Friday, January 31, 2020

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

Watching the Trump Impeachment "trial" has shown us more than just the depths to which politicians will dive for their despotic leader if a nice wad of "campaign contributions" recently converted from rubles to dollars is in the offing. There are good people who are lawyers, really, but Donald Trump's "crack legal team" in this "trial" has also shown us perhaps the best example of why people often place lawyers in the same basket of deplorables as used car salesmen and street hustlers who run 3-Card Monte games and those who push drugs cut with things that are even worse than the drugs themselves. I know Rudy wishes he could be there.

As I watched Jay Sekulow and that excessive combover hair weave that engulfs his head, perv-meister Alan "I Kept My Underwear On" Dershowitz, Trump White House Counsel Pat Cipollone who claims that "impeachment would be the most massive interference in an election in American history," (Well, yeah, bozo. Isn't that the point? That remedy is exactly what's needed! It's in the Constitution!), the self-contradicting, blow job obsessed Ken Starr who has a history of looking the other way when it suits his wallet or his politics, and, of course former Florida Attorney General (say no more!) Pam Bondi who is best known for her very brief marriages and dropping her state's case against Trump University after Trump sent a nice check to her campaign, the number one question I kept going back to was "How do these people face any relatives they may have?" We can tell what kind of people they married just as we know what kind of people work in the Trump White House. We can see what they've taught their children. We can see that they're trying to teach all children in America that not only does crime pay but crime isn't really criminal, and, oh, lies mean nothing; the bigger the better.

To these true deplorables, absolutely nothing is impeachable; apparently not even, as the leader of their cult says, standing in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shooting someone. Dershowitz even pushes the idea that anything Trump "may" have done is not impeachable simply because Trump feels his reelection is in "the national interest." He babbles on and on and on like a classic village idiot or FOX "News" talking head preaching from a wall in your park, same nonsense over and over and over. Bondi knows two words Biden and Hunter, over and over again. Two words, that makes her electable in Florida. I won't even give further mention to Cipollone. He and his wife have 10, count 'em 10, kids. 10 kids who will probably each have 10 super-warped kids of their own who will each in turn have 10 and on and on into the future. This is just another example of Idiocracy (One of the most 'must see' movies of all time, by the way).

Get the fuckin' net! You watch these people and you wait and wait for the guys in the white coats to wrestle them to the floor, shoot them up with tranquilizers and put the straitjackets on them and cart them off. Yet, our society, being also as loonie as it is, tolerates being spoken to like this. FOX "News" is horrific enough, but this is FOX "News" being broadcast live from the United States $enate and no one does shit about it or ever will. These lawyers are the end result of Americans watching decade after decade of mindless reality television and gameshows. These lawyers couldn't even make it as gameshow hosts, yet, here they are, paid for and brought to you by an Idiocracy president.


Sekulow, has been especially pitiful as he displays the awkward vocal inflections of a person who doesn't believe what was coming out of his own mouth, but, hey, there's money and a book deal in it. Dershowitz? He would have us all believe that there's nothing suspicious or wrong about getting a massage in a house full of underaged girls as long as one (allegedly) keeps his underpants on. In fact, he seems to think we should think better of him for it.

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At 9:07 AM, Blogger Arf Arf said...

I've been perplexed on how to confront and/or enlighten brainwashed Repug supporters without being completely cynical that they are a total lost cause supporting the Trump Mafia blitzkreig. Since it has to be a brief sound byte to compete with their beloved FOX News source and the barrage of ludicrous tweets, I've come up with the following questioning buzzword phrase: "Which do you want to support; Tyranny or Democracy." Maybe that will sink in with an undecided voter who still has a fraction of a soul.


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