Any Republicans Looking To Have A Friendly Chat With Trump To Tell Him It's Time To Resign? Oh Sure!
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Whistleblower by Nancy Ohanian |
Early yesterday, Texas Democratic congressional candidate Mike Siegel tweeted "Let history remember that @RepMcCaul used his last term in office to cover up Trump’s gross abuse of power. It is despicable that a President used military aid to coerce a foreign nation to attack a political rival. And it is certainly impeachable." Simultaneously, Jon Hoadley, the progressive Democrat running in southwest Michigan for the seat help by Trump-enabler Fred Upton, issued this statement: "The Rule of Law is the cornerstone of American democracy and is not a partisan issue. I support an impeachment inquiry. Congressman Fred Upton has a decision to make. Does he, or does he not support an impeachment inquiry after the release of the phone call transcript and whistleblower report."
The whistleblower complaint-- released as we were all waking up (on the West Coast) yesterday-- begins like this: "In the course of my official duties, I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election. This interference includes, among other things, pressuring a foreign country to investigate one of the President's main domestic political rivals. The President's personal lawyer, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani, is a central figure in this effort. Attorney General Barr appears to be involved as well." It gets worse.
Yesterday, during the hearings, Dary Rezvani, the progressive candidate taking on hard-core-- and increasingly deranged-- Trumpist Devin Nunes in California's Central Valley: "It’s clear that Nunes does not have the mental capacity for the role that he serves. The hearing this morning was just the latest in a series of absolutely idiotic statements in his misguided attempts to protect the president. His inability to understand the gravity of this situation is just more evidence of his incompetence. Aside from legitimately being an enemy of the state, he is an absolute embarrassment to the Central Valley. He would rather kiss the ring than show any form of having a spine. We look forward to his retirement next year."
In reporting the release of the complain for the Washington Post, Devin Barrett noted that "An unidentified intelligence official was so alarmed by the conversation, and related interactions between Trump’s lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani and Ukrainian officials, that they filed a whistleblower complaint to the inspector general for the U.S. intelligence agencies. Some members of Congress were allowed Wednesday to view a classified version of the whistleblower complaint on Wednesday, while the White House made a redacted version available to a larger group of lawmakers. That complaint, filed in August, became the subject of a high stakes back-and-forth among government agencies about how it should be handled. While the inspector general sought to alert Congress to the concern, lawyers at the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel concluded it should not be shared with Congress. The Justice Department decided it was not a proper whistleblower complaint, because it involved the conduct of the president, who is not an employee of the intelligence agencies. Instead, the complaint was relayed to the Justice Department’s Criminal Division in late August as a possible violation of cmapaign finance laws. After reviewing the matter for several weeks, Justice Department officials concluded the law had not been broken and closed the matter without ever opening a formal investigation."
I guess it will be hard for the establishment to keep Barr out of prison in the long run. But I'm sure they'll manage.
Let's go back to the political blowback from this. On the Democratic side, even the worst of the Blue Dog scumbags who normally lick Trump's ass-- take Henry Cuellar of Texas as an example-- have now hinted they may vote for impeachment. Late Wednesday night, Cuellar himself wrote "I agree with Speaker Pelosi that the respective committees in Congress must continue their investigations to see if these allegations are true before we proceed with impeachment. However, no one is above the law and if investigations prove that impeachment is the necessary course of action, then I will be forced to act on impeachment proceedings." The other Texan who had been holding out-- crooked Blue Dog Vicente Gonzalez-- released a few hours earlier his own statement: "The president, in holding back information required by law, chose to violate the law of our land by subverting the ability of Congress to uphold its constitutional oath. It is my duty as a patriot and as a member of Congress to defend the Constitution, and that is why today I must support the formal impeachment inquiry."
There are now over 220 statements like that-- enough to impeach Trump. And which garbage is left over, still not backing the rule of law, still not standing up for the Constitution? Well... every single Republican-- plus a tiny gaggle (one dozen) of political cowards and fake Democrats:
• Anthony Brindisi (Coward-NY)At the Atlantic Festival yesterday, Romney, voicing frustration about his GOP colleagues fecklessness and cowardice, said "I think it’s very natural for people to look at circumstances and see them in the light that’s most amenable to their maintaining power, and doing things to preserve that power."
• Joe Cunningham (Coward-SC)
• Tulsi Gabbard (Fake Dem-HI)
• Jared Golden (Coward-ME)
• Kendra Horn (Coward-OK)
• Ron Kind (Fake Dem-WI)
•Conor Lamb(Coward-PA)
• Ben McAdams (Fake Dem-UT)
• Collin Peterson (Coward-MN)
• Max Rose (Coward-NY)
• Xochitl Torres Small (Coward-NM)
• Jeff Van Drew (Coward/Fake Dem-NJ)
Nonetheless, Robert Costa reported for the Washington Post about the cracks beginning to open between congressional Republicans. "One Senate Republican, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak candidly [later identified as Ben Sasse of Nebraska], said the transcript’s release was a 'huge mistake' that the GOP now has to confront and defend-- while the party argues at the same time that House Democrats are overreaching with their impeachment inquiry of Trump."
Trump sought to make sure Republicans would stay in line so-- something he learned from Mafia attorney Roy Cohn an all-around scumbag and historical monster Trump idolizes-- he attacked Romney in a way no Republican facing election wants to see his or her name attached to. Look at this disgusting Trump tweet aimed at humiliating and shaming a member of his own party, while threatening other Republicans to not step out of line. The following say Trump was slightly-- for him-- more subtle. Here's a look at his Twitter feed early in the morning:
Axios reporters Margaret Talev and Alayna Treene took a swing at showing how Señor Trumpanzee is trying to revive his 2016 playbook, "trying to sully or smear the Biden family reputation, like he did with the Clintons during his last campaign." Personally, I'm certain he's doing this to ensure that Democratic primary voters who loath him so passionately will give him the weakest opponent. Whether that's true or not, these six parts of the playbook would be seen as hurting Biden in the general:
• Argue that your opponent is guilty of something as bad or worse than the accusations against you.
