Charlie Dent Staffer, College Young Republican President Caught Inciting Racial Hatred

Yesterday, a young Democratic friend of mine from Pennsylvania was talking with me about his plans to run for Congress in a few years. Although he's currently working for the federal government in Washington, DC, his roots in his district are strong and deep. In fact, one of the biggest towns in the district, Kutztown, gets its name from his family. That town is also the home of a university and it is conceivable that my friend will one day be running for Congress against, Adam LaDuca the
The Pennsylvania Progressive has done yeoman's work in helping LaDuca get his Republican message out to everyone in Pennsylvania so that no one is in doubt as to what the College Republicans, both at Kutztown University and throughout the commonwealth, are all about. Let's take a look at some of this year's Facebook postings on the young Republican's site:
From Facebook: Sunday, July 27, 2008 at 6:41pm
Obama and McCain, what a wonderful matchup for this November, right? Wrong. On the contrary, it features one man of honor and intellect, someone who doesn't care WHAT people think of him (that would be McCain) against a man with nothing more than a dumbass with a pair of lips so large he could float half of Cuba to the shores of Miami (and probably would.)
4:25pm on August 1st, 2008
I'm sure his penis is bigger than mine too? Want to discredit the biological fact that blacks have larger lips than a white boy like me, might as well discredit all of them! :) See, now watch. You will say I am discussing such obscene things (blah blah blah)'s all in humor
August 1st, 2008
Biologially speaking, the larger set of lips can be traced to a few different areas. First of all, it is to be noted that not ALL blacks have larger lips than whites (just like there are some white who actually have quite large lips.)
So here goes: one is that poorer Africans generally have been found to breastfeed. The placement of the lips on the mother's breast creates a larger lip that separates from the gum more clearly than a white's.
Another thought is that, since thick lips are a dominant phenotype to thin lips and that this genetic trait is found more often in blacks/African Americans.
A third still, is that lips are a type of air conditioning for the body. As warm air passes over the moist lips, the air is cooled before going into the lungs. This helps keep the body cool in general. People with ancestors who had come from warmer climates (such as Africa, Cuba, Central America, and the like) generally have larger lips.
I don't remember the source of number 2. I had learned that in a high school biology class. Number 3 I had read in a Western Kentucky Univ. biology lab.
11:42pm on August 1st, 2008
And man, if sayin someone has large lips is a racial slur, then we're ALL in trouble.
Friday, August 1, 2008 at 3:54pm
I made the comment in a prior note "Juuust the Two of Us..." that Obama had "lips so large he could float half of Cuba to the shores of Miami..."
I have had two people now get cranky at me for it, and while I will not flat out retract the story, let me explain this comment. First, a little history on lips and poking fun at people.
While supposedly seen as an insult, it is biologically, physically obvious that blacks/African Americans have lips, of which are larger than a white cracka's like mine.
How this is taken to be offensive, I would not know. Everyone makes fun of McCain for his age and point that he's as shiny as a queball. That would seem like age discrimination to me. Or what about George Bush's ears being so large he looks like Dumbo (and many times takes on the persona of the name itself.)
That is like saying "that man must be Jewish because of his schnoz." I have friends who are Jewish and poke fun all the time. Who cares? So ya have a big nose, it's who you are. And I wore blocks in my shoes when I was little because I had club feet.
Much like I poked fun at a fellow employee for HIS lips (because he was black.) The gal and guy (respectively) couldn't have cared less. Perhaps it's because we are friends and have a mutual understanding we're just bustin' eachother's chops.
6:23pm Monday, Jan 21
There's a lot that many don't see for MLK Jr's hypocrisy. This is why I listed him as a pariah, a fraud, on my facebook status. He supported affirmative action (which does NOT provide equality), he was an adulterous man (as opposed to his Rev. status!)...and the like...see the next few notes (including this one) for more ideas. He stood for a lot, but he also stood for very little.....
6:31pm Monday, Jan 21
MLK had some interesting ideas, but he promoted themin all the wrong ways, for all the wrong reasons, and while being perhaps one of the largest pariahs in American history.
And all of America has fallen for it. Just like those who believe Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will finally bring together the racial divide in the country. Last time I checked, the reason the racial divide exists is BECAUSE of these two men, the ACLU, and their followers. Just about all of America is not racist. And in human nature, we are all apt to be wary of things (and people) that are different. But to call it, at this point in time, racist, would be a gross misnomer. So if Al and Jesse, the ACLU, and their followers want to change HUMAN NATURE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL INCLINATION, they better look a lot farther ahead than raising millions of dollars for their own sick pleasure
Rather than go on with this-- although you can read more of the sexist, homophobic and racist Republican rantings at The Progressive Pennsylvania site-- I'd like the small handful of anti-Obama racists from West Palm Beach to take a look at what they're joining as they march firmly over to the McCain camp. (LaDuca, by the way, is the Kutztown University campaign coordinator for McCain's Pennsylvania campaign... big surprise. It's where racism lives.)
