Dixiecan Governors Use Code To Avoid Charges Of Racism As They Reject Money For The Unemployed

Soon to be ex-Governor Rick Perry (KKK-TX)
Franklin Roosevelt had some problems with the KKK and their elected representatives when he started introducing aspects of the New Deal to pull America out of the Republican Depression. These Democratic politicians were worried that the programs would not just help white people-- something they backed-- but would also help African-Americans, what they called, when they were in a polite frame of mind, negroes. Well, guess what-- the political descendants of these racist politicians are mostly Republicans now and they haven't changed one bit.
Today's NY Times has a piece by Michael Luo that never mentions Roosevelt or racism but, in effect, is an update of the same story. Working families in the South are boiling mad that the KKK governors of South Carolina, Texas, Louisiana, Tennessee (the one so-called "Democrat in the plot), Texas, Alabama, and Georgia (plus Alaska and Idaho) are threatening to reject millions of dollars in federal stimulus money for increased unemployment insurance.
The stimulus bill recently passed by Congress includes incentives to states to expand benefits to many more jobless people, including part-time workers and those who have cycled in and out of the work force, who are not covered in many states.
Rick Perry (R-TX), who recent polls show badly trailing his Republican primary challenger in his re-election bid, is one of the governors who says he's going to reject the money. He wrote to President Obama last week saying that he opposes "using these funds to expand existing government programs, burdening the state with ongoing expenditures long after the funding has dried up." Perry and the other KKK governors would never say-- publicly-- that they don't want to help African-Americans. Instead the use more updated right-wing dogma to mask their virulent racism.
The governors contend that once the federal money ran out, they would have to continue providing the new benefits, which they say would force them to raise taxes on businesses. The federal money will end in two or three years in some states, or much later in others, depending on the size of the state allocation.
Proponents say that nothing would prevent states from changing the laws back at that time... [M]any laid-off workers across the South have been fretting over precisely what they might lose out on, even as they express astonishment that they might not receive the help that jobless people in other states will get.
They need to think about that the next time they go to the polls and are asked to vote for rightist, reptilian politicians like Jim DeMint and Mark Sanford in South Carolina, David Diapers Vitter and Bobby Jindal in Louisiana, Bob Corker and Phil Bredesen in Tennessee, Haley Barbour and Roger Wicker in Mississippi. Elections, as they say, have consequences. And if you missed this video yesterday, please watch it today:
Labels: FDR, GOP racism, Obama's stimulus package, Rick Perry, unemployment
Another bleeding heart, your picking on me, racist article. How dare you interject your self centered, narrow minded opinion in such a manner.
I applaud those Governers who do not want to saddle thier tax paying people with the problem of maintaining these STIMULUS PACKAGE INCENTIVES
There is no stimulus in this package, just programs that will continue to cost everyday hardworking people in the days to come.
We are tired of maintaining the lifestyles of the slick and lazy. We know that people (regardless of race, color, or creed) have figured out how to beat the system. This is Unemployment, welfare, Social Services, etc. Unfortunately there are a good number of deserving families who get lumped in with the others. We have let these social programs bleed the life out of this country. Enough is enough.
How does more unemployment stimulate the economy?? More welfare and food stamp money?? When does it stop? Spend, spend, spend but in the end somebody has to pay. I do not want it to be me.
Racism is not involved in these Governors decision. Fiscal responsibilty is.
self centered? lifestyles of the slick and lazy. I have no idea about your circumstances or how you vote.But you sure as hell are
mean and sefish. Just like the Governors who turned down aid for people ho need it.
Howie gives a shit..unlike people like you who believe that people are unemployed because they don't work hard enough.
Hey, Satchsdado: Another I've got miner. All the money from unemployment insurance is spent therefor it goes into the economy. The real welfare is going to a bunch of none wealth producing slugs like the banking crooks (10-30% interest), the insurance companies (how many houses and cars to we have to pay for before we get any credit?), Brokers selling stocks back in forth tell your equity is gone, all working in multi million dollar buildings with million dollar offices when not flying too and fro to their stupid super bowl or million dollar golf tourneys and outings. If we can afford these criminals surely we can afford a few pennies for those who's jobs have been eliminated or sent over seas so others can be ripped off. Please explain what you do satchsdado that is so valuable. Actually, the Sun is paying for it all sending more energy in to our planet than we can ever spend but we are still in the dark ages with our economic system and morality playing the politics of scarcity and racism. Surely you don't think the phony paper money begins to represent our real wealth? You're just one of those guys who's getting his so everyone else is undeserving. I got money so I smart. Why don't you get off your fat ass (only guessing) and say it out loud "I'm a self righteous bigot" like the rest of the retarded republicans from all these states of stupidity. I bet your wife is fat too. You all get what I'm talking about?
We know that people (regardless of race, color, or creed) have figured out how to beat the system.
Oh, for a minute there I thought you were referring to the ruling class, the wall street and banking speculators that have RUINED our economy because the GOP in congress did not do their sworn duty and provide Checks and Balances.
Really, kids.
It's obvious Howie is ruffling some Republitard's feathers, and you've been assigned the task of coming here to throw incendiary verbiage around; blah blah blah and be "morally outraged" at the truth he lays out here at DWT.
We could smell it when DANGERSTEIN did it for Lieberman, young republican recruits did it for McCain and we can smell you all too.
Nice try - No sale.
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