• Create constant fog, amplified by Twitter. Allege the media is guilty, too.
• Convince party leaders and Fox News to fall instantly in line, focused solely on your opponent’s supposed transgressions.
• Demand documents and testimony, fostering an “everyone’s dirty and hiding something” atmosphere.
• Stymie anyone on your side who’s thinking of dissenting by torching them on Twitter, like he did to Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT).
• Bet that your own standing, while getting no better, gets no worse.
Labels: 2020 congressional elections, Cuellar, Dary Rezvani, Devin Nunes, impeaching Trump, Jon Hoadley, Mike Siegel, Ukraine
Yay Howie! Orange jumpsuit coming Trump's way. That would be a spectacular first in American history. Can't imagine it will happen in reality though. Interesting how Trump always projects onto others crimes that he has committed himself. For example, at an informal talk at the U.N., he accused those who informed the whistleblower of committing treason, when he himself has clearly done so.
If Trump doe get impeached by the Senate, which is an outside possibility but one all the same, Pence would pardon him immediately, wouldn't he? Or perhaps Pence will also be caught up in this scandal and removed from office as well. After all, he did Trump's bidding on the Ukraine front just like Barr and Giuliani. Then Nancy would become Prez. Ha ha ha.
As Eugene Robinson said, "Buckle up." We are on a wild ride. Hey maybe democracy will actually hold! What a thought! We can hope. The Dems must fight and fight hard.
"...After reviewing the matter for several weeks, Justice Department officials concluded the law had not been broken and closed the matter without ever opening a formal investigation."
Ok. And why would they not so conclude. I mean after all AG holder had several years to review $21 trillion in financial fraud and concluded that no laws had been broken, and even though they had been broken, none of those laws were broken by human beings. Only corporations were fined about .05% of the total in fraud. If you commit $21 trillion in fraud and get to keep 99.95% of it while keeping your job and bonuses... that's a pretty good scam.
Hone... dems must fight hard??? that hasn't happened since maybe... 1966.
Pelosi will allow a slow pretense of a proto-investigation, at some point will do a whip count, and will demur citing lack of votes.
And, frankly, Schiff humiliated himself with his "parody". He should be removed.
There should be concurrent impeachments of barr and the dni and some others too. Where are they? The DNI blatantly violated the law. Barr has also blatantly refused to do his job (well, there is a precedent if you read 6:00) in protecting his Svengali.
The defining characteristic of government in this shithole, both parties, is nobody does their goddamn job.
NOW Democrats get brave? I am reminded of a pack of Chihuahuas who are fiercely brave as long as there is a fence between them and what they are barking at. Nancy is that fence, and they will do their part in distracting the voters away from the farce which Nancy Pelosi is conducting to try to limit public outrage and save the corporatist corruption machine from the mob with the torches and pitchforks coming for them.
The Republicans never had me. The "Democrats" have lost me. I am going to be VERY selective about who gets my votes from now on, for I'm no longer amused by the Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber Show.
Yeah, Holder is an asshole and Schiff is a boob (more often than not) who is certainly not my choice to be the face of the impeachment effort. But looking at the events of the last few days and deciding THOSE are the guys you want to excoriate reveals you "both" as the ridiculous conservative bullshit artist(s) you are. You may as well post "nyah nyah, can't hear you!" next time. I know it's hard for those of you with partisan attachments to the GOP (as well as room-temperature IQs) to understand this, but try and focus: there is a HUGE difference between the pathetic "governance that would in no way shape or form threaten the 1 percent" ethos which marked Obama's presidency and the sheer insanity of the corruption levels that mark the Trump administration. You keep making these simple-minded "but but Democraps are just as bad" posts, but Trump (much as Bush Jr. did from 2000 onward) has kicked it up to a whole 'nother level. Ignoring malfeasance because of a disinclination to challenge power is NOT the same as attempting to blackmail an entire country into coughing up dirt on your political opponents. Jesus. How dense do you have to be to NOT get that?
10:46, we get it. we get the whole thing, even the part you refuse to get.
we get that as horrible the democraps are, the neo-nazis are worse. And when the line gets a little thin, the neo-nazis go further... and the democraps then follow.
we point out that the democraps are this bad because when, not if, the anti-red tsunami sweeps them into office, they will refuse to earn it again/still and will then be swept back out again in another cycle or two, as in 2010. And when, not if, that happens, the Nazis that are swept in will be far worse (think trump vs. cheney/bush).
lather, rinse, repeat.
the only way to get off this escalator to hell is to GET THE FUCK OFF OF IT!. That means stop electing democraps and find someone/something that will actually force things to improve.
Mind you, we know this is a tall order and won't be easy. But it's still a fact that the past 50 years proves.. and 2020 will prove again because it's still the Nazis vs. the democraps and DWT and you will shriek that the democraps aren't as bad and therefore must be swept in.
But 2022 or 2024 will be the next jump downward, as 2016 was a jump down from 2007.
lather, rinse, repeat. it's the repeat you never seem to get.
@10:46 They're not dense, they're just aware that our political system is a runaway choo-choo train to oppressive fascism. Switching locomotive from Dem to Repub or vice versa doesn't change the destination. You're argument is, if we all drag our feet, we can slow down the arrival time.
trump won't resign. the Rs will have to actually vote to impeach.
and then trump will declare martial law.
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