I called Sean Millan, Charlie Dent's campaign manager, and he categorically denies that Adam LaDuca is a paid staffer and says he's never heard of him. I can't get a comment out of anyone in Dent's DC office.
Well... from old Republicans, their mentors and role models, of course. WorldNetDaily is a Republican Party propaganda operation and Craig Smith's feature, "The Hip-Hop President," is one of the most racist Republican tropes of the season.
I can see it now. Air Force One decked out with "22s" and spinners. Maybe even a set of hydraulics. Watching the hip-hop president in the Oval Office with his baseball cap on backward coping a gansta lean in the big chair. Should be really pimp, don't you think? Cool man, real cool. Instead of giving away presidential cuff links to guests, as is the custom, he will offer "bling bling."
I imagine a whole group of special advisers to the president sitting around the Oval Office discussing policy. Kanye West, 50 Cent and maybe even Eminem (to keep the diversity thing going), all sharing their life experiences with the prez to assist him in understanding his "peeps."
No more press conferences or State of the Union addresses will be necessary. He will text message any comments he has to his public and his pals in the media. When it comes time for the State of the Union, he can just post it on his blog and cc the Daily Kos and the Huffington Post. The first interactive, full-bandwidth prez. How 21st century.
After a few months on the job, he can refer to his cabinet members as his "bitches." Hey don't get angry at me. Take a listen to any hip-hop song, and that is the type of endearing language you will hear. A group of playas that have no respect for the country. The same country that affords them a lifestyle most people only dream of, and all they can do is endlessly complain about it. Barack is very good at putting America down. Just like his hipster homeboys. Remember that hip-hop is a culture, not a color. It's a mind set and a way of life – one that is chosen not inherited. It has been slowly infiltrating every class and race in America for years. A culture that has led people to believe they deserve more. That America somehow owes them something. And because they think they have been ripped off in some fashion, they are angry.
This morning the phone rang at 6:30 AM-- not 3 AM, but still...-- and it was George McElwee, Charlie Dent's chief of staff. He was reading DWT and wanted to let me know that, despite his claims, young Adam LaDuca, doesn't work for the campaign. "I've never heard of him," he claimed. There was no discussion of the racism, homophobia and sexism LaDuca, the Executive Director of the PA Federation of College Republicans, has spent the last year publicly propagating on a Republican website or why Republicans feel that virulent racism is a legitimate part of the political discourse. Maybe that's above his pay-grade and Lehigh Valley residents should ask Charlie Dent about it when they see him.
Labels: Charlie Dent, GOP racism, Pennsylvania, Young Republicans
Those genetic theories of his are pretty imaginative. That is to say, they are totally wacko.
Although Anthony Pugliese claimed last weekend that Adam had been fired from the Pennsylvania Federation of College Republicans, he remains listed among the Executive Board and continues to post on the site. To date, the PACR has made no public statement condemning Adam's comments or offered any official confirmation of his termination.
A link between LaDuca and Dent can be found on Dent's own Facebook page:
Adam LaDuca wrote
at 2:21am on November 8th, 2006
Way to be CHARLIE!!!! Myself and the KUCR were up in Allentown over the weekend helping to campaign for you. Of course, you came out on top! Great job.
Why, less than a year after the Affirmative Action Bakesale Debacle were people like Adam and the Kutztown College Republicans allowed anywhere near a congressional campaign?
Further, Adam, Millan, and Dent are all from the Allentown-area. Dent's congressional district is primarily in Allentown. Are we really expected to believe that Millan had "never heard of" a controversial two-term College Republican President/State Executive Board member who was active at a university less than a half-hour away? Is Millan lying or is he simply incompetent?
Finally, the John McCain campaign has certainly heard of Adam and employed his services in Berks county, months after he had already been outed as a racist again in his university's newspaper. Is racism the official McCain strategy for Berks county?
Adam LaDuca wrote
at 2:12pm on August 22nd, 2008
Hello everyone,
First welcome back to Kutztown; I hope all of your move-ins are going smoothly.
Second, I have been contacted by the John McCain campaign. They need our help for Berks county and they specifically asked that the KUCR be heavily involved.
THIS SATURDAY (TOMORROW) at 1:45PM, the Berks Victory office coordinator Skip Salveson will be meeting at the Subway on Main Street to do a door-to-door from 2-4pm. IF YOU CAN ATTEND, PLEASE CONTACT HIM ASAP AT 717.306.8951
If you cannot make it, no worries, but they offered to take names for internships, jobs, etc.
ALSO, AS A REWARD, there is a get-together afterwards with a VIP server. The person serving dinner is a likely/potential VP pick. The name has not been released just yet because the campaign headquarters has not cleared the man's name.
I can only imagine what filth and hatred the parents of these facebookers spew..
Here's a antidote that should put a smile on your face..
