested regularly,” McEnany said. “I feel that it’s safe for me not to be wearing a mask, and I’m in compliance with CDC guidelines, which are recommended but not required.”

The long-percolating politicization of masks reached a boiling point this week when a North Carolina activist in a group called Reopen N.C. plopped a mask in a pan, set it on fire and cooked a hot dog over the open flames.

That display came after Gov. Roy Cooper (D) said he was considering making mask-wearing mandatory in public spaces. Members of Reopen N.C. posted videos and graphics on Facebook instructing people to “remove your submission muzzle because you are not a sheep” and “douse submission muzzle with gasoline.”

Less theatrically, many people in the United States who two months ago were appropriately alarmed by the spread of this invisible pathogen have been more mobile in recent weeks and looser in their social distancing.

“It’s like this big, giant, hideous thing didn’t just happen,” said Jennifer Nuzzo, a Johns Hopkins University epidemiologist who has been staying near New York City and witnessed people congregating without masks.

But she said she understands that people have pandemic fatigue. They need options, she said, so they can resume important parts of their lives while remaining safe.

“Can we be creative? Seems like that is what is needed, because we can’t just continue to say ‘no.’ That only works so long as people feel it’s in their best interest to comply, but I’m afraid that is waning,” she said.

The nation’s traditional emphasis on the rights of individuals distinguishes the United States from many other countries, said Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

“I don’t like to see people out in bars congregating without masks right now,” Fauci said in an interview, but he added, “We may have mayors and may have governors who are saying the right thing, but because of the individual spirit of our country, we don’t listen to authority. You go to Korea, you go to Japan, when the authorities say something, man, it gets done.”

The independent American trait can complicate public health measures, he acknowledged.

“When you’re dealing with infectious diseases, a small percentage of people who don’t comply can have an impact on the entire population,” he said.

The United States has far more coronavirus infections than any other country. It has the most covid-19 deaths. The latest death toll tops 117,000 121,000.

Although New York City and other places in the Northeast have greatly reduced transmission of the virus and deaths linked to it, much of the country is still in its initial wave of infections.

The political structure of the country gave governors and mayors the power to decide how and when to reopen their economies, and some were more eager than others despite lingering community spread of the virus. An ongoing tug of war for authority between state and local officials has largely played out along partisan lines.

In Wisconsin, the Republican state legislature successfully sued to strike down Democratic Gov. Tony Evers’s stay-at-home order, which many local leaders declared they would ignore. And in several states with Republican governors, including Arizona, Arkansas and Oklahoma, Democratic mayors have expressed frustration with a lack of aggressive action to halt the viral spread.

In Orange County, California, the board of supervisors said it would no longer enforce mask mandates locally, going against the wishes of health department officials. In Nebraska, Gov. Pete Ricketts (R) told local authorities in his state not to mandate masks in municipal buildings-- unless they wanted to lose out on their allocation of money from the federal Cares Act.

AMC, the sprawling movie house chain, made a proclamation of its own earlier in the week, declaring it would not mandate masks so as “not to be drawn into political controversy”-- thereby drawing itself into political controversy anyway. But by Friday, reflecting the fluid nature of the pandemic and the decisions enveloping it, AMC had reversed course, announcing that it would insist on mask-wearing after all.

Compared with most countries, the United States has been quick to reopen, according to researchers at the Oxford University Blavatnik School of Government who have crafted a Stringency Index that tracks government shutdown orders and other interventions.

But multiple states, particularly in the South, Midwest and Southwest, are experiencing spikes in infections.

“We have right in front of us this unfolding crisis-- this hurricane sitting there right on the radar,” said Michael T. Osterholm, an infectious-disease epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota. “Yet we’re still going about our business as though we’re still going to be planting petunias tomorrow.”

Fauci theorized that the disparate responses to the virus among people in the United States reflect a feature of the virus itself: Its effects are wildly variable. Some people remain asymptomatic after infection. Others become severely ill. Some die. That can be confusing for people.

“The nature of the disease makes you confused. The nature of the disease sets it open to multiple different interpretations of how serious this is, and with that how serious you should be taking the disease,” Fauci said.

Adding to that confusion is the fact that successful public health measures, including shutdowns and mandates to wear masks, can appear to be unnecessary. There is no easy way to calculate what might have happened if the measures hadn’t been imposed.

Memorial Day weekend facilitated an explosion of self-determination, as pictures of packed pools and overflowing clubs-- all enjoyed by people bereft of masks-- left public health officials wringing their hands. Pictures of crowds packed into a pool at Backwater Jack’s, a beloved local spot at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri, drew national attention.

When the Camden County Sheriff’s Office announced it had no authority to disperse attendees or hold accountable those organizing the aptly named “Zero Ducks Given” party, dozens of commenters flooded the department’s Facebook page with messages of gratitude.

So far, health officials in the state say they do not think the gathering resulted in the catastrophic spread of the coronavirus that some predicted. Backwater Jack’s is planning a similar bash in a few weeks-- “Zero Ducks Given, Fourth of July Edition.”

The pushback against masks seems to have increased in recent weeks, in part because cases are rising in places largely untouched during the earlier parts of the pandemic. Since Memorial Day, at least 10 states have seen covid-19 hospitalizations rise at least 10 percent, according to a Post analysis of data.

