
Gary Miller may have grown up poor, but the experience had a different impact on him than it did on Abe Lincoln. One of the most unscrupulous and devious greed-dogs in Congress, Miller is also one of the richest. And his avarice knows no bounds. Yesterday the A.P. ran a piece about the crooked land deals that could well help end the career of one of the most corrupt and slimy politicians California has ever sent to Congress.
He claims he's worried about his grandchildren's financial security so-- despite being hired by the voters as a full-time congressman, and despite being investigated by the FBI and the IRS for his crooked deals-- he insists he'll never give up the fast-buck real estate schemes that have brought him many millions of dollars.
Plenty of Orange County Democrats are working overtime to convince popular former State Senator Joe Dunn (term-limited out of his seat last year) to take on Miller. The 34th senatorial district he represented-- after defeating a Republican incumbant-- overlaps significantly with Miller's 42nd congressional district. Currently Dunn is CEO of the California Medical Association. Although the district is very Republican, it's a district Dunn has managed to get lots of votes in before. In November Miller had no opponent. Next year he will-- if he runs again.
I've been saying for some time that Congress is incapable to regulating it's own ethical behavior. The very concept is patently absurd, no less ridiculous than allowing their crooked corporate friends in regulate themselves. Congressional ethics should be turned over to a nonpartisan commission that can not be influenced by party politics. I support Speaker Pelosi's tough stand on ethics oversight regarding lobbyists but Congress is notoriously... let's say "lax," when it comes to disciplining its own members. And even if the Democrats aren't quite as bad as the Republicans, we are talking about the difference between an F and a D-minus, not an F and a gentleman's C. As long as there are Democrats like Rahm Emanuel and Steny Hoyer with DeLay-like instincts in power, the "People's Party" will be nearly as dominated by the Money Party as is the GOP.
Labels: Culture of Corruption, Gary Miller
I hear from people in the district that Dunn is leaning toward no.
Uh, there is very little overlap between Dunn's old senate district and CA-42. And I don't think Dunn lives anywhere near the district.
The best bet IMO, would be to get an Asian-American local political official to run against Miller. But I think most of them are Republicans, even if a few may be RINOs. Can we get a party switcher, please?
Judge Awards Sole Custody to Convicted Child Abuser
And Accused Child Molester Son of Congressman
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Marjorie Steinberg has awarded sole custody of three children (Brian, 8 and Christian and Evan, 6) to Brian Miller. Brian Miller is the son of Congressman Gary Miller R-California. After you read the following evidence that was presented to the judge you may wonder if the congressman used his power and money to influence the judge. By the way, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Linfield had awarded sole custody to the mother just three months before.
Here is the evidence:
1. Brian Miller was convicted of Child Abuse and Child Endangerment (Superior Court of California, County of Orange)
2. Brian Miller was convicted of Battery Against Cohabitant (Superior Court of California, County of Orange)
3. Restraining Order Issued against Brian Miller (Los Angeles Superior Court, East District)
4. Visitation of children transferred to safe-house because Brian Miller hit his son and gave him a black eye after the judge told him that there was to be no corporal punishment.
5. Scott Kambak, MFT reported to the Department of Social Services that Brian Miller had sexually molested his three sons.
6. Aurora Charter Oak Hospital reported that “the allegations of sexual abuse by his father have been documented in our personal investigation.” The patient is Brian Christopher Miller, son of Brian Miller.
7. Brian Miller has never paid child support.
8. Brian Miller was admitted to The Meadows in Arizona for the treatment of sexual addiction. He spent approximately one month at that facility.
9. Brian Miller was admitted to Keystone Center ECU for the treatment of sexual addiction. The discharge summary also noted “impulsivity, poor insight, lack of sound judgment and affect lability are consistent with severe neurogenic disorders.” Brian Miller failed to follow through on discharge recommendations.
10. Dr. Susan Ralston, the court appointed evaluator, indicated that Brian Miller shows signs of bipolar disorder.
11. According to Dr. Ralston, “the psychosexual evaluation and polygraph findings raise considerable concern for this evaluator regarding the father’s difficulty with boundaries, his impulsivity and his sexual fantasies of school-aged and latency-aged boys, the ages of his sons.”
12. According to Dr. Laura Brodie, “the sexuality data indicates that he has deviant sexual interest in children. There is indication of deviant sexual interest in males, the ages of his three children.”
13. Brian Miller’s current therapist, Dr. Kevin Downing, indicates that Mr. Miller is living “a tortured life.”
14. Deception was noted in a polygraph examination when Brian Miller denied he pointed a gun at the mother’s head.
15. Deception was noted in a polygraph examination when Brian Miller denied forcing his sons to sleep nude with him.
16. When Brian Miller was asked, during the polygraph examination, if he touched his boy’s penis for his own sexual gratification, his negative answer was found to be inconclusive.
17. His current daily medications consist of the following: Depakote SR 1500 mg, Neurontin 800 mg, Effexor 150 mg and Strattera.
18. Brian Miller took the Able Sex Offender Specific Questionnaire for Men. “Objective measures show that is greatest sexual interests are in toddler-aged females, prepubescent females, adolescent females, adult females, toddler-aged males and sexual violence toward females.
19. Brian Miller was charged with vandalism during a “road rage” incident. Brian Miller kicked a car causing a dent in the door.
20. Brian Miller indicated that both sides of his family suffer from ADHD and depression.
21. Dr. Joseph Kenan indicated “the children have some reason for disliking their father. They know and likely witnessed the father’s anger toward their mother, and they know that he likely pointed a gun at her head.
22. Dr. Shirley Harrison indicated that Brian Miller “seems to have limited skills as a parent.”
23. Dr. Kenan indicated “Mr. Miller appeared to lack empathy when discussing two incidents with his ex-girlfriend’s pet dog. He stated that he put liquid soap down the animal’s throat to watch it cough up bubbles and also placed the animal on a hot stove to burn its paws. When he was questioned about this, he said he did it because the animal followed her around and he did not like that the animal got her attention.”
24. Brian Miller claims that his loyalty to his family system in terms of no talk and no feel rules have impacted his ability to form and maintain intimate relationships.
25. Brian Miller indicates that he began dating his fiancée, Krista Haas, in November, 2006 and they got engaged two months later. He was having difficulty remaining sexually attracted to her since she gained 10 pounds.
26. Brian Miller said that he “had bouts in which I would be renting pornographic films everyday for 5-6 months.”
27. Brian Miller admitted lying naked with his twin boys. One on the right and one on the left.
28. During a monitored visit, the monitor, Theresa Della Donna, reports that Brian Miller told his sons “I am going to start a fire and burn your heads so there’s nothing left.”
29. Brian Miller was terminated from La Mill Coffee for threatening a co-worker in July, 2007.
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