Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

Yeah, tonight's meme is just a fantasy and it's a damn good fantasy but Trump in a straitjacket in a padded cell is how it would be in a sane world. It's a fantasy that demands implementation if we are to survive. It's a fantasy that's become more and more urgently appropriate as the weeks and weeks of tedium and horror have piled up on us. Trump's mental deterioration is in plain sight and he displays it proudly, knowing that he has been given carte blanch by a bi-partisan cancer of congressional cowards who don't want to do anything that might disrupt the largess and greed of their K Street gravy train or their political agendas, self-serving, repressive, and otherwise.

The only other reasonable fantasy (I have others that some might consider unreasonable even if I think they would be just.) would be to have Trump fitted for an XXXL obese-sized orange day-glo jumpsuit and placed in the same cell that Jeffrey Epstein got. Millions of us have wished for something very much like that. Yet we the people cower and demand nothing of the so-called representatives that smirk at us. They always protect their own. The general populace either doesn't want to or can't bring themselves to admit that the disintegration of Trump's mind is as bad as it is. It is equal to the high tower of sleaze, treachery, and corruption that Trump has built and put his name on.

Instead we briskly walk past the graveyard of our own collective minds, whistling as we go. We play with our phones that use more or their brains than we use of ours we and we shamefully shut it out. Future historians will call this period The American Denial, a time when millions of more than fed up citizens should have righteously descended upon Washington and physically dragged Trump from the oval office by his stinking, fake bone-spurred feet and then marched on the Capitol building to apply similar measures to his bi-partisan rabble of accomplices. That action is way overdue. It's the least they deserve. But we've done way too little that we should've done to check the disease that is Washington, DC. so we've are become accomplices to our own demise.

Washington is now just a giant volcano of vile viral puss, drowning us all with its number one product. Your move, America.

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At 3:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not crazy. Just stupider and more flagrantly dishonest than any US President in the modern era.

At 5:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And very strongly supported by the Investor class and the media barons to block his removal.

At 6:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Your move America"

Yep. Please elect a lot more democraps. That'll show 'em, boy!

what? been there, done that, nothing changed? Oh yeah? well... keep trying it. maybe the secret is every 25th time you do that, something might get fixed.

prolly not. oh well. we did all we could do.

At 6:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


So Howie and crew are supposed to roll over, concede that you're right about everything and stop doing what they do? As always - I eagerly await your detailed 10-point plan for what exactly happens after they give up on trying to effect positive change from inside the Democratic Party. Don't have anything beyond "Stop voting for Democraps", right? You are a CONSERVATIVE whose goal is DEMORALIZING "lesser-of-two-evils" voters and ensuring completely unfettered Republican/Libertarian governance.

TRUMP 2020! You KNOW it's what you want. With bullshit artists like you around, I may actually vote for Joe Biden in the general. That's how much I despise your dishonesty. Say what you will about "Democrap" supporters - at least they're honest about the terms under which they engage people. It's conservatives like you who are truly scummy - so clear in their understanding that they have nothing to offer on a policy level that they spend countless hours attempting to ratfuck the opposition by creating "characters" and trying to set like-minded people against each other. What's it like when the only way you can support your beliefs is to pretend they're not your beliefs? What's it like to engage in sad little covert games like this all day? Wouldn't you rather just come out and be a proud conservative and STAND for something?

At 6:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes! Do what 6:28 says and see conservadems take power and hand it back to the GOP!

At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Richard Langly said...

6:04, If you had reading comprehension ability, you would read the post and get that Noah has a lot of contempt for both parties- "bi-partisan accomplices" and "bi-partisan cancer of congressional cowards"- Also, it looks like he might wish enough people would take to the streets in an attempt to force change as they once did 50 years ago but now just stare at their phones. But YOU don't want the meaning of the post to get in the way of your agenda so you deliberately "misinterpret" and write your comments which bear a strong likeness in purpose to Trump's tweets. If you actually do want true change, get off the bowl and get in the streets!

At 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Langly The Imperator Rides Again!

Now head back to your Kossack meeting. The hive mind doesn't function well without you.

At 10:43 AM, Anonymous Ida Jurie said...

Sad that Democraps doesn't even understand what "Your move" means. Could be that he fears such a thing, or, maybe they don't have that phrase where he comes from. Here in the USA, it means get loud and demand real change as FDR said. It worked for awhile but we forgot how to do that. In the 1960s, demonstrations got the Civil Rights laws, voting rights, and ended a war. When FDR was in in the 30s, he said "make me." He was calling for the loud voice of the people. Now we are complacent and losing ground. It's up to us to demand impeachment and demand more of all politicians. We will continue to suffer the consequences if we don't.

At 1:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ida, surely you're not being that thick on purpose.

As everything on this site, "your move" is a call to act WITHIN THE SINGLE PARTY DUOPOLY that is the mandatory meme in this shithole.

That means elect democraps to solve the problems co-created by the democraps. Thus, my reply.

You cannot fix climate change by burning MORE coal/oil/gas and you cannot fix this shithole by electing MORE democraps. There will never again be as many democraps as we had in 2009, and they refused to fix anything at all then. Indeed, they did much to make the shithole deeper and more fetid. In what imaginary delusional state does anyone expect electing more democraps today will fix anything?

Yes, Noah and Howie do recognize and regularly eviscerate the democraps as well as the Nazis. They're quite adept at it. This is true.

Yet when it comes time to vote next year, Noah, Howie and the rest of the big dogs at this site SHALL exhort us all to choke down the bile and vote for more democraps.

And I bet nobody will feel even a twinge of hypocrisy at doing so.

At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Rios said...

6:28, Richard, and Ida, your clear headedness is a breath of fresh air compared to the muddled dementia of the crabby, belligerent democraps guy. I enjoy seeing him get back what he gives out but he'll never understand why.

At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rios and Rich are emotional creatures who can only react viscerally to form. They have nothing to say about substance.
Ida is at least somewhat thoughtful.

I do hope all 3 enjoy the further descent inevitable when nobody ever demands "good" from their proxies.

All 3 evidently believe that trump could have been elected at any time in the past; or that cheney/bush could have been elected at any time before 2000.

You don't get cheney/bush without first digging a deep hole. You don't get trump unless you kept digging for each of the 15 years after that. Since y'all insist on bringing in that backhoe, we'll have worse than trump very soon.


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