Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

It's almost Halloween! So, what better way than tonight's meme to remind us that Donald Trump and his mob of Mini-Me clones and living dead voters have summoned up nearly every drop of evil in America, added some more right from the essence of his psychopathic brain and turned it into a category 10 hurricane of darkness, destruction, and war against the Constitution. Trump was barely smart enough to harness that evil, but evil has a way of quickly turning against those who summon it, at least in movies and comic books. In the real world, that takes longer and longer and longer and longer.

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At 5:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No James Bond to take on the supervillain? No Jason Bourne?? We're getting desperate! No Austin Powers???

No. No one. Just the American voter. One begins to understand the hesitation the Founders had about expanding the franchise, but then their kind still makes up the government today.

At 4:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how about one about how the democraps are willing to burn it to the ground rather than allow Bernie to be their nominee?

when party is always first, eventually the nation shall burn.


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