Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Even When They Manage To Steal Control Of Government, Conservatives Don't Do Anything But Obstruct


Ohio reactionary, Gym Jordan (R-OH) is a leading Republican on two committees: Oversight and Government Reform ,where he is the ranking member, and Judiciary. That's it. He's not on any committees that deal with passing actual laws, just committees that most deal with bad behavior. So when he goes on Fox every other day to warn about how Democrats don't deal with anything substantive, he's referring to his own committees-- and he's lying. Democrats have passed dozens of bills to make life better for the American people but they can't move forward because Senate Majority Leader, #MoscowMitch, refuses to allow then to be debated and voted on.

In the first 5 months alone, the House passed over 50 bills that McConnell refused to allow to reach the Senate floor-- all of which were opposed by Jordan-- from lowering prescription drug prices (HR 987, HR 1520 and HR 1503), protecting people with preexisting conditions (HR 986), the Paycheck Fairness Act (HR 7), two background check bills (HR 1112 and HR 8), bills to deal with Climate Change and environmental degradation (HR 9, HR 1331, and HR 2578), a resolution to end U.S, involvement in the Saudi genocide in Yemen (SJ Res. 7), Violence against Women Act (HR 1585) to bills to protect consumers (HR 1500), abused children (HR 2480), and government employees (HR 790)... and dozens more.

But there was Jordan-- who only wants to protect child molesters-- on Fox again yesterday, whining-- falsely-- that "the push for impeachment from House Democrats is taking away from Congress’s ability to fulfill the needs of the American people."

McConnell's self-proclaimed role as "the Grim Reaper" for all House-passed legislation is the problem-- and, of course, McConnell's is just the hideously ugly face of that problem. There isn't one Republican in the Senate, or anywhere in Congress, who has complained about it. And that's why I decided to post the video above from the latest John Oliver show. I urge you to watch it.

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At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you only mention republicans. but most of the Ds in the senate are also "conservative".
I remember people like Evan Bayh and Ben Nelsen (several others too) giving the Rs plenty to filibuster everything in 2009.
I remember talk about how harry reid should change the filibuster threshold to 55 so that even the 60 democrats could push through things. He refused of course.
And then there was max Baucus, who let the lobbyist he was sleeping with write the ACA law.

And of course there is joe manchin who never met a Nazi or a moron he couldn't see fit to confirm for the worst ever president's cabinet.

And we elected all of them.

At 4:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

@9:12 pm

No, you vote 3rd Party or Republican. You've probably never voted for a Democrat in your life. Which is fine. Given your position on the Party, it makes sense. But stop pretending. Stop with the concern trolling. There is NOTHING they can write here about Republicans that you can't answer with "but but Democraps" and that's because you are a conservative. Period. This is why whenever someone brings up vote suppression you change the subject to how crappy Dem candidates are. You just can't quite bear to admit how much more rotten your side is. No matter how awful it may be, the Democratic party is not a hiding place for rabid white nationalists and crazy anti-government nihilists. Suggesting that corrupt, do-nothing Democrats are on the same moral level as a bunch of racist lunatic Republicans is idiocy on your part. Which makes sense, given that you are an idiot.

At 4:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only bills the Democrats manage to get through the Senate are bills which enhance the power of the corrupt corporate state. Patriot Act, anyone? Help America Vote With Unverifiable Voting Machines Act? The annual Military Appropriations Acts?
And so very much more!

The obsession with getting DINOs elected results in enhancing the power the Republicans wield with "bipartisan" support from the so-called opposition Party. How does that benefit the average person?

The Democrats are slowly purging anyone close to being progressive from their Party, and will gladly return to being the butt-boys (and girls) for the Republican Party since it pays so well. Those they represent get to enjoy the same experience and have to pay the other costs as well.

At 6:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:01 suffers from the delusion that 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'. He/she presumes that because I prove that HIS/HER enemy of HIS/HER enemy is actually a burning bag of dog shit, that I must, "logically" be a republican. This is viewed as perfectly logical in a mind only capable of seeing black and white when there be a vast spectrum that is ignored. Perhaps the complexity of that spectrum is just too much to even attempt to fathom.

An inadvertent truth: "There is NOTHING they can write here about Republicans that you can't answer with "but but Democraps"..."

Yet the justification discerned is of the black/white mindset.

This actually proves much of my thesis.

FTR, 4:01, I do that because this site often purveys this same binary only mindset, as in this piece where "conservative" is only applied to republicans.

I prove that "conservative" also equally describes the democrap party. I do this so that minds that are still open even a crack might understand that the enemy (democraps) of your enemy (Nazis) is NOT your friend.

I realize that's difficult, emotionally, to wrap yourself around... impossible for the binary thinkers. But it's true, whether you are in denial or not.
I also realize that it proves that all politics in this shithole is evil.

So you just go ahead and choose evil because it is the enemy of EVIL and feel giddy about it. But it won't make anything better.


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