
Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Hard To Imagine Trump Resigning... But The Mooch Knows Him Better Than I Do

The Mooch says Republican senators will pressure Trump enough over the next 3 months that he'll resign by March. Yesterday he told Yahoo Finance that "When you talk to elected Republicans privately, they can’t stand the president. They know the president is a lawless person and basically a criminal."
Scaramucci said Republicans can’t ignore the new polls from Fox News and NBC/Wall Street Journal which show a growing number of Americans, 49%, want Trump removed from office. “I predict that’s now going to have to go to 60 and when it’s 60, Republicans are going to have to cut and run.”

Scaramucci recently filed paperwork to create a political action committee (PAC) which will use its funds to defeat Trump if he fails to leave office before the 2020 presidential election.

“I am in the process of raising the assets and I will make an announcement in early January the number of assets we’ve raised and where we are going to target the thing,” he said.

Scaramucci’s PAC will focus on 11 swing states like Ohio, Michigan and Florida targeting suburban voters, “to explain what the president is doing actually to their children,” he said. “You can’t have somebody that is lawless at the top of the food chain, who is supposed to be the number one law enforcement official in the United States.”

Scaramucci suspects voters are turned off by the presidents “repetitive lying” and “bullying.” Among Republican voters, Trump’s approval rating has fallen eight points since September to 74%, according to a recent ABC News Washington Post poll. But 61% strongly approve of Trump’s performance as president which is essentially unchanged. It’s one reason Scaramucci says Republican leaders still defend Trump publicly but trash him privately.

“The president tries to shame people. He'll bully people,” said Scaramucci. “Remember, we have to be 100% loyal to him like he's David Koresh, or Jim Jones from the Jonestown Kool-Aid punch. If you're not 100% loyal to him he flips out.”

Scaramucci said Republicans should have acted sooner despite what he calls their fear to act.

“The stink of the president would have lasted a little while, but not that long. I mean, they're overestimating his power of intimidation,” he said. “And they're underestimating how good they could be post his departure.”
Sherrod Brown was on with Colbert yesterday and the Ohio senator told him that "Most Republican senators, when you talk to them individually, quietly, will acknowledge that Trump is a racist. They’ll acknowledge that Trump is a misogynist, they’ll acknowledge he has trouble telling the truth... It’s pretty clear that Republican senators, I mean they’re not going to go down as profiles in courage. It’s pretty clear that they like the tax cuts that Trump gave them. They like the attacks on the environment and on labor rights, and they like the young right-wing judges. And they’re all scared of their base. They’re all scared of a Republican primary from a Trump supporter that could take them out." Moscow Mitch wasn't on with Colbert, but he said that "I’m pretty sure how it’s likely to end. If it were today I don’t think there’s any question-- it would not lead to a removal. So the question is how long does the Senate want to take? How long do the presidential candidates want to be here on the floor of the Senate instead of in Iowa and New Hampshire?"

As much as I'd love to believe it, I think The Mooch is dead wrong on this and that McConnell has it about right. The Mooch may know Trump better than I do, but me and Moscow Mitch know Capitol Hill better than he does and there just aren't enough Republican senators with big enough cajones and enough integrity to go to Trump and tell him to retire. It's easier for them to make a bad bet that he'll come through this whole mess fine and they'll all live happily ever after.


  1. Trump will never resign.

    If you believe that the GOP Reps want him gone, and I do, then it happens one of two ways:

    #1. They remove him / impeachment / whatever.

    #2. They leave him in there and let the voters take him out.

    Number 2 is the coward's way out, and it's probably what they will do unless the shit really hits the fan (which is not at all out of the question).

    The problem with #2 is that I think that's what they all thought about him in 2016 - No one thought he would win, including Trump, and he did win and now look at us. They were all prepping for the impeachment of President Hillary over the emails and Trump was going to start a new TV channel with Roger Aisles.

    This whole situation is F******g ridiculous.

  2. Total B.S. The psychological (or should I say psychiatric?) factor here is huge for Trump. It is NUBMER 1. He is a malignant narcissist and will NEVER give up, NEVER leave office willingly, probably even if he survives impeachment and is voted out of office. An orange straight jacket will be needed to remove him from the Oval Office.

  3. Anonymous6:09 AM

    yeah... when you post that the mooch is on your side... you prolly oughta reconsider your side.

    the enemy of my enemy is not always my friend. you should ponder that from time to time.
