Can Bernie Win A State Like Utah? He's Got A Better Chance Than Status Quo Joe Does
In 2016 Trump did poorly in Utah, a state where his amorality-- and worse-- is not appreciated. He came in third in the Republican caucuses:
So why are people so surprised that Bernie is kicking ass in Utah now? He won every single county against Hillary. Even in the three she won the general, Bernie beat her:
The same repulsive Democratic establishment that shoved Hillary down our throats and is determined to do the same with Biden, keeps whining that Bernie is a Socialist!!!! and can't win in red states. Earlier today, Wall Street bankster and DNC fat cat Steve Ratner, a Biden advisor, openly talked about how he and other fat cats are working on a stop-Bernie-jihad. Watch him on Comcast TV earlier today on the clip above. Yesterday, writing for the Salt Lake Tribune, Lee Davidson reported that a new poll for The Tribune by Suffolk finds Bernie crushing the rest of the field:
"Sanders," wrote Davidson, "generates most of his Utah support-- now and in 2016-- from younger voters. In the new poll, Sanders won 49% of the support from likely Democratic voters ages 18-34 and 40% of those ages 35-44-- double to tripling what other candidates received from those age groups. Older age groups are far more evenly split. Warren led with those ages 45-54, Bloomberg led among those 55-64 and Biden led among those 65 and older.
McAdams is a right-of-center Blue Dog with one of the 5 worst voting records of any Democrat in Congress. There is nowhere else in America-- except Oklahoma and some Southern states-- where people would think of McAdams as a Democrat. But to someone like McAdams, candidates from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party-- like Status Quo Joe, Bloomberg and Mayo Pete-- are just what the doctor ordered... despite what Utah Democrats want.
• Ted Cruz- 122,587 (69.2%)Utah isn't exactly a blue state-- the PVI is R+20, same as Oklahoma and redder than every Southern state, West Virginia and Idaho-- but more people voted for Bernie on caucus day than for Trump. This is how the Utah Democratic caucuses went:
• John Kasich- 29,773 (16.8%)
• Trumpanzee- 24,864 (14.0)
• Bernie- 61,333 (79.3%)Yeah, more than twice as many people voted for Bernie than Trumpy the Clown. And Bernie killed Hillary. I'm not 100% sure what Utah Democratic voters were looking for but what Bernie was offering that Hillary wasn't... well, change, reform, character, likability... In the general election, Trump only took 45.9% of the vote, while Hillary, independent-Republican Evan McMullin and Libertarian Gary Johnson split the rest. Hillary got 27.8% and McMullin took 21.0%. Hillary won one county (Grand) by 2 votes and took Salt Lake and Summit counties. So 3 out of Utah's 29 counties. In 7 counties she came in with less than 10% and in 15 counties she came in third behind McMullin.
• Hillary- 15,666 (20.3%)
So why are people so surprised that Bernie is kicking ass in Utah now? He won every single county against Hillary. Even in the three she won the general, Bernie beat her:
Salt Lake-- Bernie 78.8%, Hillary 20.9%
Summit-- Bernie 68.3%, Hillary 31.2%
Grand-- Bernie 79.6%, Hillary 20.2%
The same repulsive Democratic establishment that shoved Hillary down our throats and is determined to do the same with Biden, keeps whining that Bernie is a Socialist!!!! and can't win in red states. Earlier today, Wall Street bankster and DNC fat cat Steve Ratner, a Biden advisor, openly talked about how he and other fat cats are working on a stop-Bernie-jihad. Watch him on Comcast TV earlier today on the clip above. Yesterday, writing for the Salt Lake Tribune, Lee Davidson reported that a new poll for The Tribune by Suffolk finds Bernie crushing the rest of the field:
"Sanders," wrote Davidson, "generates most of his Utah support-- now and in 2016-- from younger voters. In the new poll, Sanders won 49% of the support from likely Democratic voters ages 18-34 and 40% of those ages 35-44-- double to tripling what other candidates received from those age groups. Older age groups are far more evenly split. Warren led with those ages 45-54, Bloomberg led among those 55-64 and Biden led among those 65 and older.
