Thursday, February 22, 2007



If you turn on TV cable "news" in between the breathless updates on Anna Nicole Smith's body all you hear is stuff about Hillary Clinton not apologizing for her vote on October 10, 2002 in favor of Bush's Iraq War. You'd probably never guess that the entire GOP caucus and most Senate Democrats also owe America an apology for the same vote. CNN must have forgotten to mention that... 1,200 times this week.

The mass media is also forgetting to mention another demand for an apology from a high profile senator. Not just a senator, by the mass media's favorite senatorial clown, John McCain, like Clinton a presidential wanna-be. This time it's the malevolent Dick Cheney who is demanding an apology.

A few days ago McCain, never one to shrink from kicking a man who's down, flip-flopped on his old pal Rumsfeld and told a roomful of South Carolina right-wingers that he thinks "that Donald Rumsfeld will go down in history as one of the worst secretaries of Defense in history." Cheney, long Rumsfeld's closest political partner, flipped his wig. He has a different point of view: "I believe the record speaks for itself: Don Rumsfeld is the finest secretary of Defense this nation has ever had." And he spitefully painted a very unattractive picture of McCain. "I just fundamentally disagree with John. John said some nasty things about me the other day, and then next time he saw me, ran over to me and apologized. Maybe he'll apologize to Rumsfeld."

McCain may change his tune when Darth gets back from Asia but this morning he told his media pals that he's not apologizing and that he believes what he said about Rumsfeld being the worst Secretary of Defense in history. Sooner or later someone may ask him how that impacts his views on the worst Commander-in-Chief in history, Rumsfeld's direct supervisor.

And, just to come full circle, Nancy Pelosi is demanding Bush make Cheney apologize to her from impugning her patriotism. Remember what Cheney said to Patrick Leahy on the floor of the Senate?


as soon as he stops voting to make other gay men and women live as second class citizens.

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At 9:01 AM, Blogger Hackwhackers said...

A few weeks ago, after Cheney's meltdown on CNN, it was reported that a Rethuglican official on Capitol Hill was overheard asking a colleague 'what's wrong with Cheney?' By now, everyone can see that he's not so much delusional as he his deeply dishonest and arrogant.

At 2:04 PM, Blogger Milt Shook said...

I read this article on my eay to work this morning, and I was giggling a little to myself, which must have looked odd to the others on the Metro...

I have had several brushes with John Mccain over the years, and I can't imagine him running across the floor of the Senate to apologize to Darth. I'm betting that delusion is simply part of Cheney's meltdown; you know, the one that will force him to resign before he can be indicted, so that Bush can try to appoint someone who has a shot at winning in 2008 to be Veep.

As for apologies, well, wingnuts don't apologize, because wingnuts can never admit they were wrong about anything. being wrong about something makes you weak, and if there is anything a wingnut voter hates more than a "pansy" politician who apologizes to others for what he beleves, I don't know what it is.

I'm wonder when we'll see a Bush/Cheney apology for screwing up the country...

How cold is hell these days?


At 11:01 AM, Blogger Vigilante said...

Be careful about what you say about Dick-In-Chief. If something happens to him, Bush becomes President.

At 11:51 AM, Blogger vonu said...

I think they should all be required to apologize in public, immediately before their trials for treason.


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