Monday, October 28, 2019

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

Here's the President Of The United States Of America, "the leader of the 'free' world," the "dear leader" and cherished icon of the Republican Party, the servant of Putin and the traitor to his country. The picture for tonight's meme was taken at a recent get together with other world leaders and as you can see, Trump did a fine job of representing the intelligence of the American voter. While doing so, he very ably indicated how he would fare if he was to take an IQ test. Not to worry, he says he's very smart. Not only that, his supporters believe him. He even actually said what is attributed to him in the quote. His party and the rest of his fans believe that too. Who could ever challenge his brilliant actions and statements?

Now, just imagine this assclown in the Oval Office mindlessly tapping away at the nuclear code device. Don't worry. All is well!



At 3:44 AM, Blogger Ten Bears said...

From my house, a year or so ago: Earlier this year my littlest granddaughter had a new (to me) cartoon running in the background that I thoroughly enjoyed. A ten year old release, Monsters v Aliens features Stephen Colbert as the voice of the pResident of the Untied States, his onscreen presence the most amazing cross between Our Tea Pot Dictator and his butt-buddy the Rocket Boy, Kim Jong Un. The size, most physical features and mannerisms all Drumpf uck, the hair a cross between the two, and the face and glasses Kim.

Quite prescient for a 2009 release, a far more adult cartoon than kid with a lot of cracks straight out of today's headlines. Notably: at one point pResident Hathaway/Kim/Trump almost pushes the button that blows up the world rather than the button that summons his diet-pepsi, and then asks "who invented this system!?" "Uhmmm, you did, sir."

Too which he flippantly responds "Well, fire somebody!"

At the end, past the credits, being stupid, he blows up the world.

At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is really stupid, TTB, is that in reality well over 7 billion allegedly sentient humans sat and did nothing while watching him do so.

At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think someone should follow his own advice. Ishi bak mun dai.

At 3:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good one, 10:23! Unfortunately he/she/it is devoted to the cause of the greater evil. Awful as Biden is, any "sentient human" being can see that he'd never on his worst day name a Gorsuch or a Kavanaugh to be a Supreme. Wouldn't wage all out war on climate science. Wouldn't push the national debt and budget deficits into the ionosphere in order to provide tax "relief" to the least deserving. Wouldn't....

But not to worry, the "democraps / nazis" troll (or bot?) is not to be discouraged.

At 10:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can one be discouraged when one is confronted with willful ignorance and blind partisanship which completely lacks understanding?

At 4:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ten Bears, Your comment is a first rate contribution. Count me as a reader who appreciates it.


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