My daughter just started Swarthmore College. Liberal and progressive doesn't begin to describe the school. On the student panel on Tues there was a student who runs the student organization Queers for dance..Anyway Tuesday was move in day and my sister who went with me asked my daughter were there any Republican and or Repub organizations on campus. My daughter said that there was the chapter of the Campus Republicans last year but it only had 3 members and they all graduated so the chapter folded.
Have you been able to reach Anthony Pugliese, the Chairman of the Pa Federation of College Republicans, to ask why no public statement has been made regarding Adam's status with that organization?
PA Progressive has access to his phone number/contact info or I can forward you Pugliese's original emails.
Adam wasn't fired as the KUCR President. He didn't run for re-election because he wanted to finish his degree and help the KUCR's next board take the reigns. So that is a misinformed statement on this blog (surprise surprise).
Also, he stepped down from the PACR ED positin because of his comments on facebook. Wasn't fired.
One thing you need to know about him is when he says inflamatoy stuff like this, it's to get people wriled up and doesn't mean any offense by it.
Finally, Mr. LaDuca has defended the black community multiple times so to say he is racist because of a few comments is rediculous. Actions speak louder than words, no?
Mr. LaDuca doesn't work on the Dent Campaign. He was a go-between guy for the KUCR members but that's it and hasn't been a paid staffer on any campaigns, including McCain's. Such lttle knowledge of this man that you continue to spew on the internet.
How peculiar that both Adam LaDuca and his "anonymous" defender misspell "ridiculous" in the same manner.
If Adam wasn't fired from the PACR, why did Anthony Pugliese, the Chairman of the PACR, send out an email claiming that Adam had been fired?
How has Adam defended the black community? By claiming that Dr. King was "perhaps one of the largest pariahs in American history" ? By reprinting a racist article from a website, which claimed that "most Blacks are suited for semi-skilled labor and the bottom third of Blacks really can't do much more than the simplest of manual labor" ? By attacking a US Senator and first black US Presidential candidate from a major party on the basis of the size of his lips? Or was it by giving a mealy-mouthed "apology" for an Affirmative Action Bakesale--after first participating in and defending the bakesale--in which the bakesale was equated to stepping on someone's foot?
By all means, Adam--I'm sorry, I mean "Johnson" or "anonymous"-- please enlighten us to the heroic acts that you have performed on the behalf of the black community.
It seems like this blog is more of a personal attack rather than a political forum. If you have a personal beef with LaDuca, then say so. Don't hide behind your so-called "concern" for race relations and the political implications. He's a college kid. If you think he has the power to incite racial hatred then you should take a few Political Science classes and learn something about politics, race relations and life in general. Obviously the comments posted here are from someone who doesn't have a clue. LaDuca doesn't have the power to "incite" anything. Maybe you should stop the personal attack and stop hiding behind the political arena to post your lies and attacks. By the way, the FACT is that the bake sale "debacle" was orchestrated by the previous KUCR president, Mark Prinzinger. He was impeached after LaDuca attended a meeting with students who were offended by the sale and offered an apology because Prinzinger refused to do so. The KUCR, including LaDuca, did not want to follow Prinzinger's direction. They elected an interim president who happened to be African-American. Please get your facts straight before YOU incite hatred for a person you know nothing about.
To anon 2:59pm a.k.a Adam:
Interesting that you follow Adam's bizarre pattern of capitalizing random words. Again, surely a coincidence.
As for more substantive matters, it is interesting that you continue shifting blame away from Adam and onto others for Adam's words and actions. I thought that the conservative movement was one of self-reliance and personal responsibility, not of victimhood. Unless you are denying that Adam participated in the Bake Sale, defended it publicly in a Letter to the Editor to the student newspaper, and even openly entertained the possibility of doing the Bake Sale again in 2008, Mark Prinzinger's role in the Bake Sale is simply not germane to the issue of Adam's racism. Obviously, given the racist material he has produced since, Adam learned nothing from the uproar caused by the Bake Sale.
What we know about Adam directly comes from his own words and actions. Examining his hateful and borderline illiterate screeds, how can anyone fail to come to the conclusion that he is a narrow-minded bigot?
Your lack of illogical thinking makes it impossible to debate you, so I will stand by my support of LaDuca. I hope that God will replace the hatred in your heart with love. God bless.
Evidently, right-wing bigots deal only in "illogical thinking."
When are Americans ever going to understand that the first amendment allows just such remarks as Mr. LaDuca made. If Obama doesn't like it he is free to SAY what he likes in return. Damn a bunch of speech and thought police!
What an effin whack job. Although, sadly, I think his views reflect that of most Republicans. He is just young (and stupid) enough to say it out loud.
What an effin whack job. Although, sadly, I think his views reflect that of most Republicans. He is just young (and stupid) enough to say it out loud.
Anyone who is a conservative at age 21 has no imagination..
Pennsylvania Republicans are just being themselves. Go ahead and vote for McCain you non-business having, getting trickled on, tax paying fools. The world in not divided into black, white, brown or yellow; it is divided into haves and have-nots. The best way to keep the have-nots poor, it to keep them worried about other racial groups. Have fun being scared.
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