Me And The Tube

by Noah
I have, what some Americans might call, a strange relationship with my TV. No, not in a Republican-men’s room Wide Stance (TM-RNC) sort of way or a Sarah Palin “Don’t exploit my daughter. Here’s a new photo of her with her out of wedlock baby for the cover of US sort of way." Instead, it’s in a more kill the messenger sort of way. But, I have a suspicion that more and more people are, like me, keeping a big bag of old sneakers and shoes next to the couch. Now, in our house, we don’t have one of those new pricey High Definition TVs. Since neither my wife nor I see in High Def anymore, so what would be the point? The old set works fine and we intend to keep it as long as it works, which is why I came home last night and found that, since my aim is now so good with the old shoes, my wife had installed a chicken wire barrier around the TV. Fair enough. I kinda like the old southern roadhouse motif (Can I really combine the words "southern" and "roadhouse" with "motif?"). I just did! And, we both drink a lot of beer (Throwing the bottles is strictly forbidden. We’re civilized people right down to the straw on the floor.)
There’s a lot that sickens so many of us about what crap gets on the telly. Whole books have been written about it. People have even bamboozled universities into giving them doctorates for writing about it. Springsteen wrote a song called 57 Channels (And Nothin' On)
BUT, there is one reality show that I would absolutely love. Ya know those endless prison shows on MSNBC and NATGEO? The one on NATGEO is called Lockdown. Every week, there’s a different variation of the theme. Last week was a variation on the ever popular women in prison theme, Lockdown: Female Felons. Different men (and women) watch that one for different reasons having to do with either sex or power or BOTH, or fashion tips. The show also does things like Lockdown: Gangs, Lockdown: Dealers, Lockdown: Kids Behind Bars, etc. You name it. If it can be put in a jail, they cover it. I’d suggest Lockdown: Banksters, but with Treasury Secretary Timmy Grifter and his trusty sidekick Sleazebag Summers saying that we should “look forward” and not prosecute their best buddies who brought on the collapse with their chicanery, there isn’t much chance of that. They might as well place signs on the doors at every bank that say “Bankrobbers Will Not Be Prosecuted.” But, here’s an episode of Lockdown that would be even better. They haven’t yet done the one show that would get the biggest ratings of all time, guaranteed. It would be the best one of all! Here it is-- Lockdown: U.S. Congress! It’s an all too human tragedy about politicians who threw away their right to respect when they sold their integrity to the insurance companies. Yes, they’ll be in federal prison where they belong for their bribe taking and other offenses against us, but watch as, despite it all, they still get government health care (for life!) and you don’t! Shoe sales will go through the roof!
Pull back from Noah's excellent fantasy for a moment and give Blue America a hand in either bringing one of the worst culprits to her senses or expelling her from the House of Lords (and Ladies).
Labels: Culture of Corruption, Lockdown, media
Chicken wire and Southern Roadhouse? Cue the Blues Brothers quote:
"We got both kindsa music... Country AND Western..."
Whilst enjoying good sex together is one way of showing love to your partner. For many love and sex are inseparable sides of a coin, without one the other is incomplete.
Problems like impotence, are affecting the sex life of over 20% of all men, making their love lives incomplete. In some age groups erectile dysfunction can be as high as 70%. In some countries impotency is defined as a national problem in particular those countries where the population is declining year on year.
No man wants to suffer from impotence as it devastates his sex life. Men who suffer with impotence are not able to satisfy their partners, making them feel ashamed. The lack of confidence and self esteem often result in problems in both social and professional life. The use of prescription drugs has become commonplace and is widely accepted as a solution for those with low libido. The level of success in this form of impotence treatment varies from 50% up to over 84% with Butea Superba showing the highest success rate in treating the erection problems. The use of these impotence drugs is often essential in stimulating a couple’s sex life. However there are some major differences between these treatments- Butea Superba found in pill form in the high street brand HealthyED is unique. It contains no prescription drugs yet produces exactly the same bodily responses as prescription drugs. HealthyED pills (Butea Superba) stops the male body producing the enzyme PDE5’s, quite simply, PDE5 reverses the erection process. Some men create more PDE5 than others and by taking HealthyED pills each day as a supplement the body builds up a resistance to PDE5’s and allows more blood to stay in the penis for longer. Naturally, resulting in faster, firmer, longer lasting erections, in fact during clinical trials of HealthyED some men found they could gain second erections soon after ejaculation.
Impotence mainly occurs due to inadequate blood supply to the male reproductive organ. This results in a failure to respond to sexual stimulation and as we all know, gaining a good erection is essential for enjoying intercourse. Other abnormal health disorders like diabetes, blood pressure, and heart problems directly or indirectly can be contributing factors. Although rare, a physical injury to the testes or to the reproductive organ itself can result in impotence. Stress in the form of performance anxiety is often overcome when taking pills such as HealthyED as the high success rate often gives a new found confidence. Combine this with some good sex tips and you should be on the road to recovery
Impotence drugs such as HealthyED increase the nitric oxide deposition in the male reproductive system, which leads to a relaxation of the arteries and the smooth muscles along the walls of the penis, as a result the tiny blood vessels open up more readily causing an increase in blood flow to the male reproductive organ.
Impotent men can now reinvigorate their sex lives with the help of these HealthyED supplements.
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