Not all states report covid-19 hospitalizations, so the list may be longer. Florida, for example, is experiencing an explosion in cases but does not report hospitalization data.

In Arizona, Gov. Doug Ducey (R) succumbed to pressure from local leaders and revised an executive order that had barred city leaders from instituting their own policies on face coverings.

Within 48 hours of Ducey’s reversal, Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego (D) had announced a mask mandate would be on the next city council agenda. Tucson Mayor Regina Romero (D) announced an executive order mandating masks in her city, too.

Montgomery, Alabama, has emerged as a virus hot spot in recent weeks, with cases increasing 73 percent in the surrounding county during June. Hospitals in the region are experiencing a strain on intensive care units and other resources. But when the city council voted on a measure that would have mandated masks in public among groups of 25 or more, the measure failed.

A day later, Montgomery Mayor Steven Reed (D) announced he would sign an executive order mandating masks in public anyway.

“This issue is too important, and the facts speak far too loudly for us not to take action,” Reed said at a news conference.

In Jacksonville, Debra Rease is keeping close track of covid-19 news and doesn’t like what she sees.

“As soon as they opened up, it started peaking again,” said Rease, 68, a retired teacher and social worker.

“My sisters, my cousins that are over 60, we don’t go anywhere,” Rease said. “The only thing I do, I go outside where my daughter has a garden, and I go out and look at the garden, or I walk to the mailbox. That’s it.”

And when people do venture out, Rease said, she can scarcely believe they are forsaking masks.

“I see that, and I’m going, ‘Aren’t you looking at the news?’ The numbers are going up, not down,” Rease said. “People are just going to have to be patient and be cautious. If the doctors are telling you to wear your mask, wear your mask.”

Rease’s family has been in Jacksonville for generations. The street she lives on was named for her grandfather. Her great-grandmother, Amelia Kohn, who died at age 112 when Rease was a small child, had been enslaved in South Carolina before moving to Jacksonville after Emancipation. Rease said she misses going to church; before the pandemic, she would attend three times a week.

Rease recently wrote a letter to Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry (R) asking him to withdraw his invitation to Republicans to bring their national convention to town.

“With all that’s going on with Covid-19 and the numbers for reported cases increasing, why would you put the health and welfare of the people of this city at risk?” Rease wrote.

She said she has received no reply.
"There Is No 2nd Wave"- Mike Pence by Nancy Ohanian

These were the states on Saturday with the most new confirmed COVID-10 cases. Even the few with social distancing "rules" do not enforce them, making them utterly useless and an indictment of worthless political leaders, from Republicans Abbott and DeSantis to Democrats Newsom and Cooper.
Florida +4,049
Arizona +3,109
Texas +4,250
California +4,363
Georgia +1,800
North Carolina +1,773
Louisiana +1,231
South Carolina +1,155


  1. Anonymous3:36 PM

    I agree fully with the title of this post.

    But instead of attempting to rescue them from their foolishness, we should encourage them in their disdainful refusal to take safety measures. They will sicken and die, and we will be rid of large numbers of morons, cretins, and assholes who make life for the rest of us more difficult than necessary just because they can.

    And we won't miss them when they are gone.

  2. Anonymous4:02 PM

    The problem with that is that the death rate is far too small to be of any help.

    A note about the title: name one single death cult that mankind ever contrived that did NOT wish to impose its lethality upon everyone. Certainly not Christianity or islam or even Judaism and LDS (to a lesser extent). Scientology? Naziism? every form of communism?

    The American democrap party can even be included as they seek to cede absolute power to the money, which, in turn, seeks to subjugate us all and rid themselves of superfluous wage slaves the cheapest way possible.

    maybe americans could ponder how to rid themselves of such death cults... oh never mind.

    if we were smart enough to do that we would never have saddled and hobbled ourselves with so many death cults in the first place.

  3. Anonymous6:28 PM

    The death rate is about to explode. Religion won't have much to do with it. Mass ignorance certainly will, however.

  4. Anonymous8:00 PM

    my point was that if all 62 million Nazi voters got covid, less than a million or so would likely die. it might be enough to give biden a win, but the Nazis would still be enough to beat the democraps in 2 years after they refuse to do shit -- as happened in 2010.

    I know... what do you call a million dead Nazis? a good start. but still not enough.

    and those idiots would surely infect millions of others who are not Nazis... and a lot of them would die too.

    like forgetting to water your potted geraniums for a couple of weeks.

  5. Anonymous9:31 AM

    You have to look longer-term. 8:00. The more that die now, the less they are going to reproduce. I agree that the MAGAts will still be around to cause trouble, and we know that the Democraps will bungle any and all opportunities to bring about change, but eventually there would be a noticeable improvement.

  6. Anonymous11:39 AM

    disagree, 9:31. the democraps have never given any indication that they will even ALLOW eventual improvement. Look at what they've done to Bernie for 6 years, just one example. As long as the democraps exist and are relevant, they will 'stand athwart improvement and say "stop" ', if I can adapt a famous quote from W. F. Buckley.

    The reproduction rate of stupid people has far exceeded that of educated people for at least 6 decades now. If there be a blip in the trend for covid, it won't matter much. Like a crack in the pavement on the road up Pike's Peak.

    And, like I said, the democraps are likely to be hit just as hard. As we know, it kills blacks and elders at a far higher rate than other demos. and both tend to be fairly regular democrap demos.