For his academic research, [political science professor at Brigham Young University David] Magleby interviewed some of Sanders’ 2016 managers for media and fundraising about why the senior citizen is so popular with younger voters.
“Their answer is: He’s seen by young people as authentic,” Magleby said. “Sure, he’s older. Sure his hair is a little frizzy…. But what those young people like in Sanders is that he’s the real Bernie. He’s authentic.”
Mike Oberbrockling, 35, of Layton, is one of the people polled who plans to vote for Sanders.
“After Bernie wins, he is going to do the things he says he is going to do,” Oberbrockling said. “He seems to be pretty upfront with everything. You watch a lot of interviews with most politicians, and they give long, drawn-out answers that aren’t clear. Bernie doesn’t beat around the bush.”
Magleby said many younger voters also seem to see Sanders as a father figure, or a grandfather figure, and Oberbrockling agrees.
“Some people call him America’s dad,” Oberbrockling said. “And just like any dad, he wants what’s best for everybody. And the cool thing about Bernie Sanders is it doesn’t matter if you support him or not — he still wants those better things in place for you,” such as Medicare for all.
Magleby said younger voters are also part of an enthusiastic liberal wave that often appears in Democratic presidential campaigns. In contrast, he said, older voters tend to be more centrist and more interested in experience. That is shown by Gaye Anthony, 66, of Taylorsville, one of the Biden supporters among poll respondents.
“At this point in our democracy with what’s going on [with President Donald Trump],” she said, “we need [Biden’s] experience and temperament to help bring our country back to an order that is more stable and more friendly, and more in keeping with our traditions and our expectations.”
Magleby said the poll also shows the strength of the liberal wing in the Utah Democratic Party-- in a state controlled by Republicans. He notes that progressives Sanders and Warren are capturing 40% of the vote, while centrist moderates trail well behind.
“This is not uncommon in one-party states,” he said, “where the out party is more interested in making a statement than winning an election.”
Magleby added it reinforces a perception that the Utah Democratic Party is well left of the Utah mainstream, and “that isn’t going to help Democrats win any office in the state of Utah, where party labels are on the ballot.”
Former political reporter Rod Decker in his recent book on Utah politics, The Elephant in the Room, noted that if it weren’t for Latter-day Saints, who overwhelmingly vote Republican, the Beehive State would have delivered Hillary Clinton one of her largest victories in the past election.
Magleby did note that moderate Bloomberg seems to be surging amid big spending out of his own pocket here on advertising. The Hill website reported that Bloomberg has spent $147 million on ads, mostly in states with primaries on Super Tuesday, including more than seven figures in Utah.
In a recent visit to Utah, Bloomberg said he can attract unaffiliated voters and many Republicans upset with Trump to become the first Democrat to carry the Beehive State since Lyndon Johnson in 1964. One event for him was hosted by a fellow Democratic moderate, Rep. Ben McAdams, who won his seat by fewer than 700 votes and has been careful also to appeal to independents and moderate Republicans.
McAdams is a right-of-center Blue Dog with one of the 5 worst voting records of any Democrat in Congress. There is nowhere else in America-- except Oklahoma and some Southern states-- where people would think of McAdams as a Democrat. But to someone like McAdams, candidates from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party-- like Status Quo Joe, Bloomberg and Mayo Pete-- are just what the doctor ordered... despite what Utah Democrats want.
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Don't even try to guess-- only Mormons know what this is & what it means |
Labels: 2016 presidential race, 2020 presidential nomination, Stop-Bernie, Utah
Someone should check the DNC leadership for GOP tattoos and serial numbers, for they are clearly owned by the Republicans.
They are owned by corporations and billionaires. just like the Nazis. not serial numbers but copyrighted logos and/or bar codes.
can Bernie win Utah? no fucking way. it's fucking Utah.
Bernie will win among democrap voters there by a lot. again.
but in the general Bernie will lose by 10 points. Biden, pete or Amy will lose by 25 or 30 points.
The sheepdoggery in this piece is astonishing.
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