Saturday, June 20, 2009

Will John Ensign Resign His Senate Seat? The Dripping Is Turning Into A Faint Sound Of A Drumbeat


Ace GOP strategist, Mark McKinnon-- for both George Bush and John McCain-- thinks Ensign should resign immediately. And he told him so. "I think the silence [from other GOP leaders] is inexcusable. We've got to be able to call out our own bad apples when they turn out to be rotten and this is a rotten apple. We shouldn't have to remind our elected officials-- who should be held to a higher standard-- of their firmly held convictions. This is a guy who campaigned on 'higher standards' and accused others of hypocrisy and now he's guilty of it himself... You can't be the 'party of family values' and not value your family-- which is precisely what is happening with John Ensign."

UPDATE: Ensign's Lucky-- As Polling Numbers Tumble, He Won't Have To Face The Voters Until 2012

Polls show his popularity rapidly diminishing. And Ensign has changed his story again and now claims that Doug Hampton was trying to extort him "for cash and other financial benefits." Every photographer in DC wants to snap a picture of Ensign and Vitter together. Meanwhile, let's hope videographer Max Blumenthal decides to turn this into a docudrama.

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At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This one's easy. If it were not for the current precarious balance of the senate and the republicans need to try and stop anything the democrats are trying to do - there would be calls for his resignation. But with the current balance where it is, Franken on the way, and health care reform, cap and trade, etc in the hopper I'm sure he is being pushed to do anything BUT resign.

At 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you going to be stupid, you gotta be tough. Rachel Maddow has seized on this and droned on and smirked for a significant portion of her broadcast about Ensign's hypocrisy - while not saying anything much about John Edwards who found himself in much the same situation. Ensign can be the muted stealth Senator and show up for votes but given the stress on his family as the liberal news media gnaws on his bones interminably, he will likely resign.

At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Balakirev said...

"Rachel Maddow has seized on this and droned on and smirked for a significant portion of her broadcast about Ensign's hypocrisy - while not saying anything much about John Edwards who found himself in much the same situation."

Because, you see, Edwards wasn't. He wasn't part of any self-declared fraternity of holier-than-thous in Congress, or out. He never attacked other members of Congress or previous presidents for their wide stances in bathrooms, or their inabilities to keep their zippers closed in the WH. In short, he wasn't a hypocrite, you see?

Except that, of course, you won't. Because you're a member of the inbred Anonymous family, that just comes here to rant before they run again for the hills, where they lie with their dogs.

At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What, exactly, should John Edwards be resigning from?

At 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I take exception to those who suggest Ms. Hampton did not deserve to have her salary doubled. What many do not realize, is that Ensign's staff grew repeatedly while she was under him.


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