Sunday, June 21, 2009

Almost All Americans Not In Congress Or Working For An Insurance Company Want The Public Option


Yes, every one of these clowns opposes health care reform; remember their faces in case you see one when the revolution comes

Judging from the talking points being constantly spewed by the likes of Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Eric Cantor (R-VA), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Paul Ryan (R-WI), Max Baucus (DLC-MT), Blanche Lincoln (DLC-AR), Mary Landrieu (DLC-LA), Joe Lieberman (DLC-CT), and Ben Nelson (DLC-NE), and by the coverage in the corporate media, all of it driven primarily by corporate dollars, one would think that most people oppose Obama's tyrannical plans to impose dreaded health care reform on the American people. But, no. Americans overwhelmingly want health care reform. Wisely, they don't trust the crooked CEOs who run the insurance companies and they don't trust the bought off, sold out Republicans in Congress. Every single poll that comes out shows that Americans-- by gargantuan margins, favor genuine, government-run health care.

That's why the insurance companies and their shills in Congress are fighting tooth and nail, like mad dogs, to kill the compromise between an Insurance company bailout (the Senate Finance Committee plan authored by Max Baucus and Chuck Grassley) and single payer. The compromise, which offers consumers a choice, is called the "public option." Anyone who likes their for-profit Insurance company's service can stick with it. Otherwise, they can opt for the non-profit government run plan. Studies by the insurance industry show that within a couple of years there will be virtually no people choosing for-profit insurance companies.

This story in today's NY Times is just what the doctor ordered in reminding people that Blue America is asking for donations for the television ads were doing to make Arkansas voters aware that their senator isn't really their senator; Blanche Lincoln belongs to the Big Business CEOs who have financed her career. While she works behind the scenes to protect the interests of her Insurance Industry patrons, Americans "are strongly behind one of the most contentious proposals Congress is considering, a government-run insurance plan to compete with private insurers, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll." Even half the respondents who admitted they are Republicans prefer this plan, while among normal Americans, the margins are staggering. Look at this chart and then please consider chipping in at our Campaign for Health Care Choice.

Is our democracy real? Is it time for us to go out into the streets like the courageous Iranian patriots in Tehran who are fighting the powerful establishment in their country? In our country we have just as selfish and greedy an establishment, only they don't wear military uniforms and clerical drag; they wear three piece Armani and Zegna suits and demand the taxpayers subsidize their hundred dollar lunches and private jets. Haven't we had enough yet?

UPDATE: Why Blanche Lincoln?

Max Baucus, the entire Republican Party, Joe Lieberman, Mary Landrieu, Ben Nelson, Arlen Specter, and, as Pam points out so eloquently this morning, Kay Hagan are all just as guilty as Lincoln when it comes to taking money from Big Insurance and selling out working families. Blue America would love to deal with all of them. Except for Specter, though, only Lincoln is up for re-election in 2010. Some have five-and-a-half years before they have to face the voters again. Lincoln is on the Heath subcommittee of the Senate Finance Committee. There is a reason why health insurance companies have chosen her to lavish the most money on-- and it's the same reason we've chosen her as well. Please give-- because it really does count.

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At 7:16 AM, Anonymous Lee said...

We all want it. And while we have been patient with Obama, if we don't get real health care ie a public option with teeth, I think he will be a one termer. Me...I'm sick of the words. I want boldness and action.

I'm off to DC this week for rally and lobby day on healthcare. I'm sick of phone calling and being polite to the people who have the best health care in the world and I have already warned my friend whom I am lobbying with that I cannot be counted on to be polite. Far as I am concerned the dicks in DC that you have pics of have counted on our polite ness. We should be in the streets and twittering our elected officials. I have also copied onto CDs the you tube video i did about my husbands suicide in regards to health care.As stated in my video, we paid over 600 dollars a month and couldn't find one Dr that would "take" this insurance. I hope these clowns never have to walk in my shoes.

At 7:56 AM, Blogger DownWithTyranny said...

Lee, be sure to pay a visit to Max Baucus, Arlen Specter, Ben Nelson, Mary Landrieu and Blanche Lincoln. Their offices are where health care reform is being murdered.

At 8:39 AM, Anonymous NOAH said...

Now, we should watch carefully as fraudulent humanoids like Senawhores Schumer, Dodd, and so many others will all of a sudden feel the heat from their voters and repeatedly try to tell us that they, too support a public option and, gee, they always have. I strongly suspect that any "public option" that such integrity starved legislators support will be so deliberately watered down in favor of those who stuff their pockets with cash that it will be utterly worthless. Then, a few years from now, they will say,"see, a public option didn't work" and smirk off back to their lairs with their K Street pals. There is absolutely no reason to trust such "people" at all anymore. Be vigilant! Always look behind the curtain. Their press releases are only good for one thing.

