Friday, May 18, 2007



If someone thinks no one will notice that the Attorney General resigns because it's late Friday afternoon, they must be nuts. Well, we know they're nuts. Anyway, Wonkette is reporting that Abu Gonzo is calling it quits tonight. It was inevitable, but maybe they want to avoid a No Confidence debate and vote next week. (Two relatively reactionary Dems-- both best known as utter tools of Rahm Emanuel-- Adam Schiff (CA) and Artur Davis (AL) have just called on the House to take up the No Confidence thing too.) Now... on to Rove, the real mastermind of Bush's criminal reign of terror.

Oh; is this real? Well, if I was only hearing it from Wonkette, I would have waited. But I just got the same news from another source as well-- and he says 6pm EST. OMG! That's now. Is he gone? Is the Medal of Freedom ready?


Still no news on Gonzo spending more time with the family. But reactionary Democratic Senator Ken Salazar finally chimed in with one last nail. One of his Senate sponsors, Salazar stuck with Gonzales through lie after lie and outrage after outrage. "I arrive at the decision with a heavy heart and disappointment," said Salazar, D-Colo. He said he admired Gonzales' history as someone who grew up in the projects and went on to rise to the nation's top law-enforcement post. "I very much wanted him to succeed as attorney general."


Friday passed and Gonzales didn't slink off into the night. Republican Senator Arlen Specter was on CBS' Face the Nation this morning and he predicted that Abu Gonzo "may" step down before the No Confidence vote this week. With two of the most reactionary, Bush Regime-allied Democrats, Salazar and Pryor, already committed to ousting Gonzales and at least half a dozen Republicans having called for him to resign, Specter says he has "a sense" that Gonzales will try to avoid the historical "black mark" of an official censure.
Well, it is a very forceful, historical statement. Votes of no confidence are very rare. More than a century ago one was leveled against a sitting president. I think historically that is something which Attorney General Gonzales would like to avoid. The most important thing, though, is the inability of the department now to function. I was about to say that U.S. Attorneys met in San Antonio this past week and there was a lot of criticism and a lot of dissension. That department is very, very important, functioning for the welfare of our country... [He is likely to step down] because of the likelihood, a very substantial vote of no confidence. I think that if and when he sees that coming, that he would prefer to avoid that kind of an historical black mark."

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At 4:00 PM, Blogger Darren said...

Maybe Gonzo is waiting until 8, so he can go on Cronkite's special tonight so the nonagenarian can kick some sense into the AG, screaming "That's the way it is, b@#ch!"

At 9:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know why Bush and Torture Boy are hanging on so hard. They're afraid of what will happen if an honest Attorney General takes over. He's likely to indict the whole bunch of them.

He might even use RICO on the GOP too, for stealing all those elections. An excellent idea.


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