
A few days ago he blurted out what everyone has been waiting for him to say-- that we should make the Constitution conform to God's will. That's like Sharia law and it is certainly not what a consensus of Americans want, not even Republican Americans (at least not Republicans outside of the most backward of Deep South precincts). The Huckster tried laughing it off when he got called on it and said he just meant he was anti-gay, not like he really wanted everyone to have to pay tithes. Oh... whew; let me change my party registration.
Today the Moonie Times reports that Huckabee, whose nomination chances has been badly hurt because of his moderately pro-immigrant policies while he was governor of Arkansas, did the gigantic flip flop and jumped on the moribund and rotted-out, largely discredited Tancredo bandwagon: SEND ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS HOME.
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee yesterday continued to move to the right on immigration during this year's presidential campaign, signing a pledge to enforce immigration laws and to make all illegal aliens go home.
The pledge, offered by immigration control advocacy group Numbers USA, commits Mr. Huckabee to oppose a new path to citizenship for current illegal aliens and to cut the number of illegal aliens already in the country through attrition by law enforcement-- something Mr. Huckabee said he will achieve through his nine-point immigration plan.
The Huckster calls his plan "fair and reasonable." It makes me ashamed that a supposedly mainstream American politician who has gone as far as Huckabee-- after all, he was a governor-- would pander so blatantly to divisiveness, raw and hatred and fear and political expediency to dig up a few more votes in the state that started the Civil War. This is part of Huckabee's war against McCain-- but it is also about the lives and well-being of millions of our friends and neighbors. Huckabee and the Republican party should be ashamed. They're not and they won't be.
You might find his interview with religionist-right outfit Beliefnet... enlightening. For a supposed Buy Bull scholar, though, Huck doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. I wouldn't go to this guy's church let alone want to see him anywhere near the White House! And I'm not alone. Even hardcore Republicans say they would rather see Hillary get into the White House than vote for someone like The Huckster. And the day after his change the Constitution outburst, traditional Republicans started getting scared. Lisa Schiffren, a GOP propaganda specialist spoke for many Establishment conservatives when she bitched that "Mike Huckabee is going to force those of us who have wanted more religion in the town square to reexamine the merits of strict separation of church and state. He is the best advertisement ever for the ACLU."
Labels: Huckabee, immigration, Religionist bigotry, Republican presidential race
Who is fit to be the Republican nominee?
Two questions for Huckabee:
--Are you accepting campaign funds from evangelical churches? If so, how much?
--Do you promise to protect all women's access to contraception?
--Are you going to address the dangers of overpopulations to the US and to the world? The world's population has quadrupled over the last 100 years. US population has increased significantly over the last year.
Did you see the ap picture of the huckster along side an upside down U.S. flag? If this is what southern repub's idea of a conservative is. Lets put a dress on him and run him for the pres. of the confederate states.
There's no evidence that Huckabeee has a good diet consultant.
In fact, all evidence points to the probability that he had gastric bypass surgery to lose weight and that he lied by saying he changed his body composition through "old fashioned" diet and exercise.
Mutilating your internal organs in order to shed adipose tissue may be the best medical option for some very fat people who are desperate for a way to change their body shape.
But Huckabee's lies about it just show that he's a hypocritcal moralist, not a nutrition hero.
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