At 11:23 AM, Blogger David Veksler said...

The whole idea of medical insurance is absurd. Insurance ought to cover things one has no control over - and one's health is definitely under one's control. (There are non-volitional dangers to health, but those ought to be insured separately, such as via auto insurance.)

This issue is solely about moochers wanting to force doctors to providing services to those who refuse to pay for them. Oh, sure, the "government will pay for it". But the government produces nothing - ultimately it is productive workers and doctors who are made into slaves.

At 11:23 AM, Blogger David Veksler said...

It is a common belief that when government provides something, it is free or cheap. But politicians cannot create wealth – they can only redistribute it. Money for all government spending comes from business – whether by entrepreneurial investment, the wages of patients, or taxes.

Whether by price controls of outright nationalization, when governments make prices artificially low, demand skyrockets, and shortages result. Politicians respond by passing ever more regulations to control costs. These regulations stifle innovation, drive up costs, and force healthcare providers out of business. The end result is to replace capitalism, the greatest wealth-generating system known to man, with an onerous system of central planning.

Capitalism cannot guarantee that all our medical needs will be provided for – no system can do that. But it does give entrepreneurs the incentive to compete to provide the best possible service they can. Centralized socialized systems have no incentive to improve service or to try bold new techniques. Politicians can force prices to be artificially low, but they cannot lower costs – they can only drive doctors, hospitals, and drug companies out of business.

At 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The United States was founded with the declaration that all men have the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The Founders recognized that all men have a moral right to be free from the coercion of others, as long as they allow others the same freedom. They believed that rights do not impose a positive obligation on others, but only the negative obligation to restrain from the initiation of force.

The claim that there is a “right to healthcare” violates the principle of individual rights because it requires that the liberty of doctors and the property of taxpayers be violated to provide for others. When the New Deal and Great Society programs forced doctors and taxpayers to become sacrificial offerings to the “common good”, the current “healthcare crisis” was born.

At 3:28 PM, Blogger Bill janis said...

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At 3:29 PM, Blogger Bill janis said...

Add another clown to your list. I just heard Tom Price, republican congressman from Georgia, on the Tavis Smiley show. A total blast of fear mongering. I'd love to know how much he receives from the insurance and drug companies. He said our level of care will go down with a government run plan. Go down? How can it go down? Will 100 Million people not be covered instead of 45 million, or whatever it is? He told Tavis that when it comes to the biggest diseases, we have the best cure rate, or close to it, out of any country. (that was to refute the World Health Organization ranking us 35th world wide in health care). To Tavis's credit, he ask about everyday care, because as he said, most of us do not deal with cancer and heart disease daily.

At 12:28 PM, Blogger Duncan Mitchel said...

"the insurance companies and their shills in Congress are fighting tooth and nail ..." Hey! don't forget the shill in the White House!

HeroicLife, "Capitalism ... does give entrepreneurs the incentive to compete to provide the best possible service they can." Capitalism sounds great on paper ... I wish I lived in a capitalist country.

But in practice, the current state of healthcare shoots down your assertions in flames. It is because capitalist entrepreneurs have not only failed to provide the best possible service, but because the quality of service has tanked for most people, while costs have skyrocketed, that health care reform is necessary in the US.

Meanwhile, non-capitalist healthcare in other countries is superior to capitalist healthcare in the US, even if it costs more, which I doubt. Since your main claim is false, I see no reason to credit your claim that non-capitalist healthcare has higher costs.

At 8:09 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Dennis Kucinich Sets Dr. David Gratzer Straight

At 6:42 AM, Anonymous Steve said...

This is bullshit. For you idiots that think you want national healthcare, do your homework. Investigate the systems they have in Germany, England, and Canada. Our government says that they will avoid the problem these other countries have had. Not so. As soon as healthcare becomes available for "free", the doctor's office's will fill to capacity and you won't be able to see a doctor for months. You'll die from whatever ails you before you can get to see a doctor.

At 1:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve you should do some homework and quit reading insurance company literature to get your info. No one in Germany or Canada wants your system. (Insurance companies perhaps being the exception)

The only record the US system holds is it is the most expensive.
Should getting cancer bankrupt you? Should a preexisting condition void you from care? Do these guys need to make BILLIONS of dollars that could be put back in to care while offering nothing in return.

The stupid talking points from the right babbly about government red tape in health care, the existing for profit system is no better and will never have your health as their primary interest. (Making money is)

These guys are lying to you every day and have billions of our dollars to spend on it .. I do not even kind of care if they make another nickel and I have no idea why you do.


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