Sarah Palin Is The Bridge To Nowhere

My friends Rachel and Scott started an synthpunk band in San Francisco late in the 70s, The Units. I signed them to my indie label, 415 Records and we released a groundbreaking record, Digital Stimulation. I never met Rachel's mom, the artist Helen Webber. For all the talk of woman of a certain age in states like Pennsylvania, I don't think anyone was thinking about Helen Webber, who is 80 and lives in Exton, PA. Rachel and Scott sent me this from Helen today:
Nowhere is a place where woman have no choice regarding their bodies,
and are forced to bear babies even if their pregnancy is a result of rape or incest.
Nowhere is a place where wolves, bears and other wildlife are hunted and killed
without mercy, at the whim of gun toting hunters.
Nowhere is a place where we can spread lies about our political opponents without
regret or shame.
Nowhere is a place where we don't worry or care about global warming and the health of
our oceans, lands, and creatures because we are assured that whatever happens is "God's will".
Nowhere is a place where separation of state and church does not exist.
Nowhere is a place where government has the right to decide what books are in our public libraries.
Nowhere is a place
from the Dark Ages,
where the rich and
the powerful rule at
their whim, where lip
service is given to
helping all the people,
when in fact the powerful
help the powerful.
While you think about a Palin world view imposed on America, consider, to the sound of some of The Units' music, what we've just come through and ask yourself if you want more of this:
Labels: Bridge to Nowhere, Sarah Palin, The Units
Helen isn't the only one - I shared this post with my 80 year old mother, who is eagerly waiting to vote for Obama. She was a life-long Republican, until I turned her prior to 2004. She now says she can't understand why it took her so long to see how wrong the Republicans were about absolutely everything. Sarah Palin just makes her angry.
I want to know if Palin traveled outside of Alaska.
We know she made her first passport trip to Germany and Kuwait (+Iraq and Ireland from the RNC), but as she traveled in the US?
Hooray for Helen Webber, the poet and artist. Is there a way to circulate this piece nationwide? It deserves to be heard.
BTW, Sarah Palin did not set foot in Iraq!!!
Helen Webber is a rock star. An absolute renaissance woman!
The Sarah Palin nomination was pure evil genius. The love affair seems to be over though. Can't wait 'till the debates.
Speaking of bridges, our world needs more bridges TO 80 year olds. We are the hidden ones with chutspah galore,
looking for bridges to vent our rage, wisdom, hope, especially to the youth of this country. Us 80 year olds yearn for peace in the deepest way,having lived through 4 or 5 depending on what you include. The thought of our grand kids getting dragged into the death trap of war is unthinkable.
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