
Sunday, June 21, 2020

Democrats Want Trump To Do Rallies Like Tulsa Every Night 'Til November

Even Tulsa Republicans are smarter than Trump gave them credit for 

Trump-- still stealing Tom Petty's music after his death-- was served with a cease and desist order after he used I Won't Back Down at the poorly attended Tulsa hate rally last night. This is the anti-racism tweet from Tom's wife and 3 children during the rally:

The big takeaways from the botched rally, though, was not about Petty's music nor even about how K-Pop fans and TikTok teens faked out Brad Parscale and Trump by registering in the hundreds of thousands for tickets as a prank-- a prank Parscale fell for, hook, line and sinker. Maggie Haberman explained why that was meaningful-- aside from all the empty seats:

So the big take away wasn't that the fire marshal told the media that "there were only about 6,100 people in the arena" for Trump’s standup comedy routine, even though the space can hold 19,000. The reviews of the event were savage. "By the time Trump took the stage in Tulsa, there were thousands of empty seats in the arena. The overflow area was scrapped. And aides were left trying to explain why a president who has placed enormous value on his crowd sizes was addressing a smaller-than-expected audience." And "Trump’s attempt to revive his re-election campaign sputtered badly on Saturday night as he traveled to Tulsa for his first mass rally in months and found a far smaller crowd than his aides had promised him, then delivered a disjointed speech that did not address the multiple crises facing the nation or scandals battering him in Washington."

Having watched Trump's routine while eating dinner Saturday night (a citrus and avocado salad, gnocchi and a mixed fruit and berry pie I whipped up) what a saw was a pathetic old man unable to articulate a vision for a country's whose grip on the term "the greatest country on earth" is becoming shakier by the day, who instead shared a disjointed and sadly obsessive list of the most petty of personal grievances with a small crowd of people too stupid and too ignorant to understand what a pandemic is and how they were putting themselves and their intimates in harm's way for... a night of cheap entertainment.

That was one big takeaway... maybe too abstract? How about that Trump admitted, publicly, that "he told officials to administer fewer coronavirus tests to keep case numbers down." He doesn't understand that testing helps save peoples' lives. Malignant sociopaths and narcissist s like Trump have no empathy and no ability to understand the world outside of their own ego-centric bubble. It's all about Trump, not the 2,332,023 people-- as of this writing-- who have contracted COVID-19 in the U.S., nor the 122,019 Americans who died while Trump fretted that the testing numbers may have made him look bad.

Death Of A Salesman by Nancy Ohanian

On Saturday those numbers of new cases were spiraling out of control, many of them in "Trump states," like Texas (4,250 new cases on Saturday), Florida (4,049 new cases on Saturday), Arizona (3,109 new cases on Saturday), Georgia (1,800 new cases on Saturday), Louisiana (1,231 new cases on Saturday), South Carolina (1,155 new cases on Saturday), as well as big big spikes in Arkansas, Utah, Alabama, Missouri and, of course, Oklahoma. The U.S. average over the last couple of months has been around 20,000 a day. Now that Trump and his pet governors have forced unsafe, willy-nilly reopenings, the daily national averages are over 30,000 new cases.
After claiming the United States has tested 25 million people, Trump said: “When you do testing to that extent, you’re going to find more people, you’re going to find more cases. So I said to my people, ‘Slow the testing down, please!’ ” A White House official later told The Washington Post that Trump was joking.

Eight states on Saturday reported their highest single-day case counts since the pandemic began, and daily new infections nationwide exceeded 30,000 on both Friday and Saturday. The country has not seen daily totals that high in more than seven weeks.

It isn't as though Trump doesn't worry about people getting COVID. The NY Times reported that last night he flipped out when it was reported that 6 of his White House staffers who were working on the Tulsa rally had tested positive for COVID-19. Again, in his sick, warped mind, it made him look bad. 


  1. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Maybe Jonestown is too far back in history for MAGAts to remember?

  2. Anonymous4:07 PM

    That it took this long to disgust Lisa, finally, says everything about her and dick about the Nazi party.

    Though DWT is on the 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' delusion full-on at the moment, if you were not disgusted by the racist dog whistling from Nixon on, *I* will never listen to you about anything. save your Nazi breath.

  3. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Oh, get on with the Rapture already and leave us behind! we won't miss you!

  4. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Thank you for removing the spammer, Howie.
