Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

The United States has been undergoing incremental fascism for decades but in Donald Trump, those who hold dear a vision of dictatorial totalitarian government for the United States have found a perfect tool for a great leap forward towards the realization and final implementation of their sick dreams. Trump, of course, shares in those dreams and relishes those dreams. He's always been a white supremacist. No doubt, he's always been severely mentally ill. And, he's always expressed a love for the totalitarian dictators he envies with all his blackened heart; Duterte, Putin, Kim Jong-un (who he professes his absolute love for, right down to fawning about his "beautiful letters.") These are the men he loves. These are the men who demand to be the law of their lands. These are the men who murder their opponents and even family members. These are the men who Trump wishes to be, and, step by step, he is getting closer to being. He has accomplices, accomplices like Stephan Miller, Mitch McConnell, Sean Hannity, Richard Spencer, Lindsey Graham, Steve Mnuchin, Rupert Murdoch, the Mercer family, the Koch brothers and the captains of industry and the Russian oligarchs who shovel big money his way... He has whole rat's nests of active supporters and passive enablers from Wall Street to K Street to the Capitol Building itself.

Sleep well, America. Keep sleeping while your dreams are stolen, if you haven't all but handed all of them over without a peep of protest or action already. Sleep well. Don't worry. Your local mall will still be open tomorrow. Maybe you can even get your third or fourth part time minimum wage job there; that is if you haven't been rounded up while you slept and put in a cage. And, you thought it was just going to be immigrant children.

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At 6:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are reports this morning that senior House members are pushing Pelosi to allow impeachment inquiries. If she refuses, it's game over.

At 6:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the constitution had been reduced to 'just a goddamn piece of paper' officially since 2000. cheney/bush ignored every single part of it and got laws passed that were purposely anticonstitutional (PATRIOT...) with democrap bipartisanship.

And don't bitch just about barr. holder and rice refused to enforce finance fraud and torture laws for 8 years.

your meme is absolutely valid. but trump is only the latest in a long line that includes obamanation.

And voters affirm this meme every. single. time.

At 6:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually, a study has shown that the American middle was hollowed out starting in 2000 and has not recovered.

and I know of several malls that are closed because brick&mortar stores can't make it any more.

so parts of your meme are, let's just say dated.

At 8:20 AM, Anonymous Ida Jurie said...

6:44- I believe Noah's first sentence about the decades long creeping fascism addresses that. It even Looks like Noah thinks this problem goes way back way before 2000, as he's mentioned for years many times before. The same sentence also makes clear that Trump is part of a long line.

At 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ida, you may be correct. But the inference in each and every meme is that it's trump's fault. it isn't.

yes, we've been hollowing out the middle since Carter's inflation of the late '70s. We got rolling with real momentum once Reagan first cut taxes for the rich and started mushrooming the debt. That total debt, somewhere around $23 trillion now, represents the money that is being borrowed and given to the uber rich. That's why we now have more billionaires than we used to have millionaires.

Yet Noah's meme still infers it's all trump's fault.

trump is the latest in over 4 decades of this shit, and voters affirm the meme every. single. time.

maybe noah should do a meme about how fucking stupid voters are. that would cover all of his past and future memes. A master meme, if you will.

At 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:50- Contrary to what you say in your reply to Ida Jurie, Noah's comment on the meme makes it clear that Trump is not alone and that he is only the "perfect tool for a great leap forward" in something that has been going on for decades. Memes, by definition, are not a book. Noah presents them and makes a comment. I bet the column is called Meme Of The Day for a reason and, today, Trump is the number one force behind the chaos and evil being pushed on us no matter how much you wish to deflect criticism away from him by pointing your finger at others. Too bad you weren't around for Noah's Idiocracy series.

At 2:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trump is NOT the #1 force behind all that ails us/US. He never was. He is just the inevitable stepping stone between obamanation and whatever comes next, which will be worse.

The force behind it all is the stupidity and evil of us/US. After all, who elected trump? trump did not elect himself.
Who keeps electing Pelosi in spite of her horrible performance? scummer? joe manchin? mcturtle? name all 532 others. who elected them?
After the DNC rigged 2016, who almost elected $hillbillary? After the DNC rigs 2020, who will almost elect biden?

Who has refused for 40 years to elect representatives who truly serve the electorate?

trump isn't a perfect tool for some amorphous evil. he's a perfectly predictable and inevitable tool for a colossally stupid and evil electorate who always expands the evil they elect.

As Pogo said, "we have met the enemy and he is us".


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